Chapter 1044
"Then...then what's going on? Tell me." Zhou Yahe said anxiously.

Hearing his wife's obviously aggressive words, Zhang Wending quickly said: "Don't worry, I..."

"I'm not in a hurry? Can I not be in a hurry? I'm going to die of anxiety! Come back to me quickly, our precious girl's home will be gone, what's the use of you still messing around outside!" Zhou Yahe directly interrupted Zhang Wending If so, he yelled angrily at the phone.

"I don't think our daughter is to blame for this incident. The reason should be on Wendong's side. Before leaving, Wendong said that as long as Hanhan kills the child, he can do anything, right? The problem should lie with the child. body." Zhang Wending calmly analyzed.

"Child? What's the problem with the child? Could it be that that stinky boy Wendong suspects that the child is not his? This..." Zhou Yahe also felt that it made sense when she heard her husband's analysis. After Dong left, her daughter just cried and didn't speak. Could it be that Wen Dong knelt down to apologize, but instead took the initiative to take responsibility for her daughter? In fact, it was Han Han's fault?

Zhou Yahe's expression changed, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that there was such a possibility. Her daughter's temper was a bit twisted, and Wendong speaks so many foreign languages. She might take revenge on Wendong if she couldn't figure it out, and then have sex with other men...

"You bitch, what nonsense are you talking about!" Hearing Zhou Yahe talking to himself, Zhang Wending on the phone couldn't help but scolded.

"What? Don't tell me what you mean? I think it's possible. After all, Wen Dong is not very honest. Our daughter..."

"Okay, stop rambling, it's impossible!" Zhang Wending said affirmatively, and then explained helplessly: "You are still Hanhan's mother anyway, you don't know the character of our daughter? She is married to Wendong, it is impossible to have an affair even if she is killed!"

"Well...that's not bad, but..."

"It's nothing serious, are you still with your daughter?" Zhang Wending interrupted her suspicion and asked.

"Of course, my daughter has been hiding in the house crying, where else can I go? I don't dare to go anywhere." Zhou Yahe snorted angrily: "You are good, and now you still have the mind to find your wild lover, There is no good thing for a man, no one reliable."

"When is this, what are you still talking about! It was almost 30 years ago, and you still mention it!" Zhang Wending said angrily.

"Then what do you say, it's getting better now, why did something go wrong again?" Zhou Yahe asked in confusion.

"There must be problems, but we can't solve them. You can pack up and go home. In case Wendong comes back, you will meddle there again. There are only bad things, not good things." Zhang Wending said.

"But I'm gone, what about my daughter, Hanhan is still..."

"My daughter has to be strong. It's okay. What happened at the beginning was more serious than this. Is there nothing wrong with her? I'll go back tomorrow, and then I will personally ask what happened to that boy Wendong. As for you, just Don't ask, and don't call Wendong. Don't worry, they won't get divorced, I'm sure." Zhang Wending said with certainty.

Zhou Yahe doesn't know, but he has personally experienced what happened on the boat. He knows that his son-in-law is not an ordinary person. Maybe he has his own considerations, but Hanhan's wife doesn't know, and Wendong's kid does too. Open up and explain clearly!
After all, he is still a little tender in his life!
"Okay then, come back as soon as you have nothing to do, I... I'll pack up and make dinner for my daughter and go home." Zhou Yahe muttered and sighed.



"Bang bang..."


In the specially modified training room in the basement of Qingcheng Nightclub, violent muffled noises could be heard constantly, accompanied by occasional painful muffled hums. That voice was indescribably painful.In addition, occasionally there were bursts of shrill roars, as if a raging beast was howling in the training room...

At this time, in this specially transformed basement, Wen Dong's eyes were scarlet, as if he had completely lost his mind, his face was distorted and hideous, his pupils were filled with a strong murderous aura, and he kept mad at the people around him. s attack……

There are more than a dozen people in the basement, all young masters who came out of the base to protect the Qingcheng Gang.In the basement, except for Wendong, the rest of the people looked at Wendong with horror in their eyes at this time, and they tried their best to resist Wendong's crazy attack, even more than a dozen of them Together at the same time, Quicai can barely withstand Wendong's violent attack.And this is obviously Wen Dong's strong suppression of his own strength, and even so, the dozens of people attacked by Wen Dong are already bruised and swollen, and there are many injuries on their bodies, but none of them choose to escape... …

Including Wen Dong, everyone's every attack is simple and crisp, without any fancy moves, all in the form of head-to-head...

Besides the training time, there were already more than a dozen young masters leaning or lying there, changing batches after batches, just like this crazy battle, almost all the young masters were pulled by Zhang Yifeng, and they persisted for nearly In half an hour, except for Wendong, everyone inside and outside the underground trainer was lying on the ground, almost without the strength to stand up...


Wen Dong let out another roar like a beast, and rushed towards a young man with broken hair who was leaning against the wall and panting violently...

His hair was wet with sweat. Seeing Brother Wen Dong's tireless figure approaching in an instant, the handsome young man leaning against the wall had a wry smile on his face, but he didn't move. It wasn't that he didn't want to move, but that he had already Without any strength to resist, now every bone in his body has a kind of pain like a needle prick. This is Wen Dong's strength to control himself.

Seeing Brother Wen Dong's right hand bent towards his throat, Zhang Yifeng smiled wryly and closed his eyes...

"Wendong, don't..."

However, at this moment, a hoarse and hasty exclamation suddenly came from the door of the training room. Immediately afterwards, a small figure rushed forward, and without knowing where the strength came from, Zhang Yifeng who was about to close his eyes and wait for death Push away, but she herself stops in front of Wendong.

"Sister-in-law!" Zhang Yifeng yelled in horror when he saw the rushing figure, and wanted to turn back to stop him, but his steps were vain, and he staggered and fell to the ground.


Without any hesitation, Wen Dong's right hand directly grabbed the throat of the petite woman who suddenly appeared in front of him. The cold light in his eyes flashed, containing the meaning of crazy cruelty, and he was about to break the woman's neck...

"Wendong..." The woman whose throat was grabbed was Su Yuemeng who was called by Zhener from the company. At this time, Wendong pinched her throat, and there was a flash of pain in her eyes. Then looking at Wendong, two tears fell silently down his cheeks, there was a trace of panic in his eyes, and everything else was worry and uneasiness...

However, Wen Dong's body visibly trembled violently following the cry, and his originally crazy eyes showed a strong sense of struggle.Immediately, he slowly regained a trace of sanity...

"Yuemeng?" Wen Dong, who had regained a trace of clarity and sanity, looked in bewilderment at the sad and beautiful cheeks that were caught by his throat and couldn't breathe, and his face was flushed, but tears were dripping. There was a trace of bewilderment in his eyes. After a while, she seemed to realize that she immediately sent Su Yuemeng's neck away, and quickly took a step back. At the same time, her body swayed, and she sat limply on the ground, ignoring the sweat and exhaustion all over her body, her eyes were in the underground training room. After looking around, I finally understood what happened...

And Su Yuemeng, who lost the restraint on her neck, also sat on the ground with her soft body and buttocks due to holding her breath for a long time, but she didn't care about other things, she quickly moved her buttocks to Wendong's side, and said in a worried and anxious tone: "Wen Dong, are you okay? How are you feeling? Don't scare me?"

Su Yuemeng threw out a series of questions in a mess, and she was obviously frightened.

Zhang Yifeng, who leaned against the wall and staggered up, raised his head and glared fiercely at Zhen'er who appeared at the door of the training room, secretly thinking that he was lucky.If Brother Wen Dong was not woken up by his sister-in-law in the end, if he accidentally killed his sister-in-law, I am afraid that both he and Zhener would be blamed for committing suicide.

"Brother Wendong, are you awake?" Zhang Yifeng saw that Wendong was just sitting on the ground panting, his expression was a little dazed, and he immediately showed joy, and walked up to him.

It seems that Brother Wendong can control his own killing signs.

A firm mind does not mean that the killing sign is impossible.Most of the killing syndrome patients are exhausted to the last sliver of strength before finally waking up. To be honest, all the masters of the entire Qingcheng Gang are not enough to see together, but fortunately, Brother Wendong woke up in time come over.

"It's okay, I'm okay, Yuemeng, I scared you, I'm sorry, I..." Wendong reached out to embrace Su Yuemeng who crawled over with a worried face, reached out and wiped the tears on her cheeks, and said comfortingly .

"It's okay, as long as you're okay." Su Yue dreamed that Wendong seemed to have returned to normal state, and she burst into tears of joy, saying that just now his scarlet eyes were about to kill her, which really scared her.

"Yifeng, what's the matter with me? Why did I suddenly lose my mind?" Wendong said with a hint of confusion in his eyes, looking at Zhang Yifeng who also lost his strength and sat down in front of him.

"En." Zhang Yifeng nodded silently: "Brother Wendong, did you encounter something very unhappy or even furious today but you can't think about it? Your mood swings are a bit big..."

In front of his sister-in-law, Zhang Yifeng didn't dare to say too much, but he looked at Wendong with doubts in his eyes.He is very aware of this strange disease. To be precise, almost every one of them has a strange disease. It is the root of the disease caused by too many killings in the base killing training and execution of missions, just like the veterans who are often said Syndrome, but as killers, their condition is much more serious than Veteran Syndrome.

(End of this chapter)

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