How bad guys are made

Chapter 1017 Base Leader - Wendong

Chapter 1017 Base Leader - Wendong

After confirming that the costumer was dead, Wen Dong wiped his fists on his clothes casually, and couldn't help being a little excited. The defense has been raised to an unprecedented level, and even without fighting spirit, one can easily kill a builder.

Wen Dong shook his numb fist, seeing that Zhang Xiuxiu and the others had already dealt with their opponents without any casualties.Turning around, he walked towards Li Yi and the girl in black who seemed to have been terrified, and said with a slight smile, "Are you all right?"

"It's okay. This... sir, thank you very much." After all, Li Yi was old-fashioned, and he was the first to recover from the shock, and at this point, no matter how stupid he was, he would understand.The young man in front of him who looked a year or two younger than himself must be far stronger than he expected, even much stronger than Ling Yun and Zhang Xiuxiu, and his heart was filled with ecstasy and excitement.

On the side, the girl in black named Zi Ling also opened her small mouth slightly, and Shui Ling's big eyes looked at the cowardly person whom she despised just now in surprise. She didn't expect to give her a bad first impression. The strength of the young man is actually much stronger than the masters in their base.

As a well-trained student at the base, Ziling understood the reason for it a while ago.In the beginning, the reason why sister Zhang Xiuxiu pretended not to know the two of them was because the other party had a hot weapon in his hand.If you start a war rashly, with the injuries of yourself and Brother Li, you will definitely cause casualties, but it is much better to attack them unawares with such a violent attack.

Thinking of how she cursed him in her heart just now, Zi Ling felt a little apologetic, she muttered with her pale mouth in fright, but looked up at him, apologizing: "I'm sorry, I just... ah, you, you are leader?"

"The leader? What leader? You mean the leader of the Qingcheng base?" Hearing Ziling's exclamation, Li Yi was also taken aback, and then looked strangely at this seemingly young but extremely powerful young man in military uniform in front of him. After sweeping over his body, he seemed to think of something after a while, and suddenly cried out in disbelief.

Ziling stared closely at the delicate face in front of her with her beautiful eyes. She remembered that when she went to sister Yingzi some time ago to ask for advice on the practice method of "Guying Phantom Killing", she was lucky enough to enter sister Yingzi's room, and in her bed A photo frame was placed on his head, and the person in the photo frame was this young man.And Yingzi said that this man is the new leader of the base, and the cheat book of "Guying Huansha" she got was given by the leader.At that time, I was puzzled, so I couldn't help but take a few more glances, but the appearance of the young man in front of me was somewhat different from the photo, and now I looked at him closely, but I was sure that it was the same person at all.He is the leader of the base, Wendong!

As for why Wendong changed his appearance, it was naturally because the earth qi tempered his body during the retreat, which changed his face a little.

Looking at the shock on the faces of the two, Wen Dong smiled and said: "If there is no second leader in Qingcheng Base, I think the leader you are talking about should be me, and I am Wendong."

Seeing Wen Dong nodding, Li Yi and Zi Ling's expressions of shock grew stronger. The name Wen Dong has almost become a well-known celebrity in the Qingcheng base in the past two months.Everyone knows that he is the new leader of the Qingcheng base, and he is also the provider of those advanced cheats and pills that they have never seen before.However, they only heard Yingzi say that the leader was busy and couldn't come to the base in a short time. They only heard his name, but they couldn't see him.

"I'm sorry, I'm late." Looking at the shocked expressions of the two, Wen Dong apologized and stretched out his hand to help them up.

Hearing Wen Dong's apology, Li Yi and Zi Ling finally recovered from the shock. The former was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Wen Dong excitedly and said, "You are here to rescue Miss Yingzi and the others. ? They are saved, they are saved."


Among the lush green mountains and forests, the lingering smoke curls up, and the smell of barbecue comes out, making people unable to resist the original ecological and comfortable life.Only the icy eyes flashed occasionally among the dense leaves of the forest, vigilantly searching the surrounding grass for every movement, and the dagger in the waist sleeve reflected a icy light from time to time against the twilight of the western sky, adding to the tranquility. Gathered a chilling air.

Under the heavily covered green shade, following the scent, one can find a fire pile randomly set up on the gravel. Stand or sit in a circle.

A hare is roasting on the fire, and on the bluestone beside it, there are bloody meat that has been peeled off, big or small, or in the shape of a column. Those who often practice wild things can see at a glance that these It's all rat meat, snake meat, the unpleasant smell of blood mixed with the smell of meat roasted on the fire grill, it smells disgusting...

The girls looked eagerly at the only hare on the fire frame, their throats moved slightly, and they secretly swallowed their saliva.

"Three days." On the side, a petite woman in tight black clothes stood quietly, with a strong hesitation and anxiety in her tone.

Yingzi looked a little embarrassed in her dilapidated black outfit, and her pretty white face that could be broken by bullets was now a bit haggard like vicissitudes of life. Three days of eating and sleeping in the open air made her lose the beauty and charm of the past , face unwashed, hair uncombed, like a savage in the mountains, only the white and delicate skin occasionally exposed by the torn clothes can tell that this is a delicate and charming woman.

Hearing Yingzi's words, Gu Fengshuang, who was sitting cross-legged beside him, also nodded slightly, and immediately glanced at the fire frame, and said helplessly: "I'm afraid Feng Han really guessed it, the leader must have been ambushed, if not Maybe we haven't arrived for so long, after tonight, we can only try to make an assault and make a desperate fight!" At the end of the speech, the cold and stern face was full of thick bloodlust.

In the past few days, their life was not stable. The costumers who blocked the Taniguchi would often rush in to harass him. He fought Gu Fenghan and Yingzi repeatedly, and he was injured a lot, and even five students were injured. A female student was captured alive, apparently about to be raped, and finally committed suicide directly.Danger and death, like the layers of tree crowns above the head, cast a lingering haze of terror on everyone's hearts.And the only advantage is that after these few days of continuous fighting, the fighting spirit in their bodies and Feng Han's body seems to be stronger and more stable, and they are more skillful in using it and volatile, but compared to these losses, they would rather not have it.

And Gu Fengshuang's conjecture was once again confirmed from the repeated siege and counter-breakout in the past few days, the other party just besieged but did not kill!

Siege the city and fight for aid!

These students are all elites selected from the base, and they are leftovers from the previous siege and interception. Naturally, their strong psychological quality is nothing, but the most difficult thing is-there is no food!

Due to several sneak attacks, the five students lost were all because they went out to look for food, so in desperation they could only narrow down the scope of hunting for wild animals, and the surrounding hares had already been caught by them, even Even snakes and rats are hard to find. If this continues, they will starve to death without the other party rushing to kill them.

"Miss Yingzi, what are you doing? This is our food." At this moment, a man's voice came out, a little anxious.

"It's okay, I can eat." Yingzi said vaguely, frowning, resisting the urge to vomit, and swallowed a piece of bloody snake meat into her stomach.

"Everyone, eat quickly. After eating, we will make a breakout plan and act at night." Yingzi's throat rolled, and she forcibly swallowed the sticky snake meat, opening her mouth and saying.

"Okay." Hearing Yingzi's order, all the male students grabbed the raw meat from the bluestone and stuffed it into their mouths.

And the male student who just skinned a mouse with a sharp dagger in one hand smiled and said, "This is mine." As soon as the words fell, he directly peeled the skinned mouse with its flesh. The internal organs were directly thrown into his mouth, chewing vigorously, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, he quickly stretched out his tongue to lick it clean, it seemed very delicious.

And the few girls really couldn't swallow these raw meat, especially the snake and rat meat. They looked at the male students with shame, and tore off a piece of cooked rabbit meat to share.

Seeing the appearance of all the male students grabbing raw meat, Yingzi couldn't help nodding slightly, and sighed in her heart, if these people can get out of this predicament, although I dare not say how much they will achieve in the future, but after going through this difficulty, everyone shares weal and woe, Must be united!

There is only one reason why many people choose to eat raw meat, because it is high in energy and difficult to digest.Eat a meal of raw meat, and you won't feel hungry if you don't eat for a day.During camping training, each catty of raw beef can go without food for three days.But eating cooked meat has no such effect.

"Squeak——" Everyone had just finished sharing the food. Ten minutes later, Yingzi was about to discuss the breakout plan with everyone. With a rustling sound, several vigorous figures jumped off the tree and rushed towards them.

"It's coming again, ready to fight!" Gu Fenghan, who seemed to be asleep while leaning against a tree, opened his eyes suddenly, but there was a chill in his quiet eyes, and the two foot-long daggers slowly unsheathed , a cold and murderous aura waved out.

And hearing the sound of the police whistle and Gu Fenghan's affirmation, Yingzi's face changed slightly, her eyes suddenly shifted to Taniguchi, and she said in a deep voice: "Be careful, everyone, and protect the injured students well."

Hearing this, a few older graduates who had been in the mercenary regiment for several years quickly retreated, surrounded a few students with pale faces and obvious injuries, and looked at Taniguchi's direction with the same vigilance.Gu Fengshuang stood beside Yingzi, with the blood ax in his hand hanging down, against the backdrop of the setting sun, on the blade of the axe, the little bloodstains reflected the icy blood...

(End of this chapter)

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