How bad guys are made

Chapter 1014 Zhang Xiuxiu's ghostly thoughts

Chapter 1014 Zhang Xiuxiu's ghostly thoughts

"Further ahead is the Blackwater Swamp." Poison Manman looked at the distance and said with certainty: "Everyone must follow me closely, there are many swamps and mires here, and over time, the poisonous insects in the swamp It is very powerful, and if one accidentally falls into it, there will be no small trouble."

"Xiuxiu, are you okay?" Du Manman asked, seeing Zhang Xiuxiu nodding his head.

"Me? Of course I can do it." Zhang Xiuxiu was stunned for a moment, then curled her lips and said.

Hearing Du Manman's reminder, Wen Dong glanced at Zhang Xiuxiu, who was at the side, and saw that her face was flushed and she was slightly panting, so she couldn't help frowning: "Is it really possible?"

"Of course, you are all fine, why would I have a problem?" Hearing Wendong's question like this, Zhang Xiuxiu seemed to be greatly insulted, she straightened her waist and hummed.

"Okay, let's continue on our way." Hearing what she said, Wen Dong didn't ask any more questions.

"There is a gas mask in my pocket, take it with us and start our journey." Du Manman reminded and said again: "The Blackwater Swamp is not small, but we pass through it diagonally, and we can get out of the Blackwater Swamp in about 10 minutes."

"Yeah." Wen Dong nodded, and the three of them quickly took out the anti-virus masks that had been prepared from their pockets and put them on. Suddenly, a fresh smell of herbs came into their nostrils. This thing was obviously soaked in the special medicinal liquid, and Not only can it be anti-virus, but it can also prevent poisonous insects from getting into the nose and mouth.

Wendong looked at Du Manman, who was walking in front of him, whose pace had slowed down a little, and said in his heart that it was lucky that she led the way this time, otherwise, it would be troublesome, although he did not have to bypass those so-called dark sentries in the forest, he certainly would not It will be life-threatening, but it will definitely waste a lot of time.And this Poison Manman looks carefree, but in fact he is thoughtful.Thinking about it, otherwise, she would not have been able to make a living as a drug dealer in the past. People with this kind of profession are not only brave enough to do it, they must be thoughtful and well-planned, otherwise they would have been arrested and thrown into prison.

"Hey, let me tell you, Xiuxiu, you've been pampered a little too much in Qingcheng these days, right? Do you think you're blushing? Are you so tired?" Several people followed Du Manman's footsteps carefully, and Ling Yun's voice came from behind him. Masked muffled laughter.

"I want you to care, go your way, and be careful not to break your dog's leg." Zhang Xiuxiu retorted angrily, with a hint of panting in her tone.

"Hey, look, your face is so red that you've turned into a monkey's ass, be careful to fall into the mud and become a mud monkey, quack..." Ling Yun laughed triumphantly without changing his nature.

"Go to hell you!"

"Are you okay? Do you want to rest for a while?" Wen Dong slowed down, and when Zhang Xiuxiu followed, she also found that her face was flushed with exhaustion, her head was sweating profusely, and there were puffs of breath under the mask, which were faintly visible The mask covered a small mouth that was slightly open for panting.

"It's okay, it's important." Zhang Xiuxiu shook her head and said.

After walking for a few minutes, Wendong found that Zhang Xiuxiu was dropped by dozens of meters behind him, so he turned back in desperation.At this moment, Du Manman, who was walking in front, also stopped, and turned to look at Zhang Xiuxiu, who seemed to be quite tired behind, with a strange expression.

"Why did you stop?" Zhang Xiuxiu asked angrily and curiously when she saw Wen Dong coming back, her slender waist slightly bent.

"Come on, I'll carry you." Wen Dong knelt down and said.

"Ah? Are you carrying me?" Zhang Xiuxiu asked in surprise, "Aren't you tired?"

"I'm fine, but your speed is too slow, hurry up, don't dawdle, you can't be shy." Wen Dong patted himself on the shoulder and urged.

"Oh, okay." Zhang Xiuxiu seemed a little embarrassed, but her speed was not slow, and she just jumped up like a sloth and hung her whole body on Wen Dong's body.

"It's done, I don't care if it falls." Wen Dong straightened up, stretched out his hands to support her legs behind her and said.

"Enen, thank you, Brother Wendong." Zhang Xiuxiu lay on Wendong's shoulder very obediently, without moving.

"You still say thank you?" Wen Dong said speechlessly.

"Hey, drag my ass, it really made me fall, I don't have the strength in my hands now." Zhang Xiuxiu smiled flatteringly, and the delicate body hanging behind Wen Dong's back jumped up.

"Don't move around." Zhang Xiuxiu has already matured, and her pair of bulging breasts has grown to a large size. At this time, she is wearing little clothes in the south, and Wendong can't stand her jumping up and down. warned.

"Xiuxiu, it seems that you have been slacking off when you go to the water market." Du Manman saw Wendong walking towards Zhang Xiuxiu with his back on his back, and looked at Zhang Xiuxiu, who only showed a small head, with strange eyes.

"Hmph, that's my aunt. Otherwise, with this mountain road, how could it be difficult to get me." Zhang Xiuxiu snorted dissatisfied, and raised her willow eyebrows slightly, with a hint of joyful excitement.

Poison Manman glanced at her, turned around, and cursed in her heart that this little slut really had a cheap trick, is she here as an aunt?How could it be such a coincidence?And even if you come to Da Yima, the more than one hour shuttle on the mountain road is only the elementary standard in the training at the base, and Zhang Xiuxiu's mountain training subjects are excellent, she must be pretending!

Du Manman didn't bother to expose her petty thoughts, this little slut went to great lengths to chase after the boss...

Zhang Xiuxiu only weighed about 10 catties, so it didn't increase the burden on her back. The four of them walked through the Blackwater Swamp in [-] minutes.

"Boss, are you tired? Would you like me to carry it for you for a while?" Passing through the dangerous black water swamp, the mountains and plains are much flatter. Genjimao said lazily, and glanced at Zhang Xiuxiu who was hanging comfortably on Wendong's body with ambiguous eyes.Wen Dong didn't know much about the training courses at the base, and with Ling Yun's cleverness, he had already guessed that Zhang Xiuxiu was pretending, so how could he not play tricks with his cheap nature.

"Go away, I won't let you recite it." Zhang Xiuxiu was shocked when she heard it, and raised her head to stare at this guy fiercely, her eyes threatening.

"Hey, you don't know good people. I take the initiative to carry you, but you still scold me?" Ling Yun retorted angrily.

"Hmph, don't I know what your plan is? You want to take advantage of my mother." Zhang Xiuxiu snorted coldly and said disdainfully.

"How can I take advantage of you, then you are not afraid that the boss will take advantage of you?"

"Brother Wendong took advantage of me, my wife is happy, you can control it..." Zhang Xiuxiu said, and made a head-cutting gesture to Ling Yun behind Wendong's back, which was very threatening.

Wen Dong: "..."

"Hey, of course I don't care about it." Ling Yun just teased her, so naturally he couldn't really spoil her good deeds.

"Come down, the mountain road is easy to walk now." Wen Dong squatted down and said.

"Ah?" Zhang Xiuxiu was surprised when she noticed that her feet were on the ground. How long has it been?
"Hurry up." Wen Dong noticed the hidden smile on the corner of Du Manman's mouth, and wondered if he had been tricked by this stinky girl. Frowning slightly, he stretched out his hand and patted her buttocks to urge her.

"Ling Yun, you stinking mouth, you are going to die, my old lady is at odds with you..."

"Hey, Zhang Xiuxiu, why are you crazy? What does this have to do with me..." Seeing Zhang Xiuxiu rushing fiercely, Ling Yun quickly jumped away, explaining in a somewhat embarrassed tone.

Du Manman, who was walking in front, saw that the two seemed to be fighting, and shrugged helplessly. This Ling Yun is also cheap enough, he really deserves a beating.Just as she was about to step up and lead the way, her steps suddenly stopped, her willow eyebrows were bent into crescent shapes, and she squinted slightly at the distant mountains and forests.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Du Manman's change, Wen Dong who was about to reprimand the two of them asked suspiciously.

Seeing that the expressions of the two suddenly became serious, Ling Yun and Zhang Xiuxiu, who were fighting, stopped quickly and looked at them suspiciously.

"Someone is walking towards us in front, and it looks like he is running for his life." Du Manman narrowed his eyes slightly, his two crystal clear ears trembling, and said in a firm tone. He glanced at Wendong, as if waiting for him to make a decision.

Wen Dong glanced at her in surprise, and then closed his eyes slightly, the tyrannical spiritual perception spread out in an instant, but he opened his eyes in a few seconds, and looked at Du Manman with some surprise in his eyes.

There were indeed people in front of him, and there were more than one, but what surprised him was how Pou Manman would know that he is now at the peak level of an extraordinary master, and such a powerful spiritual power still needs subtle perception to detect, but Poison Manman is not even considered the peak of human beings, but he is more keenly aware of it in advance than himself.

"I have some special tricks." Seeing Wendong's surprised expression, Du Manman explained with a smile.

"Gu worms." Zhang Xiuxiu obviously knew Du Manman very well, and said with a sour tone.

"Well, just in case, I let some Gu worms spread around us all the time, so I can predict in advance." Du Manman nodded his head and explained to Wendong.

"Oh, that's how it is." Wen Dong suddenly realized, but he still couldn't help but look at her more. The base really has hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and there are all kinds of strange people.

"Is it possible that people from our base were hunted down?" Wen Dong just wanted to say no, although he asked suddenly.

"It's almost impossible, because there is still a long distance from Pocket Valley, and it's very chaotic here, and there are often hunts and kills." Du Manman shook his head, obviously suggesting to Wendong not to meddle in these nosy things , this chaotic zone is staging vendettas every day, and she has long been used to it.

"Boss reminded me. Is it possible that Pocket Valley can't be defended anymore, and the training team was scattered and hunted down?" Ling Yun said a possibility with a quick mind.

"Shut up your crow's mouth." Zhang Xiuxiu cursed at him angrily, obviously still brooding about the bastard who ruined the warmth between her and Brother Wendong just now.


(End of this chapter)

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