How bad guys are made

Chapter 1011 Something Big Has Happened!

Chapter 1011 Something Big Has Happened!

Holding the hilt of the sword tightly with his right hand, Wen Dong's body stood up straight like a javelin, but there was a sharp and sharp aura emanating from his body quietly, his face was tense, and the sword of chaos in his hand slowly rose to the platform, and then with a At a very slow speed, gently slashing, teasing, chopping, sweeping, stabbing in front of him...

The basic attack method of using the sword was slowly displayed by Wen Dong at a speed that was more than ten times slower at this time, one after another, and with the shaking of the wrist, the speed of swinging the sword was also accelerating Speed ​​up, and in the end, Wen Dong's entire body is almost wrapped in a black and white ball, and this ball is simply the phantom left by the sword of Chaos hesitating to chop too fast .And such an exquisite swordsmanship, but Wendong has never possessed it...

A big black and white ball rang out above the forest sea where the wind was whistling, and it was rolling rapidly on it, and there seemed to be a strange energy around the black and white ball to hang his body from falling to the ground, and where the black and white ball passed, All the leaves were scraped into debris, and thousands of broken leaves flew up, occasionally falling into the black and white balls, and then instantly shattered into pieces.

The swaying between the chaos became faster and faster, and the sword flashed, it seemed that the entire sphere turned completely black, and then turned completely white at a certain moment, and in the end even the little murloc couldn't tell the difference.However, at a certain moment, when it was about to reach its peak speed, the Sword of Chaos suddenly slowed down. This sudden change made people feel as if something was blocked in their hearts, and they felt uncomfortable and wanted to vomit!
A low muffled hum sounded from the mouth of the looming figure in the black and white ball, and Wen Dong, who could vaguely be seen in it, became much paler at some point...

However, although his face was pale and ugly, Wen Dong did not stop immediately. In the depths of his mind, he kept looking back at the flash of aura when the tree waves surged, and the swaying of the sword of chaos in his hand also changed unconsciously. A trace of extremely subtle trajectory and arc...

Wen Dong's mind was calm, and the hand that was clenched on the hilt of the sword was slightly loosened. He began to give up taking the initiative to swing the sword. …

The fierce and slaying sword style gradually slowed down, replaced by the rather slow swing of the sword body. From the outsider's point of view, this kind of swordsmanship is almost full of flaws. It is not even as good as a beginner. , that is, it can make the person who wields the sword get seriously injured and retreat!

And as the sword danced, a strange brightness appeared in the black eyes again, and Wen Dong's originally slightly stiff swinging speed suddenly became extremely smooth, and with such a change, that The sword technique, which was full of flaws at first, suddenly changed drastically. The trajectory of the sword mark swings from top to bottom. The origin of the sword body is bordered.

This kind of swordsmanship is completely different from Wen Dong's previous chaotic swordsmanship that only knew how to attack with its own strength and speed.

Although Wendong has already obtained the "Swordsmanship of Qiankun Liangyi", most of the time he only uses the two branches of this set of swordsmanship skills, and his proficiency is less than ten for such a long time, mainly because he has no master to teach him at all. I can only fumble in the fight.When dealing with the enemy, most of them rely on their various powerful branch skills and BUFF blessings.Although it is said that one force can reduce ten times, this so-called one force must reach a certain level of strength in order to have such a domineering effect, and if the opponent's strength is similar, how can it be tyrannical?And at this time, the outcome will undoubtedly depend on the subtlety of the attacking moves of both sides.

In terms of exquisite moves, the swordsmanship used by Wendong may be much rougher than that of Lingyun. They must have learned it systematically since childhood, and he used the skills and energy points purely based on the skills given by the system.In terms of strength, speed and defense, Wendong now considers himself to be very strong, but the beauty of this sword move is his great weakness.In the past, if you met a planter, you might be able to buff them with slashing and slashing, breaking the opponent's defense and killing him. However, if an opponent who is becoming more and more similar to his strength in the future, if he still uses this routine, he will definitely suffer a lot. Unfortunately, the sudden enlightenment now seems to allow him to completely make up for this weakness.



The swing of the sword suddenly stopped suddenly, and a sharp wind burst out from the tip of the sword. There was only a crackling sound, and the big trees more than ten meters in front of them were cut off in unison. Half a treetop.

The body remained in the slashing posture of the sword of chaos, and the blankness in Wen Dong's eyes quickly faded away.Moments later, the clarity suddenly dawned, and he looked at the Chaos Sword in his hand with a trace of astonishment on his face. The trajectory and arc of the previous Chaos Sword's blade were lingering in his head, like a brand...

"This is……"

He opened his mouth, but Wen Dong didn't know what to say. He was just at a loss for a few hours. He didn't even know the passage of time, and the only memory in his mind during these few hours was that aura.But at this moment when he woke up, he was shocked to find that he had mastered the essence of "Swordsmanship of Qian Kun Liangyi".Although the essence has been grasped, this sword technique is only a prototype, but its power has secretly revealed the tip of the iceberg, and this tip of the iceberg alone is so powerful. It will be a great help to Wendong!
"Don't be surprised. The path of cultivation is not an accident, but a kind of chance. You met him, and you were lucky enough to grasp it firmly. This is a kind of luck." Xiaoyu A human voice slowly rang in Wen Dong's ear, with a serious tone, completely out of the usual laughter. What she said was probably some knowledge in her mind: "This kind of opportunity can be met by many people. But , They didn't catch it, but if you can catch it, it proves that you have the ability and talent to get something for nothing, it's just a joke."

"Didn't you say that I have no talent?" Hearing this, Wen Dong nodded slightly, but couldn't help asking strangely, with a stunned expression.

"I don't know how you did this." The little murloc also stretched out his hand and patted his head, with a troubled expression on his face, his innocent appearance was completely different from the seriousness just now.Then he thought for a while and said: "Your sword technique has a continuous artistic conception like a wave. It should be related to your previous tree waves. This is one of the essence of "Sword of Heaven and Kun."

"One of the marrows? What do you mean? Is this sword technique still has many mysteries?" Wen Dong looked excited, but asked strangely.

"Of course, where is this?" The little murloc rolled his eyes angrily at this protruding and excited apprentice, and said with a small mouth: "The universe is heaven and earth, and the two instruments are yin and yang, so this sword technique It is also called the Yin-Yang Shuangsheng swordsmanship."

Seeing Wendong's confused expression, the little murloc coughed and explained triumphantly: "When the world first opened, everything was chaos. Everything in the world was made of chaos, and chaos is divided into cathode and anode, so everything is chaos. Composed of yin and yang, including these seven elements, peeling off its appearance, its original essence is yin and yang, that is, chaos. Yin and yang are twins, which last for a long time, and the continuous artistic conception of your swordsmanship has a cycle of yin and yang That's a little bit of meaning, of course, it's just a little bit of meaning..."

"Uh..." After listening to the little murloc's explanation, Wen Dong twitched the corners of his mouth, as if cold water had been poured on his head, which made him feel uncomfortable.

However, this was quite enough for him, and then he suddenly glanced at the black and white Chaos Sword in his hand.

Sword of Chaos: The body of the sword is cast by chaos. It is beyond the seven elements. It is extremely sharp and indestructible. It has a 5.00% suppression effect on all items belonging to the power of the seven elements.

Wendong suddenly understood that the power of the seven elements was born of chaos, which means that chaos is their boss, so this chaos can suppress all elemental power?
The little murloc looked sideways, and saw that Wen Dong was frowning, wondering what he was thinking about. He thought that he had hit him too hard just now, so he comforted him: "But you don't have to be discouraged, the yin and yang are the same. The most mysterious thing between heaven and earth, the flow of yin and yang, has all kinds of changes. It is estimated that the founder of this "Swordsmanship of Qiankun Liangyi" has not fully understood it, and this is the most attractive part of this swordmanship, so I said this at the beginning. I can't teach you this kind of swordsmanship, you can only experience it yourself, and everyone has a different understanding of this artistic conception."

"This is just the beginning, as long as you hone it in the future, I think, I'm afraid you will create your own swordsmanship." Everything is difficult at the beginning, and now Wendong has already started, and the distance to success is only a matter of time. The question is, although the creation of swordsmanship is too far away for someone like Wen Dong who has just come into contact with swordsmanship, human beings are supposed to create miracles, and Wen Dong's ability to freely shuttle between this space and his world is an alien. Counting is a miracle.


Opening his misty eyes, Wen Dong, who was illuminated by the dim yellow light above his head, narrowed his eyes slightly uncomfortably, and moved his stiff body after a long time of hesitation. When he lowered his head, he found that the bed he was sitting on had been broken. He sat completely on the ground.

"Huh? What's going on here?" Looking down at the hard concrete floor where he was sitting, there were many fine cracks and holes. Wen Dong was stunned for a moment and suddenly realized that he should absorb the ground for his own body. When you are angry, the damage you do unconsciously.

"My retreat time is short, maybe five or six days?" One day in the outside world is worth three days in that strange space.

"I don't know if Ningyan has left the customs." Wen Dong stood up and slapped the dust on his body. muttered to himself.

"Boom..." At this moment, the iron door of the secret room was pushed open all of a sudden, Wen Dong looked up in surprise, and saw Ling Yun rushing over excitedly and anxiously: "Boss, you Alive, come on, let's go quickly..."

Wen Dong was a little confused by his tugging. He turned his head and looked at Zhang Xiuxiu who had not seen her for a long time. With a hint of anxiety.

"What's going on? What's going on?" Looking at Ling Yun's anxious expression, even though Wen Dongdang knew that something must have happened outside, the two of them must have been guarding him all the time, and rushed to see him as soon as he woke up. came in.

"Something happened, something big happened..." Ling Yun yelled, pulled Wen Dong out without saying a word, and said while pulling him, "Go, I'll talk to you on the way."

(End of this chapter)

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