Quickly wear the male god, he wants to fall in love

Chapter 1056 E-sports also has love 6

Chapter 1056 E-sports also has love 6
"They're all handsome."

Jiang Nan looks more lively, Wei Lan is very cold when she is not talking, and is very A when she smiles. In the eyes of the heroine, Wei Lan is very handsome.

White Rabbit browsed Weibo while eating takeout, and the WR team posted photos of the team members eating supper, and the table was full of red lobsters.

She nodded silently.

The next second, I received a WeChat message from Wei Lan: "What are you eating?"

White Rabbit took a takeaway and sent it to him - watching the game while eating, the fire team is a bit powerful.

He replied with two words, "Excellent."


You won't be angry, will you?

Men don't like girls saying other men are great in front of him.

White Rabbit struggled for a while, and sent his emoji.

On the other side, Wei Lan looked at the shrimp shells flying over on the phone, gently peeled them off, and wiped them with a paper towel without changing expression.

"Peel a shrimp, it can fly far enough!" A Ming teased, "Flying from the bottom road to the top road!"

"I'm Liu Bang, teleportation!" Yunfeng sat beside Wei Lan, "Jia Luo seems to be very big when he beat Diao Chan!"

They watched the game while eating, "A Ming, are you Diao Chan afraid of Jia Luo?"

"Diao Chan was not very good at playing shooters in the later stage, especially the shooters with long range. She shot from a distance, and she was shot to death before jumping in front of Jia Luo!"

"At this time, you need Liu Bang's big move!" Yunfeng raised his eyebrows proudly.

Wei Lan looked at her reply, how many emoticons of him did she save in her phone?

She won't save all the emoticons made on the Internet, will she?


She made his emoji herself.

"Liu Bang is a bit weak now!"

"I think Liu Bang and Hua Mulan were such a strong combination back then. Wei Lan and I, the two of us are perfect together, and we are invincible!" Yunfeng and his teammates began to discuss.

White Rabbit sent Wei Lan an emoticon of obediently eating, and he quit the chat interface to concentrate on watching the game.

"Are you still chatting passionately with that Wei Lan?" Wishing suddenly asked.

"Hot? We're good friends."

"We're good friends. During the offseason, we ranked together. We encouraged each other at night, and we hugged each other when we were at a low point..." Wishing raised his eyebrows with a smirk, "To be honest, I don't think professional players should fall in love. It will affect them!"

Makes sense.

White Rabbit put down his chopsticks, "We are not in love."

"Especially the commentators and players, if your relationship is announced, the fans will definitely explode! Last year, you fell at the gate of the champion." Wishing stared at her, "It was a pity last year, wasn't it? I remember you cried..."


"No one will remember who the runner-up is, and no one knows how the runner-up stepped down. History will only remember the champion!" Wishing and blinking, "Do you know what I mean?"

"Understood, but why did you suddenly say this?"

"I want to ask you, if I'm with Jiang Nan, will it affect him?"

White Rabbit: "..."

She was sure that what she just made a wish was between her commentator and the players.

"Yes? I really hope that Jiang Nan can win the championship! If he can win the championship as soon as he enters the KPL, he will definitely be worth twice as much! There will be many fans! Thinking about it makes me happy."

Miss Wishing, you are thinking a little too far.

You don't even know Jiang Nan yet.

At night, the white rabbit was lying on the bed, seriously thinking about the words to make a wish.

She and Wei Lan haven't confessed their love yet, haven't settled their hearts yet, and haven't fallen in love yet.

The novel has not yet developed to that point.

Should she keep her distance from Wei Lan?
(End of this chapter)

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