Pets of the last days are king

Chapter 267: The Snake Egg Hatches!

Chapter 267: The Snake Egg Hatches!

Chen Feng closed his eyes tightly, but rows of colorful ties appeared in his consciousness.

That is the insect master gene hidden in the deepest place.

Being able to look inside is another effect of Chen Fengfa's "Eye of Reality" ability.

Finding the insect master's gene is only part of the analysis, and the next step is the most important.

The only thing that can analyze genes is the genes themselves.

On the outside of the row of colored ties, suddenly appeared a row of larger, dark gray ties, but there were many incomplete ties on it.With a slight movement, the insect master's genes were instantly devoured.

That dark gray link is naturally Chen Feng's genes.

For the Twelve Apostles, Chen Feng's genes had a natural suppressive effect on them. Once they were devoured, there was almost no suspense, and they would soon be completely occupied.

However, after all, the insect master's gene is not extracted directly, but is analyzed from the flesh of the insect king. In the process of analysis, it is inevitable to suffer losses.

Although Chen Feng tried his best to restore it, he didn't get the complete gene in the end, and some abilities were missing.The degree of completion of Chen Feng's genes is only 24/[-], equivalent to half of the complete genes.

In terms of ability, the most important ability of an insect master, cultivating poisonous insects, was lost, but Chen Feng had a system, so this part of ability was not needed at all, and it didn't matter if it was lost.

However, the remaining two abilities surprised Chen Feng a little.

One is to read the pheromones of insects. With this ability, Chen Feng can better communicate with emperor sandworms and giant worker ants, and even exchange information within a few kilometers.

The second is the ability to create this kind of black scorched earth.To be precise, it is called [Black Creep].On the black carpet, poisonous insect creatures can exert 150% of their combat power and inhibit the growth of other creature types, which is very domineering.

Since Chen Feng didn't intend to breed poisonous insects, this seemingly powerful ability was a little tasteless.

Therefore, Chen Feng decided to carry out a transformation.

Transforming a genetic ability, let alone Chen Feng, even a 5-star or even a 5-star evolutionary, is difficult to do.

But Chen Feng decided to give it a try.

After twice strengthening with the gene fragments of the prehistoric relics, Chen Feng's genes are already very powerful, and it is not out of reach to transform other genes.

On the genetic level, Chen Feng's genes are like a gear, and the bug master's incomplete genes are embedded in a gap in the gear.Immediately, the body of the gear stretched out two small "arms", tearing apart the insect master's genes, preparing to rearrange them, and adding the original things of its own genes into them for transformation.

This process is very mysterious, time seems to have lost its original appearance, it is difficult to measure, I do not know how long it has passed.

The remodeled genes are perfectly embedded in the gaps of the gears and integrated into one.

The ability to create [Black Creep] finally merged with the [Origin of the Earth] ability that Chen Feng obtained from the gene of Wall Builder Alan.

The ability of [Earth Domain] has been initially formed. It can create a domain of its own on the earth. Fighting in this domain will increase all abilities by 15%.

Chen Feng opened his eyes suddenly, and found that the Emperor Sandworm had just broken out of the ground, signaling him to come out.

In other words, a long, long time has passed in Chen Feng's body, while in the main material world, only ten or so minutes have passed.

This experience has benefited Chen Feng a lot, and he feels that he has mastered a little bit of the secret of genetics.He was also more confident about completely absorbing the 5 drops of blood sealed in his body.

But it will take time.

During the process of devouring and modifying genes just now, Huang Quan was always by his master's side, and he was the most sensitive to changes in his master's aura.

At this time, seeing the master recovered, he couldn't help but wagged his tail excitedly.

"Hehe, don't worry, Master will become stronger and stronger." Chen Feng patted Huang Quan's head lightly, "And no matter how powerful I am, I will never change."

Chen Feng took Huang Quan out of Emperor Sandworm's mouth, and saw outside that the Great Sage, Dabai, Crane Fairy, and Tony had just digested the flesh of the insect king, and they were all full of energy. It seemed that they had reached the edge of evolution , there is only one opportunity to break through.

It was already a matter of time, so Chen Feng was not in a hurry.

Seeing the owner came back, the pets gathered around one after another.

"Haha, you've all become stronger." Chen Feng caressed each of them, laughing loudly.

"Great Sage, take those two saber arms and the remaining chrysalis, let's go back to the city of the end together."

Killing the insect master this time resolved a potential threat to the city of the end. Otherwise, once the insect king is born, the insect swarm will sweep across, and Pennsylvania will be devastated again.

Needless to say, Tony's foot strength, running at full speed, within a few hours, Chen Feng returned to the central area of ​​the city of the end.A few hours later, the Great Sage also came back.

When the Great Sage placed two blade arms as big as the blades of a wind turbine and the wreckage of a cocoon as tall as a building on the square, the onlookers couldn't help but gasp.

"Hiss—this is unbelievable!"

"This seems to be from a bug? Just a pair of saber arms is so big, how big is the body? I can't imagine it!"

"I'm afraid it's about the same age as the Great Sage?"

"Such a big bug!? Don't dare to think, don't dare to think!"

Chen Feng found Charlie and told him, "Charlie, the Ministry of Industry will find a way to process these two arms and make a pair of new weapons for the Great Sage. The original big stick is too badly damaged, it's degrading."

"It's difficult..." Charlie's eyes lit up, and he patted his chest, "But I like challenges! Don't worry, boss, give me half a month, and I will definitely hand over a job that will satisfy both you and the Great Sage." work."

As for the remains of the cocoons, Chen Feng ordered the giant worker ants to move them back to the pet house.

The giant worker ants dismantled the cocoons into many fragments one meter in size, transported them back to the pet house from the ground, and put them together with the green snake eggs.

After Chen Feng saw it, his heart moved, he simply built a small nest with insect cocoons, and put the snake eggs in it.

It has been half a year since the snake egg was brought back from the zoo, and there has been no sign of hatching.And there is still a high amount of bioenergy left on the cocoon, which is very warm and very suitable for hatching snake eggs.

After finishing all this, Chen Feng fell asleep.

In the battle against the Insect Master, although the main force was the Great Sage, after that, Chen Feng consumed a lot of energy in the genetic war. Now is the time to rest. As soon as he closed his eyes, he immediately fell into a deep sleep.

Two hours later, the green snake egg began to appear abnormal, and the eggshell gradually took on a translucent color, and one of the black shadows could be vaguely seen.

Three hours later, some red blood streaks began to appear inside the snake egg, and the black shadow became clearer, and even a slight twist could be seen.

Finally, four hours later, with a click, the first thin crack appeared on the snake egg.

 The long-awaited snake eggs are finally about to hatch!Guess what will the little snake do the first time it hatches?What kind of magical animal will it evolve into?
(End of this chapter)

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