Pets of the last days are king

Chapter 254 FBI Training Academy

Chapter 254 FBI Training Academy
When Michelle took Lin Sheng and other newly enrolled colleges away from the training ground, these people were still dizzy.

That Huaxia man just now is the principal of this academy and the real owner of the city of the end, "boss" Chen Feng?
So young?

And the strength... bottomless!
And the big dog next to him is so majestic!Even scary!
After being stared at by that big dog, let alone resisting, his legs became weak.

Aim for the boss and become the most powerful man in the world!If you can't be stronger than the boss, then follow the boss honestly!
Everyone thought so.

After Chen Feng finished the teaching battle with Brad, he casually chatted with these newcomers before leaving the academy, but he didn't expect that he left an indelible impression on the hearts of these newcomers.

The seeds of star iron have been planted in the mine of Sunset Mountain, and the active metal, that is, star iron, has been gradually produced and sent to Dr. Carlos' laboratory in a steady stream.

The doctor made a speech to surprise the boss.

This made Chen Feng look forward to it.


After conquering all major cities in Pennsylvania, it can be said that Chen Feng is already the king of Pennsylvania.

In addition to these cities, though, there are hundreds of small towns across the state that are in a virtual state of disarray.Before, neither the New Hope Company nor the Shelter Company paid much attention to these small towns, and they were just in a free-range state of "tax collection" on a regular basis.

But Chen Feng didn't think so. On the contrary, he attached great importance to these small towns.

While ordering Helena to take down Swan Castle, Chen Feng also gave orders to Wolfgang and Norman to collect these scattered small towns and survivor gathering places as soon as possible, and bring them into the control of the city of the end.

Only in this way can the resources of the entire state be fully integrated and utilized as soon as possible.

Norman was in charge of the north, while Wolfgang was in charge of the south.

A week has passed. Stimulated by Helena's victory over Swan Castle, both of them have made rapid progress. They have basically wiped out the entire state, bringing all small towns and gathering places under the control of the city of the end. .

Now all that remains are some corners of the border between states.

However, in a small town on the border of Pennsylvania and Virginia, the invincible Wolfgang encountered a strange thing...

"Being beaten back again?"

Wolfgang was sitting on a field command vehicle, looking playfully at the disheveled Du Wei, Rowley, and [Naughty Cat] Zoe, "You guys are too weak! Don't you want to win this small academy? Use me to go out in person?"

Du Wei was a little dissatisfied, but the facts were in front of him, and he couldn't find any reason to refute. His face was flushed, and he finally said, "Legion Commander, it's not that we don't do our best, it's that the other party... is too cunning!"


Wolfgang almost spit out a mouthful of water, and patted Du Wei on the head, "You boy, learn from the boss!"

Du Wei tilted his head and smiled, but complained, "But boss, you let us take down this academy, and you didn't let us use heavy weapons. You even took away the hovering assault boats. With just a few guns, there were hundreds of people on the opposite side. , everyone is a good player, how can we attack!"

"I'm called training soldiers! Do you understand military training!" Wolfgang said seriously, "If you don't hone and hone you, how can you help the boss when you meet a real strong man? Become a burden to the boss."

"Oh." Du Wei nodded after being reprimanded by the head of the legion. He understood the truth, but this method of training soldiers really made him a little uncomfortable.

"Stop practicing, too, and go back to Black Deer City to rectify." Wolfgang gave a new order, and then looked at the academy across the street.

The gate of the college has been severely damaged, but it has been cleverly used gravel and some mutated plants to build a natural fortification, which is seamlessly linked with the surrounding barbed wire.

Looking inside through the fence, a teaching building with a large area stands tall, and three English letters can be vaguely seen on the outer wall covered with vines, "FBI."

This place turned out to be the training academy of the famous FBI!
What kind of organization is the FBI? It is one of the strongest security agencies in the United States. As the training academy of the FBI, the defense force here can be imagined!

No wonder, Wolfgang wants to use this place to train soldiers
"This place..." Wolfgang narrowed his eyes, "The boss should be interested."


Chen Feng was indeed very interested.

"FBI training academy?"

In the city of the end, Chen Feng sat in the office and read the latest information sent back by Wolfgang, his eyes gradually lit up.

After the end of the world broke out, the military mysteriously disappeared, and organizations such as the police and the FBI were also paralyzed.However, this college located at the junction of the two states did not seem to be affected, and survived the end of the world.

As the FBI's training academy, everyone in this academy, whether teachers or students, has top-notch overall quality, especially physical fitness, which is even more impressive.

As a result, only about one in five people were infected in the first round of Evil Dead, and they were wiped out quickly.

Then, relying on their keen judgment of the situation, the teachers and students of this academy responded quickly and completely sealed off the entire academy, strictly prohibiting entry and exit.

Relying on its abundant munitions reserves and excellent combat capabilities, it managed to hold back several attacks from corpse hordes.

Moreover, the psychological quality of these retired agents and future agents is also extremely strong. Once a suspected corpse appears, they will be exiled or executed immediately without mercy.

In this context, since the end of the world broke out, there are at least three hundred survivors in the entire academy, and there are about seven or eight evolutionaries among them.

This is a force that cannot be ignored, and it is ready to use.

If Wolfgang ordered his subordinates to use weapons and abilities to attack, although the academy could be easily taken down, casualties would inevitably occur, and irreconcilable conflicts would easily arise between the two sides.

At that time, it will be a bit more difficult to subdue these people. Even if they are forcibly subdued, there is no guarantee that they will not have two hearts.

Therefore, he reported the situation to Chen Feng and asked the boss to make a decision himself.

"In this case, I will go there myself."

After reading all the information, Chen Feng stood up from his seat, patted Huang Quan beside him, "Let's go, let's go to the FBI training academy to see if there is any available material."

Now, the Academy of the End is thriving.And the scarcest thing is a good mentor.Chen Feng hoped that the FBI's training academy could find some excellent talents to fill the gap in this area.

Soldiers are precious and fast, this time Chen Feng decided to take only Huang Quan and fly there on a Tianwei Flying Beast!
 The famous FBI is here~
(End of this chapter)

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