Pets of the last days are king

Chapter 228 One more deal~ (please subscribe!)

Chapter 228 Another deal~ (please subscribe!)
Mijialuo's sudden attack without warning surprised Chen Feng.

Although he had thought for a long time that the apostles might attack in advance, but after all, there was only the treasure on the last high platform that had not been seen, and he was still a little unwilling.

But there is no way, he can only temporarily cut off the shared field of vision with Lightning, and concentrate on the battle in front of him.


However, before Chen Feng could make a move, Mi Jialuo's wind blade had already been shattered by Xiao Huang Lingkong.

"What? Brother Mijialuo, you are full and want to exercise your muscles and bones to digest food?" Chen Feng teased. Suddenly, four levitating runners rose up behind him, shooting out a cloud of ion light bombs.

Clap clap clap!

However, when they were less than 3 meters away from the apostles, these ion light bombs seemed to hit an invisible wall, and they all exploded.

Mikaro's air shield.

"Lancelo! You and Leicester first break into the ruins to have a look, here are the three of us!" Mijia Luo ordered.

"Okay!" Lancelot and Lester both nodded, and rushed towards the entrance of the ruins.


Two dragon chants sounded in the sky, and a flaming dragon's breath descended from the sky, building a wall of fire in front of the two of them.And behind him is the frost dragon's breath that spreads from dissatisfaction.

Strike back and forth!

However, Lester smiled at the corner of his mouth, "Playing with fire in front of me? Even if you are a dragon!" After that, he turned around and hugged Lancelot, turning into a flame and passing through it.into the ruins.

Seeing this, Mijialuo was certain in his heart, believing that with the strength of Lancelot and Leicester, he would definitely be able to get the treasure in the ruins.

And now their mission is to prevent Chen Feng and others from entering the ruins!
However, Chen Feng didn't want to stop Lancelot and the two at all, otherwise, he wouldn't just send Ssangyong to stop them symbolically.

That's just acting!

There was only the last high platform left on the side of Lightning, and Lancelow and the others had just entered the ruins and had to fight the guardians of the ruins. In any case, they couldn't be faster than Lightning.

What Chen Feng has to do now is to stabilize Mijialuo, make him believe that he has the upper hand, and don't try his best.

And Chen Feng was waiting for an opportunity to retreat!

"Huang Quan, don't fight them to the death, just deal with them, wait for my signal to retreat at any time!" Chen Feng said to Huang Quan in his consciousness.

"Woof!" Huang Quan yelled twice, conveying the owner's meaning to the entire pet army.

Immediately, a battle that could be called the Oscar battle broke out, with both sides having their own ulterior motives.Mijia Luo and the others were still very afraid of Huang Quan, they just wanted to prevent Chen Feng and the others from entering the ruins, so they didn't intend to go all out.

As for Huang Quan, Dabai, etc., under Chen Feng's instruction, their acting skills exploded. They seemed to be in full swing, but in fact they did not work hard, just superficial skills.

The most amazing thing is that both sides thought they were the winners.

And underground, Lightning had already arrived on the sixth high platform, glanced at the treasure above, meowed, pushed it down, and a giant worker ant caught it.

Finally, all the treasures on the six high platforms were collected, and Lightning also jumped down from the cylindrical high platform, and walked out of the ruins with catwalks and twists and turns.

Halfway there, I suddenly remembered something, turned around and ran back.

She forgot one important thing, in the middle of the six cylinders, there are two opposite pyramids, which is the core of the ruins.

In the middle of the upper and lower pyramids stood a purple cylinder, about the size of a lightning bolt.

Medium energy column.

Of course, this kind of position couldn't help Lightning, so he jumped up easily, quickly took out two medium-sized energy columns from it, and handed them over to the giant worker ants.

Then he took all the dozen or so miniature energy fragments floating between the two pyramids and took them away, and ran out of the ruins hall in a hurry.

Outside the entrance, the emperor sandworm was still waiting there. Lightning and the giant worker ants returned the same way and walked into the mouth of the emperor sandworm.

Closing his mouth, the emperor sandworm turned around and began to move at high speed underground, starting the return journey, the destination - the city of the end!
"YES!" On the ground, Chen Feng received the signal of Lightning's success, pumped his fist excitedly, and looked up, only to see Huang Quan and Mijia Luo fighting fiercely.

It is said to be the battle for the Oscar pinnacle.

But fighting and fighting, the two sides still played a little real fire, and before they knew it, they had already used real kung fu.

Mi Jialuo stood in the air, flying his hands, releasing countless wind blades. In addition, he also created a terrifying tornado gun from time to time, piercing Huangquan.

And Huang Quan's figure loomed in midair, and every time he appeared, he was one step closer to Mi Jialuo, obviously using the special skill of flickering in the void.

Huang Quan volleyed his claws and slapped Mi Jialuo's head directly, but the latter created an air shield to block it, and at the same time retreated at a high speed to open the distance.

The more Mi Jialuo fought, the more frightened he became. Although Huang Quan's power was not as overwhelming as that of the Giant Bear King, it was faster.Although it is small in size, it attacks from even weirder angles, often attacking vital points from unexpected angles, which makes Mijiaro very uncomfortable.

If the fight continues, Mijia Luo must use his hole cards.

But at this moment, Chen Feng suddenly shouted, "Huang Quan, come back!"

As if it was a signal, following Huang Quan's retreat, all the pet corps retreated to Chen Feng's side.

The three of Mi Jialuo were a little surprised, they couldn't figure out what kind of medicine was sold in Chen Feng's gourd.

"Mijia Luo, how about we make a deal?" Chen Feng said suddenly.

"Deal?" Mijia Luo was a little surprised, "What deal!"

"Give me the meat of the poisonous snake king behind you, and promise not to fight our [City of the End] within half a year, and I can withdraw from this battle for the ruins!"

This fellow Chen Feng has already taken all the treasures of the ruins, but at this moment, he actually made a deal with Mi Jia Luo, it is really too insidious!
"That's it?" Mijialuo was surprised, it wasn't that Chen Feng opened his mouth, but these conditions were too loose!
"That's it." Chen Feng nodded, then suddenly remembered something, "By the way, I still need two drops of blood."

After finishing speaking, Chen Feng pointed to a pool of flesh and blood in the distance, which were [Wall Builder] Alan and [Plague] Pandora.

Mijia Luo instantly understood what Chen Feng meant, and his eyes became sharper. Such a condition can indeed be used as an equal exchange.

Judging from the abilities Chen Feng has shown in the past, getting the blood of Alan and Pandora will inevitably take their genes to strengthen himself.If it was before, Mijialuo would never agree, but the scene before him made him hesitate.

After all, the temptation of the prehistoric relics is too great, and Lancelot and Leicester don't know if they can handle the protection of the relics when they enter.

He looked at the other two, Zorro shrugged, Kogas nodded, and left the decision to Mijiaro.

"That's good." Mikaro took a deep breath, "I promise you."

"You won't regret it." Chen Feng smiled, but he thought to himself, 【You will regret it to death! 】

After saying that, he hooked his fingers, and two drops of blood flew towards Chen Feng, hanging on his fingertips, as if drawn by something.And Ssangyong descended from the sky and grabbed the remaining snake meat.

"We withdraw!"

After getting all the things he wanted, Chen Feng waved his hand and quickly evacuated with his pet army.

Mijia Luo watched Chen Feng's back disappear into view, although he felt a little strange, but he didn't have time to think about it, and waved his hand, "Let's go down! Support Lancelot!"

Three apostles filed in from the entrance of the ruins.

However, they don't know that if they can defeat the powerful guardian of the ruins, they will also face an empty treasure house.


"Haha, I really want to know what expressions Michael and Lancelot will have on their faces when they see that the treasure house is empty!"

Chen Feng rode on Tony's horse, feeling extremely happy in his heart, "Now it's up to the Great Sage, and I don't know who is worse, the Giant Bear King or Mijialuo, hahaha!"

Chen Feng's laughter echoed in the wilderness.

 Many people are asking where the great sage went, and the next chapter is when the great sage will come out. Guess where he went?
(End of this chapter)

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