Pets of the last days are king

Chapter 208 Apostles (3400 word chapter, 44)

Chapter 208 Apostles (3400 word chapter, 44)

Swan Castle.

Countless corpses of mutated beasts lay on the roads of the city, and the edge of the city was destroyed and turned into ruins.

But only marginally.

This is the headquarters of the Shelter Company in Pennsylvania. It is heavily stockpiled, and the strongest members of the Twelve Apostles are there.

Therefore, even though the attack of the beast horde led by the Condor King and the Viper King was larger and more aggressive than the one in Fountain City, it was difficult to penetrate the core of the city.

The battle continues.

A [-]-meter-long sword light suddenly pierced the sky, and cut through the place where the beast hordes were most dense. A red wall of blood suddenly appeared in the air, and a large group of mutated beasts were cut in half.

Zoro retracted his big exaggerated sword to his waist, and moved towards the beast tide step by step.
"Zoro, I really miss your fighting spirit."

Lester turned into a beam of flames, falling from the sky like a bolide, smashing directly into the center of the beast horde, and exploded with a bang, creating a restricted zone of flames.


500 meters away from them, a prehistoric monster at least 15 meters high roared to the sky, stomped heavily on both feet, the ground in front of it suddenly shook, a shock wave emerged from the center of the earth, and dozens of mutated animals The beast shook into the air.

Immediately, the giant beast leaned over fiercely, opened its mouth wide, and a shock wave whizzed out with countless spikes, instantly tearing the mutant beast in mid-air to pieces.

I saw this giant beast rushing left and right in the beast tide, as if there was no one in it, like an elephant breaking into a flock of sheep, unscrupulous.

Finally, a big black snake with a length of 100 meters swept towards it, bringing with it a violent wind, and collided with the giant beast suddenly.

"Kogas, I haven't seen him transform for a long time." Zorro grinned, and with a sword, he chopped down a large group of mutant beasts like melons and vegetables.

"Fighting against a quasi-king-level life, if we don't support him, he may not be able to win." Lester was not far from Zorro, and the flames spread.

"Unless..." Zoro looked up at the sky.


The Condor King vibrates his wings, continuously launching attacks at speeds exceeding the speed of sound, making a thunderous airburst sound.

However, a storm towered above the sky, like a majestic and immovable mountain, no matter how desperately the Condor Eagle King fought, it did not waver in the slightest.

In the center of the storm, Mijialuo stood in the air with his arms outstretched. The palms of his hands seemed to be condensed with violent energy. His eyes were filled with a blue light, and his pupils could not be seen at all.

Mijia Luo stretched out his right hand suddenly, and a cyan spiral wind blade whizzed out, like a long spear, stabbing towards the Condor King in an instant!

Condor King's pupils shrank, feeling an unprecedented deadly threat, he pulled out a right angle in the air, and flew upwards forcefully.

However, this wind blade was not only extremely fast, but also like a guided missile, it followed the Condor King's trajectory and chased after it. With a puff, it pierced through the Condor King's wings, leaving a small hole on the right wing.

Immediately, the Condor King lost his balance and was almost falling. It took a lot of effort to maintain his balance again, but his speed and agility were greatly affected.

Three more wind blades pierced through the air, faster and more powerful. Before the Condor King could make any evasive movements, his body was pierced continuously.


The Condor King let out a mournful cry, spewed out a mouthful of blood, and began to descend.

During the descent, it started to fly in the opposite direction to Mikaro.This man is too scary. Legend has it that a Stormbringer once fought with the Giant Bear King and escaped with injuries. It must be this man. He is not dead yet!
However, how could Mijialuo let him escape so easily?

I saw him flying in the air, the speed was no less than the Condor King in his heyday, he caught up in an instant, the wind danced wildly on his hands, two tornadoes drew a semicircle, just collided with the Condor King.

Countless violent wind blades raged on Condor King's body. In an instant, feathers like fine steel fell crazily, and blood spurted out like a rain of arrows.

The Condor King screamed in pain and struggled desperately, but he was powerless, and finally his whole body went limp and he fell straight to the ground.

Condor King, defeated!


Seeing this scene, the Viper King felt that the snake skin all over his body tightened suddenly, flicked his tail suddenly, pulled away Kogas in [Tyrannosaurus Form] with great force, and fled to the distance suddenly.

For a while, neither Kogas, Zorro, or Leicester could stop it.

[Doctor] Lancelot is on the escape route of the Viper King. This man with gold-rimmed eyes, even in such a fierce fight, still maintains a personable appearance and a meticulous hairstyle.

On his left and right sides, there was a row of corpses of mutant beasts. Each corpse was neatly cut into four pieces, exactly, and it was unknown how it was done in the fierce battle.

"Lancelot, stop it!"

Zoro and the others shouted loudly.

With Lancelot's strength, stopping the Viper King for a period of time is completely child's play.

The Viper King also knew that this strange man in front of him was not easy to deal with. While making the fastest preparations, he also showed his strongest strength, and directly slammed into him like a full-speed rail train.

Lancelot pursed his lips and drew a "well" character in front of him with one finger, as if the space had been cut open.


The moment the two are about to touch.

Lancelot stepped aside and let the Viper King go.If this opportunity is missed, no one can stop the Viper King again.

"Lancelot, you!" Zorro gritted his teeth.

However, Lancelot ignored him at all, making Zoro's teeth itch, but there was nothing he could do.

The two quasi-king-level beings died and escaped. Without a backbone, the beast horde would die on its own, and was easily wiped out by the genetic fighters of the Sanctuary Company in cooperation with the apostles.

All the apostles gathered before the body of the Condor King.

[Storm Angel] Mijaro, [Tyrannosaurus] Kogas, [Swordsman] Zorro, [Doctor] Lancelot.

In addition to these four powerhouses, there are Vulcan [Leicester], Wall Builder [Alan], and [Plague] Pandora.

7 people in total.

"Actually, it's enough to have Master Mijialuo here alone. There is no need to call us back." From the outside, Pandora looks like a girl in the rebellious period. Contains a lollipop.

"Tch, little girl, you are too stupid. If you don't come back, how can you eat this eagle? This is a quasi-king-level mutated life, and the benefits are great." Zoro glanced at her.

"Really!" Pandora said excitedly, and Zorro's mind was full of black lines after the following sentence, "Thank you, uncle!"

However, just as a few people were about to cut the eagle meat, an aircraft suddenly landed behind them, and then an arrogant voice came from behind them.

"Don't move, this eagle, we want to take it away!"

That tone, as if the boss is ordering his subordinates, is arrogant.Who exactly?How dare you talk to the Twelve Apostles like that!

Several apostles didn't look back, but disgusted expressions appeared on their faces.

Obviously, they recognized the voice, and they were not very interested in the owner of the voice.But there is no way, even the Twelve Apostles are unwilling to offend this person, because he is here on behalf of the board of directors of the shelter company.

Several people exchanged glances, and finally looked at Kogas together, who shrugged, "Then I'll go."

Kogas turned around, looked at the bald man in the light-colored suit, curled his lips, "Envoy Loki, welcome to come, but this eagle is our trophy, you have no right to take it away."

The bald man grinned, the corners of his mouth full of mockery, "Sorry, I have the right."

After finishing speaking, he handed a piece of paper to Kogas's chest, "Look at this, Master Geo's autograph."

Kogas took it, and there was a row of small characters written on this piece of paper, "Order Loki to extract the corpse of the quasi-king-level mutant beast. Geo."

When he saw the last signature again, an endless wilderness burst out in Kogas' mind, full of primitive and wild atmosphere, and the gravity was so unusually strong that even he could hardly walk a single step.

This is a special signature of spiritual power, absolutely impossible to imitate, Kogas fell silent.

The bald special envoy was not in a hurry, he folded his arms and waited for Kogas' answer with a slight sarcasm.

"Okay, it's yours now." Kogas replied, and then reluctantly spread his hands to the other apostles.


Except for Mi Jialuo and Lancelot, everyone else showed expressions of dissatisfaction, but they did not dare to oppose the decision of the board of directors.

"Take it away!" The bald man waved his hand, signaling to the soldiers behind him to transport the Condor King to the aircraft.

"Wait a minute!"

However, some people disagree.

The twelve apostles can't stop the special envoy of the board of directors, who else?

"Master Haiji, I didn't expect you to be here." Seeing the beautiful figure approaching slowly, the bald man also said respectfully.

"Loki, according to the company's rules, any spoils, the combatant has the right to keep one-third, and the life of the quasi-king is no exception. You can take this eagle away if you want, but at least one-third should be kept. "Hai Ji has long hair and a pair of eyes that are as deep as an abyss.

And Zorro and the others didn't expect that Hai Ji would stand up for them, and they all looked at the girl commander with the name of "God's Baton" with strange eyes.

"Is it okay to have Master Jio's autograph?" the bald man asked.

"Master Jio is no exception." Hai Ji was stronger than ever.

However, there was no pressure or tension on the bald man's face, which made everyone feel bad.

Sure enough, the bald man said, "Master Haiji, to tell you the truth, I must take this eagle away in its entirety, because it is what the Son of God needs. The board of directors has made the final decision. I hope you will not be stupid."

Hearing the words "Holy Son's Project", Hai Ji's face instantly turned extremely pale, and her body even shook slightly imperceptibly.

Kogas stood in front of Haiji from behind, and gave Loki a warning look, "Okay, this eagle is yours, take it away immediately."

"As you wish." The bald man nodded to Hai Ji, but he couldn't hide the smugness on the corner of his mouth.



The aircraft rose into the air, and then flew away rapidly.

On the ground, the atmosphere was tense for a moment.

Obviously, the board of directors was not satisfied with the recent performance of Haiji and the Twelve Apostles, so that scene happened just now.

On the one hand, it is needed by the Holy Son's plan, and on the other hand, it is also a beating.

"Cheer up." Suddenly, Michael spoke.

"All the ducks in hand flew away, so what spirit is there!" Zoro waved his hand.

"I have good news." Mijialuo said lightly.


Everyone suddenly became energetic, and even Haiji couldn't help but look this way. You must know that Mi Jialuo never lied.

"I can feel that a new ruin is about to be unearthed." Mijia Luo said lightly.

Everyone's eyes lit up immediately.

Mijiaro's strength is the strongest, and he is also the most sensitive to energy, so he can sense the movement of the prehistoric ruins first.

Even now, the board of directors doesn't necessarily know that a relic is about to be unearthed.

If you have the heart to wrestle with the board of directors, then this is an excellent opportunity.

"The board of directors doesn't know that the ruins were unearthed, so the owner of the ruins..." Zoro pressed his hand on the handle of the sword, pursing his lips and grinning.

 The fourth update is here, and it is a 3400-word chapter!Is it strong?Ask for support! !
(End of this chapter)

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