Pets of the last days are king

Chapter 189: Beast Tide Attacks! (Part 3, please subscribe!)

Chapter 189: Beast Tide Attacks! (The third update, please subscribe!)

The lion flew at a height of 1000 meters, and the Fountain City turned into a small depression behind him.

As a Sky Veil Flying Beast, his eyesight is excellent, and he can easily detect the situation tens of kilometers away. He is a first-class aerial scout.

Looking down from the lion's point of view, the land is vast, and it seems to be no different from the past except that the natural vegetation is more lush.

Perhaps, become more beautiful.

Suddenly, there was a thick roar from the ground. Although the sound was not loud, it could be heard very clearly even at an altitude of 1000 meters.

The lion suddenly let out a sharp howl, and only when it felt a fatal threat, the sky-veiled flying beast would make such a shriek.

However, what existence can threaten the lion in the sky?
In the far distance, on the arc-shaped horizon, a black line spread like a tide. Although the distance was at least hundreds of kilometers, the all-conquering aura that passed by was indeed overwhelming.

Although the lion felt slightly uncomfortable, but remembering the order given to him by his master, he still bite the bullet and flew towards the direction of the black line against the wind.

The lion flew with all its strength, and the speed was extremely fast. After a while, it flew tens of kilometers. At this time, the black line below gradually became clear.

From a hey line to a mass of darkness, every black dot is a powerful mutant beast!
Beast tide!

A beast horde composed of tens of thousands of mutant beasts headed straight for Fountain City!

The master must be reported immediately!
Although the lion can't speak, its wisdom is not low. It knows what the existence of the black tide in front of it means, and it is about to turn around and fly back.

Suddenly, two extremely strong auras that almost swallowed the sky and the moon shot up into the sky, directly locking on him.


The fur on the lion's body stood on end, it was a natural expression when encountering a strong enemy of life and death. Although the enemy was extremely powerful, the Sky Veil Flying Beast was never afraid!
The lion's eagle eyes followed the two auras and looked down, and saw that among the mutated beasts moving like a tide, there were two extremely powerful beings standing still, with their upper body upright, stern with brutal and cold eyes. Keep an eye on the lion in the sky.

One of them is a big brown bear. Although it is not as tall as the mutated giant bear king, it stands upright and is a full ten meters long. A pair of huge bear paws are like two cars. If you slap it down, it may be a hill will be bulldozed.

The other one is a gray wolf king, standing proudly on the ground, fully three meters high, with steel and iron claws, if you don't look at a pair of eyes, it looks like a steed, but with a pair of blood red eyes, Immediately, it became full of murderous aura, full of tyrannical breath, and even the mutant beasts did not dare to get too close.


The big brown bear raised its arms and let out a growl toward the sky.


In an instant, the entire animal horde roared angrily, and the sound waves rose up into the sky, shaking the mountains.

This is an announcement, an announcement from a king-level life!

The lion deeply imprinted this scene in his mind, and then quickly flew to Fountain City. He wanted to tell his master what happened here immediately.


"The beast tide is coming!?"

When Chen Feng got the news, he was studying how to open a safe expressway between Fountain City and Doom City.

It has been three days since the Fountain City was taken down, gathering talents, integrating resources, and recasting order, everything seems to have just entered the track.

However, this news disrupted all his deployments.

He looked at Huang Quan beside him, "Are you sure?"


Together with the lion, Huang Quan gave a rare growl to express his dissatisfaction.

Chen Feng immediately came to his senses, he slapped himself, how could he doubt Huang Quan?

Immediately, Chen Feng started to calculate based on the known information, and came up with a terrible result.

In 3 hours, the beast horde will arrive in Fountain City!

Chen Feng's brows were tightly wrinkled, almost twisting into the word "Chuan".

In the previous life, the camp he was in was wiped out by the impact of a beast tide, and he himself was resurrected from the dead.

In the previous life, Chen Feng was weak, and couldn't see the whole picture of the beast horde clearly, so he was annihilated in it.

Moreover, Chen Feng had a strong premonition that it was very possible that this beast tide was the same beast tide as before!

In the face of the beast horde, the safest way is to retreat immediately, leaving some explosives and other traps here at most, hoping to cause a little trouble.

After returning to Fox City, use the built outer wall to defend.

However, in this way, Fountain City must be completely destroyed, and most of the survivors may not escape.

To fight or to retreat is a question.

Chen Feng slowly closed his eyes.

Both Huang Quan and Shi Shi were by Chen Feng's side, quietly waiting for the master to make a decision.

Huang Quan even lay at his master's feet, wagging his tail, and hit his master's legs one after another.For Huang Quan, no matter what the master chooses, he just needs to protect the master.

However, Chen Feng felt Huang Quan's aura and stood up suddenly.

In the previous life, Huang Quan died in the beast tide just to protect him.In this life, he was determined not to let Huang Quan suffer any harm.

Not only that, he wants revenge!
No matter the shelter company or the beast tide, you must not fall twice in the same place, let alone repeat the mistakes of the previous life!

Time was running out, once a decision was made, Chen Feng's brain immediately started running at full speed.

Although the beast tide is powerful, it is not completely unstoppable.

If this is the central area of ​​the city of the end, then relying on the city wall, it is completely capable of fighting, and it can even withstand the impact of the beast horde relatively easily.

However, this is Fountain City, and there are only some barbed wire fences around the city to defend against walking corpses, all of which are the simplest defense measures. In front of the beast tide, it is like a naked beauty, powerless to resist.

We must clear the strong walls, concentrate all our strength, and defend the central city, so that there is a glimmer of hope!
"Come on!" Chen Feng shouted, and immediately an orderly sent by [Scarlet Angel] walked in, "Notify everyone, no matter what you are doing, within 5 minutes, immediately gather in the conference room."


5 minute later.

Except for Norman's [Ragnarok], which was rushing at full speed, Helena and other high-level officials gathered in the conference room and looked at each other. From the eyes, it could be seen that the other party did not know what happened.

Helena, Parker and other senior executives stood side by side, feeling equally uneasy. Based on their understanding of the boss, something big must happen.


The door of the conference room opened, and Chen Feng strode in.Walking all the way in front of everyone, he announced directly:
"There is a wave of beasts approaching here, and it is expected to arrive in three hours! I decided to stick to Fountain City, and everyone is ready to fight!"

 The third update has arrived, please subscribe for support!
(End of this chapter)

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