Pets of the last days are king

Chapter 173 Fantastic Beasts Allocation Plan (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 173 Fantastic Beasts Allocation Plan (Please Subscribe!)
"I have a plan to equip each of the three major legions with some magical animals. What do you think?"

As soon as Chen Feng said this, the eyes of the three major army commanders immediately turned green, like three wolves staring at Chen Feng with green eyes that had been hungry for more than a month.At the same time, his fingers clasped excitedly.

"Boss, are you serious!?"

"Of course it's true. When did you see me making a joke?" Chen Feng joked, took another sip of red wine, and said with a smile, "If you don't drink such a good wine, I'll drink it all up."

Chen Feng's attitude of hesitating to speak and trying to get him made the three major army chiefs itch with hatred.

"Hurry up and drink, I'll give you all, as long as you share your magical animals with us [Ragnarok]! You don't know, Wolfgang's two hell dogs make us envious. "Norman was the first to express his opinion.

"Hey! Let me say it first, Xiong Da Xiong Er must stay with me, and I also want the air force!" Wolfgang was in a hurry, and reached out to stop Norman, for fear that his two good helpers would be separated.

Helena even took out the coquettish method that she hadn't used for a long time, her eyes fluttered, "Boss! I don't care, you have to give me some good helpers, otherwise, it's too unfair!"

"Hahaha, let's have a drink first." Chen Feng laughed loudly, filled the goblets in front of the three of them one by one, and then raised his glasses first, as a gesture of clinking glasses.

Although the commanders of the three major armies were all anxious and scratching their heads one by one, they had no choice but to pick up their wine glasses one after another, clinking them together, and drank it down in one gulp.

"Damn it, why do you drink it so fast! You have to drink such a good wine slowly. This kind of drinking method is really wasteful." Chen Feng looked surprised.

Finally, the commanders of the three major armies couldn't bear it anymore.They could see that the boss was deliberately teasing them.

The three of them jumped up and glared at each other, "Do you think we are people who are in the mood to drink? It's not all about you, you have whetted our appetite! Tell me! How to divide!"

That posture was like swallowing Chen Feng alive.If Chen Feng didn't say anything, he was really afraid that there would be a mutiny.

"Haha, I'll say it." Seeing that it was almost done, Chen Feng finally raised his hands and said.

Then his expression changed in an instant, and his momentum was as deep as the sea, like a high-ranking king.

The commanders of the three major armies also immediately became serious, their faces turned serious, and they listened attentively.

"First of all, Xiong Da and Xiong Er are still in [Scarlet Mad Wolf]."

This news made Wolfgang's expression brighten. He was about to ask about the air force, but Chen Feng stopped him with his hand and immediately kept silent.

And Chen Feng continued: "In addition, the dream weaver will be assigned to [Scarlet Angel], each of the dream weaver's abilities has huge tactical and even strategic significance, Helena, you must not disappoint my expectations of you. "

"Yes!" Helena trembled with excitement.

After witnessing the performance of the dream weavers in today's battle in the auditorium, Helena was deeply impressed, and her abilities such as charm and dream weaving made her even more fascinated.

Especially with the addition of the dream weaver, the special task force that Helena has been planning can take shape immediately.According to Helena's vision, this team can perform a variety of special tasks, such as completing assassinations, intelligence spying, etc., and can often determine the outcome of a battle outside the frontal battlefield.

Seeing that Wolfgang and Helena both got magical beasts, Norman couldn't sit still, and he didn't need to pretend to be calm. He stood up and asked impatiently, "Boss, what about me?"

Chen Feng signaled Norman to sit down, "As for [Ragnarok], he will get help from the little pharaoh. He can freely switch between Anubis and hound forms, and has an extra ability to deter undead."

"Understood!" Norman swung his arms vigorously. In his eyes, the little pharaoh was much stronger than the other two, and he was definitely a strategic killer.

With the addition of the little pharaoh, he is absolutely confident that he will surpass the record of [Scarlet Mad Wolf] and become the first legion in the city of the end.

"Boss, what about the Air Force?" Wolfgang rubbed his hands together, smiling wickedly, "Why don't Eagle King join us [Bloody Mad Wolf] first? I promise, I will offer it like a god!"

"You think beautiful." Chen Feng completely shattered Wolfgang's dream with one sentence.

However, seeing the other party's heartbroken face, Chen Feng didn't intend to keep playing tricks, "However, as for the air force, although they won't distribute magical animals to you for the time being, I got a batch of police helicopters and military helicopters in no man's land. I will distribute the transport planes to you equally according to the number, and of course, some will be set aside for other departments such as the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

"That's it... that's fine!" The three major army commanders nodded their heads and accepted it, although they were not as satisfying as magical animals.

"Damn, it seems like I'm begging you... Do you want it? If not, I'll give it to other departments." Chen Feng feigned anger.

"No, no, no, boss, we were wrong!" Wolfgang and Norman immediately raised their hands in surrender, while Helena snickered, she was completely satisfied with getting the dream weaver.

"Then, let's talk about the next thing."

As soon as Chen Feng changed the subject, his expression changed again.

If Chen Feng looked like a king enfeoffing territories before, now he looks more like a commander commanding thousands of troops and preparing to expand the territory.

The heads of the three major armies keenly sensed that the war was coming, and that the city of the end would be the one to take the initiative to attack, so they were refreshed and ready to go to the battlefield at any time.

"You guys already know the new legion adjustment plan. [Scarlet Mad Wolf] will go back to the Dusk Farm for a rotation to take charge of the farm's defense." Chen Feng stood up, motioned for a few people to take the wine glasses away, and then randomly swipe the table with his finger to draw the outline. Come up with a sketch of Pennsylvania.

Although brief, strategic locations such as Fox City and Fountain City are clearly visible.

"But I have to make some slight adjustments. [Scarlet Mad Wolf] is not only responsible for the defense of Twilight Farm, but also expands the defensive scope to the entire city of the end."

"Huh?" Wolfgang and Helena raised their eyebrows and looked at each other, knowing that the boss was going to make a major strategic plan.

"Since the friends of our shelter company have left me such a big meeting gift, it's okay to come and not be indecent..."

Having said that, Chen Feng stretched out his hand to place a heavy hand on Fountain City, "Within a week, [Scarlet Angel] and [Ragnarok] will dispatch their entire army to attack Fountain City!"

In an instant, Helena and Norman's blood boiled with excitement. They immediately stood up and gave a standard military salute: "Yes!"

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(End of this chapter)

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