Chapter 132 Airport
Of the two freight trains, one is red and has about 20 carriages.

The other one has only 14 carriages, but the composition is very complicated. In addition to the ordinary container carriages, there are 4 oil tank carriages, and the ordinary freight carriages are also divided into two colors, 5 gray 5 Day blue, half each.

Chen Feng's eyes immediately fell on the 4 fuel tank cars.

Although Chen Feng is a man who owns an oil refinery and an oil field, with sufficient oil reserves, he is not very interested in gasoline and other materials.

However, a terrifying skull logo was printed on the 4 fuel tank cars, and a row of small characters was written underneath - "Dangerous chemicals, please do not approach."

In a sense, the more dangerous the more precious, especially in the last days when supplies are scarce, these four fuel tank trucks are absolutely priceless in the eyes of caring people!
There were also some chemical marks on the carriage that Chen Feng couldn't understand, and he could only understand some of them, including nitrohydrochloric acid, triuranium octaoxide, hexafluoroacetone, etc.

"It's a pity that I can't transport them back now. After I come out of the rice army base and find out the truth about the no man's land, I will ask Wolfgang to send all these things back to the farm."

Chen Feng was thinking in his heart, and suddenly he was taken aback. At the edge of his field of vision, a chubby figure had climbed into the last carriage of the train that was full of red wagons.

On the surface, it looks cute and harmless to humans and animals, but who else is there besides Panda?I don't know how this guy opened the compartment door.

"Could it be that there are delicious food in that carriage?"

Thinking of the nature of King Panda's foodie, Chen Feng could only come to such a conclusion, his curiosity was also aroused by Panda, and he couldn't hold it back at all, so he followed him on his nightmare horse.

When approaching the carriage door at a distance of about 10 meters, Chen Feng suddenly felt a gust of cold air rushing towards his face, and there was still a dense cold air gushing out from inside the carriage.

This turned out to be a refrigerated carriage!
"What needs to be refrigerated?"

Chen Feng's curiosity became more and more intense, he speeded up and came to the door of the carriage, he poked his head in to have a look, and couldn't help but smile wryly.

That's right, the delicacies that need to be refrigerated are of course seafood!

This turned out to be a car of seafood!

In the carriage, Panda Panda is eating a Boston lobster with agility that is completely inconsistent with his bloated body. The hard lobster shell is like paper in Panda's hands. He tore it apart and pulled out the whole lobster The meat came, he swallowed it in one gulp, and then closed his eyes contentedly.

Just after eating the lobster, Panda skillfully opened another box next to it, which was full of chilled salmon. Panda didn't hesitate to pick one up, and ate it up.

What a perfect seafood meal!

The corners of Chen Feng's eyes twitched... Have you ever seen a panda eating seafood?Here's one!
"Okay, Panda, let's eat here first, and save the rest for others in the camp to try."

Although the seafood in this compartment is no longer fresh, it is more appropriate to call it frozen seafood, but it has not deteriorated.And since the outbreak of the end of the world, everyone has never eaten seafood, so it would be nice to bring it back and serve it to everyone.

Hearing Chen Feng's order, although Panda was a little reluctant, he still came out of the carriage, and before leaving, he followed a king crab and gave Chen Feng a contemptuous look, "Master, you are really picky! "

Chen Feng took advantage of the opportunity to check the first nineteen carriages of this red train. Most of them contained all kinds of food, and there were also some wine, coffee, fruit juice and other beverages, which were very good.

In addition to food, most of them are digital products, including personal computers, tablet computers, mobile phones and so on.

These things were worth a lot in the olden days and made for really good entertainment.But now, because the Internet has disappeared, the function is greatly reduced, and there is not much use for it.

However, some of the precision components can be reused, and I believe Professor Carlos will definitely be able to use them.

On the other train, the 5 gray carriages were full of various electrical appliances, including refrigerators, TVs, washing machines, air conditioners, etc., and it was a national brand of Huaxia, which surprised Chen Feng.

Inside the 5 blue carriages are all cars, mainly ordinary family cars, a few large business vehicles and a few sports cars, especially an Aston Martin One-77 supercar that caught Chen Feng's eyes. Liang, I think Wolfgang will like it.

However, these materials are good to go, and they can't be transported out now. Fortunately, there is no need to worry about being caught by others first. Chen Feng will first re-seal these train carriages and wait for them to be picked up later.

After leaving the train station, the next destination is the airport.

Due to the existence of the Mi Army base, the civilian airport in Fox City is not large, and the flights are not very dense.Because many times, the sky here will be controlled by the military.

Chen Feng led his pet army along the road to the airport. The situation was similar to what he had encountered at the train station before. The road was deserted and desolate.

Chen Feng guessed in his heart that a grand welcome ceremony was probably prepared for him in the waiting hall of the airport.

Sure enough, the corpse group in the airport was bigger than the train station!

It's just that the space here is also larger, with three floors up and down, a total of more than 1 square meters, so Chen Feng's strategy is also more in-depth.

This time, Chen Feng took the initiative to limit the breathing range of the Ice and Fire Twin Dragons, mainly to divide the battlefield.

And he himself went into battle, switched the [Terminator] to melee mode, and entered the center of the corpse group. The ion light bombs were dazzling and scattered in all directions, creating a restricted area in an extremely gorgeous way. Anyone who entered this area Corpse—dead!

The other three main DPS are Tony, Dabai and Crane Fairy.

Even though Tony didn't usually have many chances to make a move, but once the killing valve was turned on, his madness was no less than that of any beast.Don't forget - in hell, Nightmare is at the top of the food chain!
Needless to say, Dabai himself has the blood of the white tiger, and he is the master of killing. He can put a piece of tiger with a roar, and rush into the crowd of corpses. It is like entering a land without people, killing seven in and seven out. .

Fairy Crane still maintains that ethereal and fairy-like demeanor even in battle, killing thousands of walking corpses, her whole body is still white, not even a little stained with blood.

Of course, ordinary walking corpses are just appetizers, and mutant walking corpses mixed in with the crowd of corpses are the real main course.There are nearly a hundred of them.

The combination of these mutated walking corpses really caused a little trouble for Chen Feng, and Huang Quan even made a move before completely annihilating them.

And Chen Feng also harvested 10.5 evolution points again, raising the total to 50.5.

After clearing the corpses at the airport, Chen Feng came to the tarmac, his eyes lit up:
"Huh? Unexpectedly, there is such a good thing here!"

 What is our slogan?recommend!recommend!recommend! ~~~~PS: Thanks to Phantom of the Gorefiend, Nuan Doudou, sturdy f4 for their rewards

(End of this chapter)

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