Apocalyptic Spirit Master

Chapter 76 Evolved Alliance

Chapter 76 Evolved Alliance

Walking halfway, Luo Hou's heart suddenly moved, and he sent the Fenglei Beast into the spirit pet space, and took out the Jiangling Book.

With a wave of his hand, nearly 400 tattered Tier [-] gray wolf skins filled most of the carriage.

Since the items will not deteriorate in the storage space, the blood on these wolf skins is still fresh, and a strong bloody smell hits his face, making Luo Hou frowned, and quickly hid in the driver's cab. Close the window glass.

After starting the car, Luo Hou adjusted the gear to the highest, almost stepped on the accelerator, and drove all the way back to Nirvana City.

As usual, the car stopped at the door of Jiandun protective gear, a powerful raw material purchaser, Luohou only knew this one in Nirvana City, of course he had no choice, and the price given by Tang Bingguo was indeed a conscience price.

Seeing that Luo Hou had only been out for half a day and brought back a cart full of third-tier gray wolf furs, Tang Bingguo was even more certain that there must be an extremely powerful team behind this mysterious young man.

It's just that the nearly 400 gray wolf skins this time are in poor condition, and the value will inevitably be greatly reduced.But regarding this point, Tang Bingguo thought it was normal, if the monster skins that Luo Hou sent every time were of high quality, it would be too monstrous.

After selling all the gray wolf skins to Tang Bingguo for 3 green crystals, Luo Hou returned to the cab, took out a plant with seven leaves and one flower from the storage space, and asked Tang Bingguo:

"Boss Tang is well-informed, I wonder if he knows what kind of plant this is?"

Tang Bingguo was also very surprised when Luo Hou took out a strangely shaped herb from the car. He took it and looked at it in his hand, shaking his head in doubt, and said, "Brother, I have never had anything to do with these plants. What research, I can't recognize what this is."

"However—" Tang Bingguo changed his tone and continued, "Brother Luo, you can go to the Evolutionary Alliance on East Street. There are many evolutionaries gathered there every day, and some people will post some weird tasks. Maybe someone will know them. What the hell is this plant?"

Alliance of Evolvers?
Nirvana City still has such an organization?It seems that I have only been in Nirvana City for three days, and I haven't learned many things.Luo Hou secretly decided that in the next few days, he should learn more about this city of survivors, so that he would not know where to go to deal with any problems.

Smiling gratefully at Tang Bingguo, Luo Hou said goodbye, "Thank you Boss Tang, then I will take my leave."

"Okay, brother Luo, go slowly, I won't see you off."

Seeing Luohou driving away in the pickup truck, Tang Bingguo confirmed his previous thoughts: this Luohou must have just arrived in Nirvana City recently, and there must be a strong force behind him, and from what he heard about the Alliance of Evolved Judging by the bewildered expression on his face at that time, the survivor settlement he used to be in must be relatively remote, otherwise he would not be ignorant of the famous Evolution Alliance.

This person and the forces behind him are worth making friends with!
If Luo Hou knew what Tang Bingguo was thinking at this moment, he would definitely stick out his thumb and shout admiration.There were only three transactions in total, and Luo Hou never disclosed his background. Tang Bingguo was able to deduce the general situation of Luo Hou from some tiny details.

Except for miscalculating the power behind Luo Hou, all the other guesses were accurate!Moreover, the advantages brought about by the Yuling Ring, which are different from other evolutionaries, can also be regarded as the power and big backer behind Luohou.

In this post-apocalyptic new world where order is collapsing, those who can achieve something, really don't have a fuel-efficient lamp!
Driving the pickup truck, driving along a broad street heading east, within ten minutes, Luo Hou arrived at the destination of this trip - the Alliance of Evolvers.

Just at the intersection of this east-west street and another north-south street, a polygonal five-story building stands behind a huge square on the edge of the intersection. On the top of the building are several huge gold characters——Evolution Alliance Nirvana City Branch.

It turns out that the Evolved Alliance is not a native organization of Nirvana City, it is just a branch, so where is the headquarters of this organization?How big is this organization?
All of a sudden, Luo Hou seemed to realize that there seemed to be a corner of a gigantic creature in front of him.Perhaps, if I want to have a sufficient understanding of this new world, I have to start with this evolutionist alliance?
After paying the parking fee for one white crystal, Luo Hou parked the pickup truck in the parking space of the square, and walked towards the lobby on the first floor of the Nirvana City branch building of the Evolution Alliance, which was crowded with people.

The lobby on the first floor of the Evolved Alliance is somewhat similar to the government service center where Luo Hou worked.There are several different service windows in the lobby, and a huge electronic LCD scrolling screen is hung on the conspicuous wall, which continuously displays rows of rich information.

Entering the hall, Luo Hou saw that this space with an area of ​​hundreds of square meters was crowded with people, full of all kinds of evolutionaries, handling their own affairs at different windows.

This alliance of evolutionists is an extremely loose organization, mainly for the purpose of serving evolutionists. Through professional office workers and machines, evolutionists can register their personal information here, and then publish or undertake various strange tasks. .

The Evolutionary Alliance draws handling fees and intermediary fees from both sides of the task. Although each sum is not too much, it cannot handle the large number of tasks. Every day, the number of crystals circulated through the Evolutionary Alliance has reached a scary level. numbers.

In order not to arouse the dissatisfaction of those in power in various cities, the Evolved Alliance will not intervene in the affairs of the military, government and people's livelihood in each city. On the surface, it appears purely as a profit-making platform.

But over time, relying on its strong economic strength and the powerful evolutionists behind it, the influence of the evolution alliance in each city is still increasing day by day.

After entering the hall, Luo Hou squeezed into the crowd and stood on tiptoe to look around before he found the window for registering his identity information.

There are not many people outside this window, which is extremely conspicuous compared to other windows with long queues.

Going forward, Luo Hou paid the handling fee of ten white crystals, received a form from the female staff inside, and began to fill in his own information.

Only after the Evolutionary Alliance has registered their personal information, can the Evolutionary be able to publish and undertake tasks on the platform provided by it. In this way, almost all the information of the Evolutionary will be in the hands of the Evolutionary Alliance.

After filling in the information, the staff pointed to something like a tester at the window, and asked Luo Hou to cover it with his hand and instill Yuanli.With the energy pouring into Luohou's body, a dazzling red light suddenly lit up from the top of the tester.

"That's right, it actually has the strength of the middle stage of the fourth order!"

The staff member nodded, recorded Luo Hou's strength information on the form, then took out a magnetic card and swiped it on a machine, entered Luo Hou's identity information and handed it to Luo Hou, saying:

"This is your magnetic identity card. From now on, you can release and undertake tasks freely. Remember, you will come here every month to update your identity information."

"This should be okay?"

Holding the magnetic card representing his identity information, Luo Hou walked towards a room with a hundred computers.

Here, Luo Hou can query any information he wants. Of course, it must be in the information database of the Evolved Alliance before Luo Hou can query the results.

After paying the inquiry fee for five white crystals, Luo Hou entered the specific characteristics of the seven-leaf and one-flower plant into the computer, and then a detailed message appeared on the screen.

Aescin: A mutated plant that can heal poisonous injuries caused by poisonous snakes no higher than the fifth level. It is an important antidote in the New World. Its production is extremely rare and its value is huge.

Looks like, this time I'm going to make a fortune!
After reading this message, Luo Hou's first feeling was that he should get rich again!

(End of this chapter)

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