Apocalyptic Spirit Master

Chapter 59 Nirvana City (continued)

Chapter 59 Nirvana City (continued)
The villa area mentioned by Zhou Xing is located in the central area of ​​Nirvana City. It is located behind this highland. It is the area where all powerful and wealthy people live in the entire Nirvana City. The land price is so high that ordinary people can't imagine. of.

Walking from the city gate, there is a distance of more than [-] miles. Luo Hou, who has been driving for more than ten days, does not want to walk on foot.

Fortunately, in Nirvana City with a population of 30, the number of vehicles is extremely large, and cars of various types roar past on the chaotic streets from time to time.

Because fuel is extremely expensive in the new world, most of the cars that appear on the streets are domestic cars with small displacement.Among them, the number of pickups is the largest. After all, the practicality of pickups is far greater than that of cars. In the new world, of course, they are widely loved by the public.

The streets are filled with all kinds of vehicles for carrying passengers, including cars, motorcycles, electric bicycles, and even two-wheeled rickshaws.What surprised Luo Hou the most was that he saw more than one carriage.

The compartment of the carriage is much larger than what Luo Hou saw in the TV and movies, and the four rows of seats inside should be able to squeeze more than a dozen people into it easily. Of course, the horses pulling the carriage will definitely not be ordinary horses. , but a monster called wildebeest.

Wildebeest is a second-order herbivorous monster with a single horn on its head. It has a docile temperament and a shoulder height of nearly two meters. Its body is much larger than the horses before the end of the world, and its strength is far stronger By.

Even on an uphill road with a not too steep slope, wildebeests can pull a carriage of more than ten people and run fast.

According to Zhou Xing, there is a profession in the Evolutionary called Beast Tamer, which can tame some low-level non-aggressive monsters and let them serve the people of the new world. They can be used for farming, pulling carts, riding, etc. .

Even some powerful animal trainers can tame high-level ferocious monsters and make them become their combat partners, which greatly enhances the strength of the animal trainers themselves.

However, the tamed high-level monsters have a certain probability of backlash, and there is a certain probability of risk.

Hearing this, Luo Hou's heart moved: If necessary, I can pretend to be a beast trainer in the future, and bring my monster beast and pet with me openly, without worrying about others' suspicion

Wildebeests pulling carts like this one on the street were tamed by animal trainers and sold to these car owners.A tame wildebeest is often expensive, worth almost 15 topaz, far exceeding its actual value.

Of course, those who buy tamed wildebeests will definitely not suffer a loss. Using wildebeest carts to carry passengers can earn a lot of income every day.

"Young man, do you want a ride?"

Seeing that Luo Hou's eyes stayed on various "taxis" for a long time, a middle-aged man driving a carriage couldn't help but greeted him loudly, with the shrewdness and cunning of a businessman in his eyes.

"Let's take the car, brother? It's fast and cheap, and the price is three white crystals in the city!"

"It's still more cost-effective to take my motorcycle, as long as two white crystals are enough!"

"Take my rickshaw, only one white crystal is needed to get on the car!"

All kinds of car owners around shouted and basically offered their lowest prices.

Luo Hou went straight to the previous carriage, and asked with a smile, "How much does it cost to go to the central villa area? Um...we chartered a car."

"Two white crystals and eight steel coins, the absolute lowest price, please get in the car." The middle-aged car owner hurriedly invited Luo Hou and the two into the car, and said enthusiastically, "Young man, riding in my carriage is definitely the most cost-effective , cheap, comfortable, and fast!"

The steel coin is a kind of currency issued by Nirvana City as a change. It is stamped out of stainless steel and is called a steel coin. On the contrary, no one uses the original name anymore. It is somewhat similar to the one-yuan coin before the end of the world. On the front is a The large Arabic numeral 1 is followed by a phoenix pattern, which matches the name of Nirvana City.

One of the lowest grade white crystals can be exchanged for 10 steel coins.

"Two people chartered a car, only two white crystals and eight steel coins, not too expensive."

Luo Hou smiled, walked up to the carriage, and sat down in the first row covered with animal skins, followed by Zhou Xing in the back row. Pull the cart on the wildebeest's ass.The wildebeest neighed softly, moved its tall and thick legs, and pulled the wide carriage to the central villa area smoothly and quickly.

In any time and space, in any place, the gap between the rich and the poor exists, and Luo Hou's feeling is particularly obvious when he walks all the way to the central villa area.

In the area near the city gate, there are various buildings in a mess, and the streets are not well planned. A large area looks like a super large slum.

In fact, this is exactly the case. Nirvana City is divided into three areas from the inside to the outside. The most central part is the central area composed of the rich and powerful. The buildings are mostly exquisite villas.

The middle area is the most important area of ​​Nirvana City, where all the offices of Nirvana City, large and medium-sized trading locations, and residences of the middle class are concentrated.Due to the scarcity of building materials in the New World, the tallest buildings here are only a few stories high, and most of them are two-story masonry houses.

And the slums on the outskirts are full of ordinary people who have not become evolutionaries, and most of the first-order evolutionaries who cannot advance.Due to their meager strength, these people's incomes are not high, and they cannot afford the high consumption in the middle area, so they can only live in the messy area at the outermost edge.

In the slums, there are all kinds of buildings, some with grass and wood structures, some with mixed stone and wood, and even tents of all kinds. Here, anyone who can own a brick and stone structure house can be regarded as a decent person.

Of course, on both sides of the streets connecting the middle area, the generally several-storey houses do not count. Most of these houses are shops, which are built by some powerful companies in the middle area, and are used to purchase various raw materials here. .

Along the way, through the hints of the detection technique, Luo Hou discovered that Nirvana City is worthy of being a big city with a population of 30. There are first- and second-level evolutionaries everywhere, and it is not uncommon to see third-level evolutionaries, and occasionally fourth-level evolutionists. The Evolutionary passed by Luo Hou's carriage.

As for the evolutionists above the fifth level, according to Zhou Xing, there are no more than 50 people in the entire Nirvana City, and they belong to the top of the pyramid. Of course, they cannot be easily met on the street.

As for the sixth-level evolutionary, Zhou Xing doesn't know how many there are, but there is no doubt that there will be no more than one palm, and Yang Kaitai, the lord of Nirvana City, is definitely one of them.

It is said that this city lord is already at the peak of the sixth level, and may advance to the seventh level at any time, and truly become the number one powerhouse in Nirvana City, possessing the power to kill and seize everyone.

After learning this information from Zhou Xing, Luo Hou suddenly felt a lot of pressure in his heart!
Originally, he thought that his current strength, even if it wasn't the top group among the evolutionaries, at least wouldn't be too bad.But now it seems that there is still a big gap between me at the beginning of the fourth level and the real powerhouses in the new world!
After all, this is just Nirvana City with a population of 30. According to Zhou Xing, in the far north, there are even super cities with a population of several million. In those cities, how many levels can the strongest evolutionaries have?
Eighth order?Or the ninth step?
Even... beyond the ninth level?
Luo Hou didn't dare to imagine, and the pressure in his heart doubled.

He urgently felt that his mission for a long time to come was to work hard to improve his level of evolutionary and the level of his spirit ring.Especially the latter, the higher the level, the higher the level of monsters that can be controlled, which is the biggest difference between myself and other evolutionaries, and the biggest capital for me to settle down in this chaotic new world!
Thinking about his thoughts all the way, Luo Hou closed his eyes slightly, no longer caring about the scenery outside the car.

Not long after, the speed of the fast-moving carriage slowly slowed down, and finally stopped.

Central villa area, here we come!


The first update, unshakeable request for votes and collections!

(End of this chapter)

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