Full-time lottery system

Chapter 92 The power of the legendary kitchen knife

Chapter 92 The power of the legendary kitchen knife

"What's his expression? Does he think he can still win?"

"That's right, it's really strange that you can still laugh under such circumstances."

"What's going on, is this guy crazy?"

The people watching around looked at the smile on Chen Ze's face, and said strangely one by one.

From their point of view, Chen Ze is doomed to lose, but Chen Ze actually showed such a smile that seemed to have won, which really surprised them.

Seeing Chen Ze's smile, everyone had a strange thought in their hearts: "Could it be possible, could this guy still win?"

On the other hand, Fang Qing, after seeing Chen Ze's smile, suddenly thought of what happened before. Many times before, Chen Ze was like this. He was always thought to be a loser, but he himself won in the end. up.

Could it be the same this time?
In the competition scene, Chen Ze didn't pay attention to what the people around him thought of him. He exchanged the skill of using the legendary kitchen knife once, and then he felt that the ordinary knife he held in his hand was different. As if it had a soul, it vibrated slightly.

Even, Chen Ze felt the sound of a dragon's chant coming from the knife, and passed into his soul, which made Chen Ze tremble a little!
Chen Ze knew that the kitchen knife in his hand had become a legendary kitchen knife.

"This, is this the legendary kitchen knife?"

Chen Ze muttered to himself, he touched the kitchen knife in his hand.

Then, he took out the fish provided by the organizing committee, aimed at the belly of the fish, and slashed it with a knife, and began to process the fish.

dong dong dong dong!

Suddenly, there was a sound of knives on the cutting board.

At this time, the legendary kitchen knife and Chen Ze's God of Cookery knife skills were used at the same time. Immediately, Chen Ze handled the fish very quickly, just like chopping melons and vegetables. Clear.

"Hey, it turns out that Chen Ze's knife skills are so good? Can a C-level chef's knife skills be so good?"

"No, it's impossible, it's only C-level, how can the knife skills be so good?"

"My God, the movements are so fast and proficient, and even a little graceful. A C-level chef, it is impossible for a C-level chef to reach this level."

"Here, did "Gourmet and Travel" magazine make a mistake? With Chen Ze's knife skills alone, it is absolutely impossible for him to be a C-rank."

People around were whispering, and everyone was stunned, including several judges, the host, and the chef who was waiting to prepare for the next competition. Naturally, there were also spectators and reporters around.

Most of these people came from other places and had never watched the previous competition. Their understanding of Chen Ze was entirely from the report in "Food and Travel".

Therefore, everyone thought that Chen Ze was just a C-level chef, his cooking skills might not be very good, and it was just luck to pass the regional selection competition.

So now after seeing Chen Ze's knife skills, everyone was stunned. They all looked at the faces of the people nearby, and saw the expressions of extreme surprise from the faces of the people nearby.

Obviously, most of the people present did not expect that Chen Ze, the representative of Yucheng, could have such a level of knife skills.

"My God, if the knife skills are so strong, then this person's cooking skills are also quite extraordinary. This person is a strong enemy."

"I never imagined that Yu Cheng's representative would be so strong. I'm afraid I'm no match just for this skill."

"Unexpectedly, Yang Ming also made a mistake. This knife skill alone is enough for him to enter the ranks of A-level."

Several other chefs from all over the country who were waiting for the next few exams said that they were also shocked by Chen Ze's move.

"However, it's a pity that the fish he drew was really bad. Even if his knife skill is heaven-defying, he might not be Zhang Zijian's opponent."

"Yeah, the fish is too bad. No matter how good the knife skills are, it's meaningless. Unless his culinary skills far surpass Zhang Zijian, it's impossible to win this time."

"It's a pity, it's a pity, seeing his knife skills, in fact, I still really want to fight against him."

Suddenly, several chefs spoke again, shaking their heads one by one, and said with a sigh.

It turned out that although they were all shocked by Chen Ze's knife skills, they all thought that he still couldn't beat Zhang Zijian just because of the difference in knife skills.

If you want to defeat Zhang Zijian in this situation, unless your cooking skills are much better than Zhang Zijian's.But no one thought that Chen Ze could achieve cooking skills that were much better than Zhang Zijian's.

In fact, even they themselves didn't have much confidence that they could defeat Zhang Zijian in Chen Ze's situation.

"It's a pity, it's a pity."

In the end, all the chefs thought in their minds that they all still believed that Chen Ze could not win this competition.

In the arena, Zhang Zijian was also shocked when he saw Chen Ze moving so fast. He never expected that Chen Ze had such a knife skill.

"I didn't expect this guy's knife skills to be so strong. From the perspective of knife skills alone, his cooking skills are probably better than mine." Zhang Zijian thought to himself, "Fortunately, fortunately, I made this trick secretly, otherwise I'm afraid that in this first Round, I'm about to lose. Fortunately, fortunately."

Zhang Zijian was shocked by Chen Ze's knife skills, and he was also thankful that he had done the trick in advance.He himself also thought that Chen Ze would lose this time.

Chen Ze didn't care about the thoughts of other people on the field at all. He could feel, feel that the moment his knife was cut, the vitality of the fish near the knife was rapidly recovering. Although it was invisible to the naked eye, it was actually happening. of.

The state of the fish and the taste of the fish are all recovering and getting better.

At the end of the cut, the whole fish has become the best fish. The dishes made with this fish will taste far better than ordinary fish. Naturally, it is far better than Zhang Zijian's fish.

This is the power of the legendary kitchen knife! ! !
Although he didn't know exactly how it happened, Chen Ze knew that he was sure to win this match.

dong dong dong dong!

boom! ! !
At the scene, both Chen Ze and Zhang Zijian were concentrating on cooking their own dish.

And the people watching around became quiet, looking forward to what kind of dishes the two of them would cook.

At first, everyone thought that there was no suspense in this match, especially after seeing Chen Ze draw the No. [-] fish.But now seeing Chen Ze's knife skills again, although there is still little suspense, everyone is looking forward to what kind of dishes the two of them, especially Chen Ze, will cook.

Although there is no time limit for the competition, because it is only a fish dish, the speed of both of them is very fast. In less than 10 minutes, they finished all the dishes.


Zhang Zijian and Chen Ze spoke one after another, and the time did not exceed 30 seconds.

"Okay then, let's start the tasting of the first game."

Hearing Zhang Zijian and Chen Ze's words, the host said, and then the staff served the dishes made by Zhang Zijian and Chen Ze respectively.

"What kind of dishes will the two make respectively?"

"Yes, although the possibility of Chen Ze winning is still very small, I am really looking forward to what kind of dishes Chen Ze, who is such a good knifeman, will cook."

(End of this chapter)

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