Chapter 808 Trap
After reuniting with the other celestial masters of the Huaxia tribe, Chen Ze and the others took the train to Siberia, then transferred to the bus, and finally came to the vicinity of the Dongyi tribe.

But to be more precise, they have not yet reached the vicinity of the Dongyi people.

The place where the Dongyi people live is very remote, even the local bus can't reach their place.

Fortunately, Sun Shixiang's Fuxi gossip deduction ability is very strong. After his deduction, everyone was able to lock on the specific location of the Dongyi tribe, which is in the forest not far from where they got off the car.

"Old Sun, it must be in this forest."

Chen Ze opened his mouth, walked to Sun Shixiang's side, pointed to the forest in front of him, and said.

"Yes, according to the deduction, it is here, and the distance is not very far."

Sun Shixiang nodded, and other Huaxia people became excited and nervous when they heard his words.

Excited, I finally found the lair of the Dongyi tribe. This time, maybe I can kill the entire Dongyi tribe in one fell swoop, and get rid of the Dongyi tribe that has been a disaster for thousands of years.

The nervousness was because they were actually not sure that they would be able to get rid of the Dongyi tribe.After all, the Dongyi tribe still has great priests, and most likely, there are other people.

"Although the distance is not far, everyone should be careful. The Dongyi people are full of tricks. I think this road must be uneven." At this moment, Wu Hao said, and he looked at the forest in front of him.

The trees inside are very thick, soaring into the clouds, covering the sky and the sun. In addition, there is no sun here, and the climate is very cold, so the whole forest looks gloomy, a little weird and scary.

Therefore, Wu Hao said.

Hearing his words, the others also nodded.

Then, under the leadership of Sun Shixiang, everyone walked towards the old nest of the Dongyi tribe in the forest.

The reason why Sun Shixiang led the way was that firstly he was the only one who deduced the Dongyi tribe's lair, so he had to lead the way.And second, it is also because of his superb morality, even if he encounters danger all of a sudden, he can solve it with his ability.

Wu Hao, on the other hand, broke the road at the end.The two of them, one behind the other, protected the entire Huaxia team.

Chen Ze stood in the middle of the line, looking around vigilantly, guarding against any danger.

Because he knew that since Sun Shixiang could deduce the location of the Dongyi tribe's lair, then the great priest of the Dongyi tribe would also be able to deduce that all of us had approached them.

And since this is the case, then the great priest and other Dongyi people will definitely come to deal with our team.

Chen Ze estimated that based on such a dangerous environment here, even if the Dongyi tribe can survive, there will not be any powerful celestial masters. That is to say, the biggest hole card of the Dongyi tribe is the great priest, but it may only be the great priest That's all.

Otherwise, the people who were sent to the country to deal with Master Hua Xia would not have been so badly behaved, and they would have been caught so easily.

Therefore, Chen Ze knew that the actual strength of the Dongyi tribe would not be particularly strong.

But even so, as long as the Dongyi tribe has a great priest, it is enough to make Chen Ze feel vigilant, because the priest's morality is really high.

Decades ago, it was already the pinnacle of changing fate against the sky. After these decades, there may be some greater progress.

So no matter what, Chen Ze knew he had to be careful this time.So he was not only very careful, but also opened his eyes to watch everything around him.

And just as Chen Ze expected, since they came to the vicinity of the forest, everything was expected by the great priest of the Dongyi tribe.

At this moment, he was standing in a room with a basin of water in front of him, and an outside scene was reflected in the basin of water, it was Chen Ze and all of them at this moment.

"Sure enough, it's here. Now that you're here, don't even think about going back. This time, I want to keep all of you."

The great priest spoke with a faint smile on his face.All of this is as he expected, so everything is under his control now.

"It's time for my people to ambush in front of these Chinese people. As long as they step into our ambush, even if they won't be completely wiped out, they won't survive much."

The great priest looked at the reflection in the water, and said to himself.

Since he knew that Chen Ze and the others were coming, he was naturally prepared.

The first few preparations were to arrange a lot of formation traps on the road leading here, and these formation traps were all formation traps that would not lose to the Twelve Arrows Formation.

The great priest believed that with his arrangement, it was impossible for these Chinese people to see it in advance, and they would just obediently step into the trap.

And as long as they step in, then they are dead, and there will be no accidents.

What's more, he also sent many people from his Dongyi tribe to stand by the trap, ready to make up the knife at any time, and kill those who might have escaped the trap, or those who were lucky enough not to enter the trap.

This series of arrangements made him sure that even if there were Chinese celestial masters who could come here through this series of traps, there must not be many.

The vast majority of Huaxia Xia will definitely die in these traps.

Thinking of this, the great priest was extremely happy.

He looked at the reflection in the water, and his eyes lit up even more.Because he saw that the vanguard of the Huaxia Division had already reached the first trap he set up.

And the first trap he set up was a formation more powerful than the Twelve Arrows Formation, as long as one entered it, it was absolutely impossible to get out alive.

So at this moment, he has been staring at the reflection in the water, wanting to see how many Chinese people will walk into this trap formation.

And at this moment, he also knows that the leader of Huaxia Tianshi is named Sun Shixiang, and he is one of the highest-ranking and most powerful celestial masters in Huaxia Tianshi.

And he also knows that this celestial master is the one with the strongest deduction ability.For a celestial master Laishui, deduction ability may be one of the most important abilities.

So the great priest of the Dongyi clan knew that if this Sun Shixiang was killed, then the Huaxia clan would definitely suffer a considerable blow.

Therefore, he was looking forward to it very much, expecting that Sun Shixiang would walk into this first formation, and then be killed by this formation.

Therefore, seeing Sun Shixiang getting closer and closer to the formation, and even walking into the formation by only one step, the smile on his face could hardly be restrained.

But at this moment, a voice sounded: "Old Sun, wait, you can't move forward."

Hearing this voice, the smile on the High Priest's face froze.Because he heard it, the person who spoke was the young Hua Tianshi who broke his twelve arrow formation before.

 Sorry, it is indeed Kawen, so there was no update yesterday. The small town of Tianshi is still not very good at writing, so I am going to quickly end this episode and enter the next career.

(End of this chapter)

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