Full-time lottery system

Chapter 793 Desperate

Chapter 793 Desperate

puff! ! !
A small ray of light shot out, piercing through one of Hua Xia's masters surrounded by light, and that person immediately fell to the ground and died.


Seeing this scene, Wu Hao and Sun Shixiang in the encirclement shouted that they couldn't bear Master Hua Xia being killed in front of them.

"Hahaha, did you see it? Master Hua Xiaxia, this is the power of the formation of twelve arrows. You are surrounded inside, just wait to die."

Outside the encirclement, the leader of the black-robed Dongyi tribe spoke, watching the people inside the encirclement speak.

The reason why the formation of twelve arrows is so terrifying is that besides being able to kill those who are surrounded and trying to break out, the most important thing is that these small radiant arrows can be controlled and used to kill people inside the formation.

And just now, the black-robed Dongyi people used this formation to kill the person who was pointed by him just now.

"You dare!!!!"

Wu Hao spoke loudly, he had naturally heard of the power of the Twelve Arrows Formation, but only after seeing it with his own eyes, he knew how powerful the Twelve Arrows Formation was.

Even so, he still spoke loudly.

But upon hearing his words, the black-robed Dongyi man said, "Really? Why don't you dare, just look at it, you Huaxia masters, no matter how high your morals are, you will do it this time." Dead. Because this formation has been improved by our great priest, it has become the most powerful killing formation."

As he said that, the man of the black-robed Dongyi tribe stretched out his fingers again, and his fingers kept lighting something in the void, very regularly.

In the formation, after hearing his words, both Wu Hao and Sun Shixiang's expressions became more serious.

They had guessed just now that the only person in the Dongyi tribe who could arrange such a sky-defying formation of twelve arrows was the great priest who should have been killed decades ago.

But now, from the population of the black-robed Dongyi tribe, everyone knew that the acquiesced great priest was not dead, so both Wu Hao and Sun Shixiang were extremely shocked.

The younger generation of celestial masters are alright, they have never even heard of the Great Priest of the Dongyi Tribe, not to mention they have seen it, so naturally they don't know how powerful the Great Priest is.

But Wu Hao is different from Sun Shixiang. Although neither of them has seen the Great Priest, they have both heard of the Great Priest.

Legend has it that back then, the great priest of the Dongyi tribe had already stood at the pinnacle of changing his fate against the sky, and was about to touch the legendary realm.Not to mention that he arranged it himself, even a word from him can change a person's fate.

In the battle decades ago, if Master Hua Xia, headed by Wu Hao's father, hadn't risked his life to kill the great priest, the outcome of the final battle would have been unpredictable.

Therefore, when the black-robed Dongyi people said that the great priest is not dead, both Wu Hao and Sun Shixiang's expressions naturally changed. If the great priest is really not dead and has recovered his strength, then the entire Huaxia The teacher world, I am afraid that it has reached an extremely critical moment.

"Here it comes, the true power of the Twelve Arrows Array has finally arrived."

At this moment, the leader of the black-robed Dongyi tribe spoke with a smug smile on his face. Following his words, twelve small arrows of light appeared in the entire encirclement, and the proportion of the arrows was larger than the small arrows of light before. , but still very small.

And with the appearance of these twelve radiant arrows, the complexions of Wu Hao and Sun Shixiang changed immediately, and they all said loudly: "Quick, get out of the way."

The most frightening thing about the formation of twelve arrows is not being able to target and kill any person who wants to escape from this circle of light, but being able to emerge these twelve small arrows to kill all people surrounded by this encirclement.

Especially in the current twelve-arrow formation, the great priest of the Dongyi tribe has worked hard, and the improved twelve-arrow formation is even more powerful.

Therefore, after seeing the twelve arrows that emerged, Wu Hao and Sun Shixiang spoke one after another.

But as soon as their words fell, the others were a little stunned. They didn't know what was going on at all, and how powerful the twelve small arrows that emerged from the formation of twelve arrows were.

Naturally, they didn't know the power of the formation of twelve arrows, so they didn't know what Wu Hao and Sun Shixiang meant when they said this eagerly.

And at this moment, when everyone hadn't reacted, and didn't even know the power and reason of the twelve radiant arrows that emerged from the formation of twelve arrows, the twelve radiant arrows that had appeared The attack started, without any regularity, killing all the celestial masters in the encirclement.

In an instant, there were twelve young celestial masters who didn't even know what happened, and were killed by these twelve radiant arrows.

Seeing this scene, all the young celestial masters realized the power of the twelve radiant arrows. Their faces changed drastically, and they quickly and carefully avoided the twelve radiant arrows.

It's a pity that the speed of these twelve radiant arrows is very fast, even faster than the bullets, and they can't just hide if they want to.

So in an instant, more than ten people were killed.Even Sun Shixiang was hit and hurt his arm.

The entire Huaxia division who came here to participate in the conference seemed to be locked in a trap room full of machine guns.

Outside the circle of light, this group of Dongyi people all looked at Master Huaxia inside the circle of light with smiles on their faces. In their opinion, everyone was doomed. The person on his body can last a little longer, but that's what happened when he was killed after exhausting his energy.

As for the others, those ordinary Huaxia masters couldn't escape the formation of twelve arrows at all.

Therefore, they were all very proud, looking at everyone in the formation.

But suddenly, the complexions of these Dongyi people changed a little.Because they saw that besides Wu Hao, there were actually people who could escape the attack of the twelve arrow formation.

Even, that person is much more relaxed than Wu Hao.

"What's the matter with that person, how can he escape the attack of this formation?"

The leader of the Dongyi tribe spoke, pointing at the man.

And the person they were talking about was none other than Chen Ze.

At this moment, Chen Ze is really very relaxed, he seems to have completely figured out the law of this formation's attack, his movements are slow, but he dodges every attack of this formation.

His actions are in stark contrast to the other people in the formation, as if he is not in the same formation at all.

And if you look at him carefully, you will find that his eyes are glowing red strangely at this moment.

This ray of light helped him escape all attacks.

(End of this chapter)

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