Full-time lottery system

Chapter 788 Dongyi Tribe

Chapter 788 Dongyi Tribe

"Dongyi tribe?"

Hearing Sun Shixiang's words on the stage, Chen Ze was a little stunned.

He had learned about Dongyi in the past when he was in school. The so-called Dongyi, Xirong, Beidi, and Nanman were the names of the barbarians around the Central Plains during the Shang, Zhou, and even the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods.

Dongyi may have appeared a little earlier than the other three eras. It was recorded in the Shang Dynasty, and the history books of the Western Zhou Dynasty began to record the use of troops by Zhou Tianzi against Dongyi on a large scale.

But the so-called Dongyi refers to places like Shandong and Zhejiang. They should have been completely wiped out as early as the Warring States Period and the Western Han Dynasty, and they were integrated into the Han people. How could there be another Dongyi tribe now? .

Moreover, Dongyi has always referred to a large-scale group of people in ancient times. There is no such thing as a group called Dongyi, which is similar to the concept of ancient Huaxia.

Therefore, when he heard Sun Shixiang's words on the stage, Chen Ze was a little stunned. He didn't know what kind of ethnicity the Dongyi tribe he was talking about, and what was the relationship with the Dongyi people recorded in the ancient history books.

Therefore, Chen Ze looked at the people around him, only to see that everyone's faces were a little pale, as if they heard some unbelievable but terrified news.

"No, it's impossible. At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, our Huaxia Division fought a decisive battle with the Dongyi people. After defeating them, we completely wiped them out. The Dongyi people should have been completely wiped out. How could that be? It popped up again?"

"Yeah, why did the Dongyi tribe appear again? They have tried to destroy our Huaxia many times in history, and they almost succeeded several times. How could they appear again now?"

"My God, if the Dongyi people really reappear, then there will probably be another bloody disaster."

"Yes, although this Dongyi tribe is also a descendant of the holy king Fuxi, they parted ways with our Huaxia tribe in the time of the Yellow Emperor. After Zhuanxu, one of the five emperors, became a life-and-death enemy with our Huaxia tribe, How did they appear again?"

Everyone spoke one after another, looked at Sun Shixiang and said.

From their words, Chen Ze gradually understood what was going on with this Dongyi tribe.

It turns out that the Dongyi tribe and the Huaxia tribe came from the same origin, they are both descendants of the holy king Fuxi, and both have inherited the gossip ability evolved by Fuxi.

But after that, they gradually parted ways with the ancestors of the Huaxia tribe. The ancestors of the Huaxia tribe valued the humanistic spirit. Although they inherited Fuxi's ability to evolve gossip, they did not respect ghosts and gods, but relied on humans for everything.It is believed that although the ability passed down by the sage king Fuxi is strong, it cannot be relied on to govern the country.

But this is not the case for the Dongyi people. They hope to use the power passed down by the sage king Fuxi to establish a divine kingdom on earth, and use themselves as gods to fool and rule the people.

To put it simply, the Dongyi people want to establish a theocracy, while the Huaxia people want to put people first and build a humanistic country.

The two sides were okay at the beginning. Although the conflict existed, it was not intense.

Later, the conflict between the two sides became more intense, especially in the time of the Yellow Emperor, the Dongyi people even regarded the ancestors of the Huaxia people as thorns in their eyes and thorns in their flesh, thinking that their existence hindered their plan to establish a divine kingdom on earth.

Therefore, when Chi You fought with the ancestors of the Huaxia clan, they were still members of the Huaxia clan at that time, but they did not contribute, and they were even holding back secretly.

They themselves occupy considerable power in the Huaxia clan, even the vast majority of power.

They didn't work hard, and naturally the ancestors of the Huaxia clan were at a disadvantage in the face of the powerful Chi You, and even a large number of celestial masters died in battle. As a result, the celestial masters of the Huaxia clan ushered in an era that was almost wiped out as a whole.

Until the Yellow Emperor took action, as a powerful celestial master in this world, he not only defeated Chi You, but also suppressed the world, which made the Dongyi people extremely fearful. Under the governance of the Yellow Emperor, he trembled and dared not do anything .

This continued until the death of the Yellow Emperor, and there was no extra power to suppress the ancestors of the Dongyi people, so they rose up to make waves again, and the limelight even overwhelmed the ancestors of the Huaxia people again, and the Huaxia people almost entered the theocracy path of.

Until Zhuanxu was born, as the grandson of the Yellow Emperor, he naturally possessed the extraordinary ability of being a celestial master. He made a bold move and completely cut off the Huaxia people's path to the theocracy.

Naturally, they were greatly hated by the ancestors of the Dongyi tribe. Although Zhuan Xunian did not attack them because he was also a descendant of the holy king Fuxi, they were dissatisfied and secretly instigated a rebellion.

As a result, the natural rebellion was suppressed, and the ancestors of the Dongyi tribe were expelled from the Huaxia tribe.They moved eastward to a place quite far away from the Huaxia tribe, and no longer regarded themselves as Huaxia, but called themselves the Dongyi tribe, and even vowed to do everything in their power to destroy Huaxia.

After that, whether it was Xia Mie Shang, Zhou Mie Xia, etc., they all had their shadows, until the unification of Qin Dynasty, Shihuang issued an order to kill this Dongyi tribe whose purpose was to eliminate China.

Naturally, although the Dongyi people were strong, they were far from the first emperor's opponents. As a result, most of the Dongyi people were killed, and only a few Dongyi people fled to the northern grasslands and northeast mountain forests.

The first emperor thought that facing this fate, the remaining Dongyi people should have given up their goal of destroying Huaxia, so they canceled the pursuit of the remaining Dongyi people.

But I didn't expect that after the death of the first emperor, the Dongyi people would jump out again to make troubles, secretly supporting the northern grassland people on the grasslands and in the deep mountains and old forests in the northeast.

Since then, the northern prairie people have become a major problem for the Huaxia people. The Xiongnu, Xianbei, Jurchen, Mongols, Manchus, etc. all have their support behind them.

During this period of time, although the Huaxia tribe in the Central Plains also had a prosperous time and invaded the northern grasslands, they still had no way to kill all the people of the Dongyi tribe.

Even when the strength was declining, the grassland people who were secretly supported by the Dongyi people fought in, and Shenzhou Lu Chen had it twice.

Until the end of the Qing Dynasty, the sage who could only appear in 500 years reappeared, and with it came the prosperity of Huaxia Teacher World again.

Therefore, the Huaxia division is determined to completely wipe out the Dongyi people and solve this nation that has been an enemy of China for more than 4000 years.

Finally, after more than 20 years of melee in the Republic of China, the Dongyi people were finally defeated.Then in the first three years after the founding of the People's Republic of China, in order to worry about the resurgence of the Dongyi people, Huaxia's divisions conducted a street search in the country, and wiped out the people of the Dongyi people.

In the end, it was finally confirmed that this 5000-year-old Chinese enemy had been completely wiped out, so the Huaxia Master World relaxed again.

Until now, this terrifying enemy, whose goal is to destroy China, has appeared again.

Therefore, after hearing the news, everyone at the scene turned pale.

(End of this chapter)

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