Full-time lottery system

Chapter 63 Turn off the lights, strike (for collection)

Chapter 63 Turn off the lights, strike (for collection)
At night, a bend in Yandang Mountain Road.

This curve is behind the large V-shaped curve. Although the road surface is still relatively narrow, if someone deliberately blocks the road, it will be difficult for the cars behind to pass.However, unlike other large V-shaped curves in Yandang Mountain, this one is not only the widest curve in the last section of the road, but also the closest to the end point.

However, not many people noticed this, and it was even different from the lively corner before, no one stood at the corner of this corner at all, and no one noticed the difference of this corner.

At this moment, a car drove over. It was not Chen Ze's Masan Rui or Cao Fang's car, but a white car. After driving to this bend, he parked the car out of the mountain road, Then he got out of the car, and it turned out to be Chen Bering!

After walking down, he looked at the curve and said to himself: "Unexpectedly, no one noticed that this curve is the most critical point of tonight's game. It seems that now I can exclusively enjoy the most exciting part of the game later." where."

"Who's to say no one else noticed."

At this time, there was another sound from behind, and Chen Bailing turned his head quickly, only to see a man with pigtails coming out of the darkness, it turned out to be Mogg.

"Captain, you don't think you're the only one who noticed this bend." Mogg laughed.

Hearing what Moge said, Chen Bailing also smiled. He lit a cigarette and took a long puff: "Then tell me what is different about this corner?"

"This corner is wider than the other corners at the end. Although it is still difficult for the car behind to overtake if the car in front deliberately blocks it. But it is much more likely than the other places in the last section. And also It's close to the finish line, in other words, whoever takes the lead at this corner will be the winner tonight." Mogg said.

"That's right." Chen Bailing smiled, "Although Cao Fang took the lead at the big V-shaped curve, generally speaking, it means that he is sure to win, but if the opponent is the Masan Rui, it will be different. Meisangrui will definitely create an unimaginable miracle, and their victory will not be decided until the last moment, that is to say, at this corner!"

At the same time, on the mountain road ahead of Chen Bering and Mogg, the sound of engines and tires rubbing against the ground came and went.Just as Moge and Chen Bailing guessed, even though they fell behind in the V-shaped curve, Chen Ze did not give up the game, but kept biting Cao Fang tightly!

hum! ! ! !

hereby! ! ! !

In the car in front, Cao Fang was sweating profusely. From time to time, he looked up at Chen Ze's car behind him. He felt that although this race was just an insignificant amateur race, it was the one he felt the most pressure in his life so far. games.

The feeling that Chen Ze gave him through Mei Sangrui later surpassed that of the car king Xiu Mahe back then.

"It's unimaginable. No matter how hard I try, I can only lead him by a little bit. This still completely takes advantage of the performance of the car and the mountain road. If it was in the regular arena, I'm afraid I would have been surpassed by him long ago. went."

Cao Fang muttered to himself, he found that even if he had put all his energy into it, even if he had played to his highest level, the gap between the two cars was still narrowing, even if he played tricks, he could only Barely ahead of Chen Ze.

Behind Meisangrui, Chen Ze is very calm at the moment. Although the road is becoming more and more unfavorable to him, his eyes are more and more calm.

"Although the road in this section is very narrow, it is very difficult to overtake, but there is no way. Ahead, just near the end, there is still a detour that is enough for me to overtake him."

Chen Ze muttered to himself, unlike someone like Cao Fang who just ran the Yandang Mountain Road for a week, he has been to Yandang Mountain for countless times since he was a child, so he is very familiar with the Yandang Mountain Road. To understanding.

He knew that the remaining corner at the front was the most critical point of today.

hum! ! ! ! !
The two cars continued to accelerate, running on the mountain road, passing through detours one after another, Cao Fang's car was barely ahead of Chen Ze.

Finally, after going through another bend, we came to this bend.

"Come on, Cao Fang is the leader."

"I don't know how Cao Fang will deal with it. Will he be overtaken here?"

After seeing the cars of Chen Ze and Cao Fang, Moge and Chen Bailing, who were standing at the corner of the bend, immediately spoke up and became excited.

"Huh?" Cao Fang, who was in the lead, also realized something was wrong at this time, this curve was actually wider than other curves, "So there is such a wide curve here, here Chen Ze might want to overtake me. "

Sure enough, after saying this, he found that Chen Ze's car was speeding up, and wanted to overtake him here.

Seeing this, Cao Fang quickly placed the car in the middle of the road, leaving some free space on both sides, but no matter where it was, it was definitely not enough for Chen Ze to overtake.

"Mei Sang Rui accelerated, it seems that she wants to overtake."

"Cao Fang noticed his movement and blocked it. He was blocked in the middle. There was no room at all. It was impossible to overtake here."

Mogg and Chen Bering said that seeing the final decisive battle finally started, both of them became nervous.

hum! ! ! !hereby! ! ! !
At this moment, the two cars entered the bend, but Cao Fang still placed the car in the middle, leaving no chance for Chen Ze to overtake.

"Mei Sangrui is still trying to overtake, but there is no chance, and it is impossible to overtake at all."

"Cao Fang is too experienced, and the blocking position is really good, Mei Sangrui has no chance to surpass at all."

Moge and Chen Bering said that they began to marvel at Cao Fang's driving skills and mental quality. He was indeed a driver who has been victorious in the international arena. He was not nervous or flustered at this juncture, although Chen Ze kept trying to overtake , but he still blocked well and didn't give him a chance to overtake at all.

Both of them knew that if things went on like this, Chen Ze might be doomed.

At this moment, Cao Fang was also looking at Chen Ze in the rearview mirror in the car. He was far less relaxed than Mogg and Chen Bering imagined.In fact, he was very nervous at the moment, he could feel the aura transmitted by Chen Ze, as long as he was a little careless, he would be the loser tonight.

"However, I still won't lose." Cao Fang roared in a low voice, he would never give Chen Ze any chance to overtake.


At this moment, a voice came, Cao Fang looked in the rearview mirror again, it was pitch black behind, and just like that, Chen Ze's car disappeared!
"It's gone? Why did it suddenly disappear?" Cao Fang was stunned, but in an instant he understood that it wasn't that Chen Ze's car disappeared, but that Chen Ze had turned off the car lights. I can't see the car.

"This guy is a lunatic, but he turned off the lights here."

Cao Fang couldn't believe what was happening in front of him, at such a high speed, Chen Ze actually turned off the lights.This kind of behavior is tantamount to courting death.

But immediately, Cao Fang realized that it was Chen Ze planning to overtake, so he didn't know which side he was planning to overtake.

"It doesn't matter which side you overtake from, I won't lose."

Cao Fang thought to himself that he knew that as long as he continued to maintain this position, he would be able to block Chen Ze.But subconsciously, he actually moved the car a little towards the inner lane, and ordinary cars would overtake on the inner lane, so Cao Fang, who has rich experience in overtaking, subconsciously made this action.

"Outside the road, this Masan Rui wants to overtake other cars in the outside lane."

"He actually wanted to overtake from the outside lane."

At this time, the voices of Moge and Chen Bailing suddenly came from outside. Although they were also stunned by Chen Ze's turning off the lights, they could still see clearly. Chen Ze's Meisangrui, his Meisangrui It turned out to be trying to overtake from the outer lane.

But without knowing what happened, Cao Fang's car turned to the inner lane for no reason, and gave way to the outer lane.

"not good!"

After hearing this sound, Cao Fang thought in his heart that suddenly a headlight turned on, it was the headlight of Masan Rui, and Cao Fang's car lit up instantly. With this light, Cao Fang could clearly see Chen Ze's car. As for the car, he really came from an outsider and overtook him.

"It's not that simple, I won't let you surpass the past so easily."

Until this time, although he had already fallen into an extremely disadvantaged position, Cao Fang still did not panic. He hit the front of the car and turned to the outside to block Chen Ze's path.

Although a little space was made available, the remaining space was still not enough for Meisangrui to pass through.

"It's impossible for you to surpass me." Cao Fang thought to himself.

But he suddenly saw that although there was not enough space left, Chen Ze was still driving the car and rushed up. It looked like he wanted to knock Cao Fang away, and rushed over abruptly.

"Impossible, at such a fast speed, let alone a collision, even a slight friction, the two cars will lose control immediately,"

"That's right, this Chen Ze must be trying to scare Cao Fang. He would never dare to bump into him. He is still an outsider. If he really bumped into him, he would have a great possibility of rushing off the cliff."

Seeing this scene, Moge and Chen Bailing said one after another that they couldn't understand what Chen Ze did in this corner.

But just as they finished speaking, Chen Ze actually collided with each other, and the two cars immediately made a muffled noise, but the expected loss of control of the two cars did not happen.

On the contrary, a lane big enough for Mei Sangrui to pass through finally appeared in front of Chen Ze after such a long time of fierce fighting.

 There is something to do at night, this chapter will be posted now, please collect and recommend tickets, collect and recommend tickets

(End of this chapter)

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