Full-time lottery system

Chapter 409 Sensation

Chapter 409 Sensation

That night, news from Tokyo, Japan, spread all over the world.

Because the new emperor of Japan was enthroned, reporters from all over the world gathered in Tokyo.After the explosion sounded, these reporters all gathered near the palace with their keen intuition, wanting to get first-hand information.

At the beginning, these reporters didn't know what happened, so they only reported that the Japanese imperial palace might have been attacked by terrorists.But after the news came out, they realized that the almighty was responsible for such a big commotion, and those explosions were all fake, just to lead out the location of the three artifacts.

And now, that Almighty has successfully disappeared from the palace with the three artifacts!
That is to say, that almighty person actually did this, and really succeeded in taking away the three national treasures of Japan from the Japanese imperial palace on the day when the new Japanese emperor ascended the throne.

After hearing the news, these reporters immediately became excited one by one. They all knew what a sensational news this would be in the world, and they all wrote the press release immediately, and then sent it back to their own country.

Immediately, the news spread all over the world, causing a sensation in the world.

Japan, on the Internet!
Japan is the home game this time, so naturally it was the first country to spread the news.

After knowing it, the Japanese people were stunned at first, unable to believe the news.

Especially many netizens in Tokyo, they have seen with their own eyes that since the notification letter from the Almighty came out, the government has dispatched a large number of people to deal with this matter, and the whole Tokyo has been messed up during this period.

In this case, the three artifacts are still lost?how can that be!

Therefore, netizens in Tokyo and the whole of Japan do not believe this news, thinking it is just a rumor.

But immediately, various detailed reports came out, and netizens who lived near the palace also broke the news online, saying that they heard the explosion sound from the palace and saw the chaos in the palace.It looked exactly like the three artifacts had really been stolen.

This series of news made the hearts of netizens in Tokyo and the whole of Japan heavy, and they all understood one thing.The three artifacts seemed to have been stolen. They were stolen by the Almighty on the day when the new emperor ascended the throne.

"Is this government full of food? It has used 20 people, a large number of helicopters, and even the intervention of the Americans. Under such circumstances, it is even possible to lose the three artifacts. Today is our new On the day when the Emperor ascends the throne, if you can lose three artifacts like this, is this government going to die?"

"That's right, today is the day when our new emperor ascends the throne. He actually lost the three artifacts at such a time. Not to mention how precious these three artifacts are, what will the United States think of us in the future? How will China think of us? What will the world think of us? We can't even keep our own country's national treasures, and the three artifacts have been completely lost, it's just too ridiculous, and our Japan has really become a big joke."

"Bastard, today the guards of the palace and those officials should all apologize. These are the three artifacts. The three artifacts that have existed in Japan since Emperor Jimmu were lost in their hands. Everyone should go die."

"The three artifacts were lost when the emperor ascended the throne, and they were stolen by a thief. I think Japan should perish."

Many Japanese netizens said on the Internet that after they knew that the three artifacts had been stolen, they were extremely angry and even cursed.

Everyone thought that the people in the government should die, but even when they knew that the Almighty would come, they lost the three artifacts and were stolen by the Almighty. This is simply unforgivable.

Immediately that night, these netizens still felt unable to express their depression on the Internet, so they took to the streets one by one and began to march, demanding that the current government step down.

Not only Tokyo, but the whole of Japan was a sensation in a short period of time.

Everyone in Japan felt that this time they were humiliating the whole world. They all gathered and marched all over Japan, demanding that the current Japanese government step down.

For a while, the whole of Japan was in chaos, because Chen Ze's behavior triggered the largest demonstration in Japan in recent decades.The current Japanese government also completely collapsed in this demonstration.

And China, as well as South Korea and other countries, are all excited.

Because of World War II, several countries in East Asia have a very bad relationship with Japan, especially among the people, they all want Japan to embarrass itself.

So after hearing about this incident, everyone naturally gloated.

China is fine, because of what happened in Hong Kong before, Chinese netizens already have a certain understanding of this kind of thing.

Although after Chen Ze sent out the notification letter last time, many Chinese netizens didn't really think that Chen Ze could do it. After all, the opponent last time was only a British earl, but this time he was against the whole of Japan.

But they always have a little fantasy in their hearts, thinking that Chen Ze can do it.

So when they heard the news, Chinese netizens were all excited, but the excitement centered around Chen Ze, everyone felt that Chen Ze was really amazing.

"The Almighty is amazing. He actually stole Japan's national treasure among thousands of troops. Now I see how arrogant the Japanese are. They have lost all face this time."

"Yeah, this Almighty One is amazing. Last time he took away the British earl's belongings in Hong Kong, but this time he ran into the Imperial Palace in Tokyo and took away Japan's national treasure. It's unimaginable."

"Who is this Almighty? It's a bit too much, a legendary thief, a legendary thief."

Chinese netizens said one after another that although they also gloated over Japan's loss of national treasures, they were more amazed and admired by Chen Ze, and everyone admired Chen Ze.

As for South Korea, South Korea's hatred of Japan is deeper than that of China, and its hostility towards Japan is naturally much deeper.

Therefore, when they heard about this incident, they were all happier than the Chinese side.

"Hahaha, Japan actually lost all their national treasures, it's too embarrassing for Smecta."

"I want to say the word deserve it. The Japanese should be so ashamed. A country that can't even keep its own national treasure deserves it. It really deserves it."

"Although I don't know who this almighty man is, I want to give him some savings. He actually made Japan lose face so much. It makes me laugh so hard, really makes me laugh so hard."

The Koreans said one after another, all of them were very happy.In their view, Japan's pain is their happiness.

Therefore, although they don't know who the Almighty is, they all admire the Almighty very much.

Of course, there is also fear.

After all, they all know that since the Almighty can steal Japan's national treasures, it's even easier to steal their things.It is definitely easier for them to lose face than Japan.

Therefore, while greatly admiring Chen Ze, he also developed considerable fear of Chen Ze.

And other countries in the world have similar attitudes.

Either they are surprised and admired by Chen Ze, or they are still a little afraid of Chen Ze.

But in any case, this incident caused a huge sensation in the world.

The name of Chen Ze Almighty was once again noticed by the whole world.

And this time, it was even more impressive than the last time!
(End of this chapter)

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