Full-time lottery system

Chapter 394 Sensation of all parties

Chapter 394 Sensation of all parties
Just when Ozawa Linjian reported Chen Ze's notification letter in a panic, this notification letter was also spread in Japan and the whole world.

Especially in Japan, when the government announced that the old emperor was abdicating and the new emperor was about to ascend the throne, the entire Japanese people were excited, and they were all concerned about the enthronement of the new emperor, Prince Tokusei. Japan is very much in the spotlight.

And Chen Ze's notification letter has something to do with this.

Therefore, when he appeared on the official website of the Japanese foreign ministry, he was immediately reported by the Japanese media, and then detonated the entire Japanese people.

"Who is this almighty man? He dared to send such a notification letter, and dared to say that he would steal our three artifacts at the enthronement ceremony of our Prince Decheng as the new emperor."

"That's right, they actually sent a letter of notification. This is simply blatant contempt. Who is this person? Is it a joke or some kind of crazy?"

"F*ck, who is this Almighty? He is so arrogant that he dared to say that he would take away the three artifacts on the day of the enthronement ceremony."

Japanese netizens said one after another that most Japanese netizens don't actually know Chen Ze, and they don't know who the Almighty is.Although what Chen Ze did in Hong Kong before was sensational enough, it was only for China. For Japan, except for some people who paid special attention to the previous events, most people don't know who the Almighty is.

Therefore, after reading this notification letter, these Japanese people were a little angry and a little confused. They felt that if this almighty person was not crazy, he was an egomaniac.He dared to say that he was going to take away the three artifacts, and it was still before the enthronement ceremony of the new emperor, and more importantly, he even sent a notification letter in advance.

All of this made Japanese netizens really angry.

Soon, the identity of Chen Ze Almighty was spread on the Japanese Internet, and the Japanese who knew that Chen Ze Almighty was working in Hong Kong began to explain Chen Ze's identity.

"The Almighty is a well-known thief. He once stole something belonging to an English earl in Hong Kong, and it was a very precious thing."

"That Almighty is really powerful. The British earl took enough precautions, but he still took everything away."

"The Almighty seems to be a Chinese, and it is his style to send a notification letter in advance."

Many people who knew the deeds of the Almighty Chen Ze explained one after another. Seeing these explanations, these Japanese netizens probably knew who the Almighty Chen Ze was and what he had done before.

And after they found out, especially after Chen Ze knew that he was a Chinese, they became even more angry.

"Who am I? It turns out that I'm just a Chinese. What a particularly powerful thief, I think mainland China is protecting him and preventing the Hong Kong police from investigating him. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for him to take all his belongings from the British earl." steal."

"That's right, just steal something belonging to a British earl in Hong Kong. How dare you steal it from us this time, and it's on the occasion of our emperor's enthronement ceremony. It's so arrogant."

"Okay, come here if you have the guts, but if you come, this kind of Almighty will definitely not be able to go back. It's fine to be fierce in their own country, but they dare to come to our Japan."

"Looking for death. If he dares to come, he is looking for death. He even dared to send a notification letter. Okay, okay. I want to see what kind of ability this Almighty has to come and steal."

"It's just a Chinese. If he really succeeds, I'll live broadcast and eat shit."

These Japanese netizens opened their mouths one after another, and they were all very excited.

If it is when they don't know who the Almighty is, apart from anger, most of them feel inexplicable, and they don't know who the Almighty is at all.

Now, when they know that the Almighty is a Chinese, a Chinese dares to send a notification letter in advance, saying that they will take away their three artifacts before the enthronement ceremony of their new emperor, they are all completely blown up.

They all feel that the Almighty is too provocative, and this simply does not take their entire Japan into consideration.

How dare a Chinese do this.

They were naturally extremely angry, and then clamored one by one, telling Chen Ze to come. They absolutely did not believe that this almighty man had the ability to take away their three artifacts during the enthronement ceremony of the new emperor.

They all said that if the Almighty dared to come, he would seek death.

All of a sudden, the name of Chen Ze, the almighty man, became popular all over Japan.

Of course, the Japanese who knew the name of Chen Ze the Almighty all called him by his name through gritted teeth.

And around the world, especially in China, Chen Ze's notification letter also caused a sensation.

However, unlike Japan, when the news reached China, domestic netizens were all excited and jubilant.

Originally, after Chen Ze returned the Chuanguo Yuxi last time, the Almighty was on the Internet, and there was no news in the country.

This made many fans of Chen Ze's almighty identity somewhat disappointed. In their hearts, Chen Ze's almighty identity had long been integrated with those ancient heroes and ancient thieves in the novel. They all felt that Chen Ze's almighty The identity of the author is that of a thief who is like a flying fairy.

Therefore, after a period of time without news of Chen Ze's identity as the Almighty, they were all somewhat disappointed, fearing that the Almighty would only appear once, and would never appear again in the future.

And at this moment, the news of the Almighty came out again.And this time, the target was actually aimed at Japan, and the three national treasures of Japan were taken away at the enthronement ceremony of the Japanese emperor.

After knowing the news, all domestic netizens were really excited and exploded.

"Damn it, is it true or not? Has it finally appeared again? I was worried that the Almighty would disappear in the future. I didn't expect that not only did it not disappear, but the goal this time was so big. Japan's three artifacts, this is Japan's national treasure. "

"Haha, not only is it as simple as the three artifacts of Japan's national treasures, but they still have to be taken away at the enthronement ceremony of the new emperor of Japan. If the Almighty can do this, then the entire Japanese and Japan must be They are completely dumbfounded, and will lose face internationally."

"That's right, hahaha, the Almighty did a great job this time, just to kill Little Japan. If he succeeds again this time, then I will announce that I will be his fan from now on."

"Although it feels difficult, even impossible. But the goal of the Almighty alone is enough for me to support him. Support the Almighty and turn Japan upside down."

Domestic netizens all said that unlike Japan, the country is full of excitement, and they all want to see Chen Ze, see Chen Ze really complete this thing, and really use Japan's three artifacts when the new emperor of Japan ascends the throne. The ceremony is taken away.

As for other places in the world, most countries naturally did not respond. Most netizens and ordinary people don't care about this incident, but there are still many people who realized Chen Ze's identity as an all-rounder through the previous incident. When they After knowing Chen Ze's new goal, they all started to look forward to it.

They have nothing to do with Japan, so they don't hate Japan or worry about Japan.They just wanted to know whether Chen Ze could do this.

Taking away Japan's national treasure at the enthronement ceremony of Japan's new emperor is an epic-level difficult operation. They only care about whether Chen Ze can complete it.

So all of a sudden, many netizens all over the world turned their attention to this Japan, the enthronement ceremony of the Emperor!
(End of this chapter)

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