Full-time lottery system

Chapter 332 Stepping

Chapter 332 Stepping

"Knock him down and let this guy know how powerful our Japanese boxing world is."

"That's right, teach this arrogant guy a lesson."

"Let this boxer from China know how good we are."

In the black boxing arena, the audience all around shouted loudly, facing the ring.

On the ring, Chen Ze and the remaining eight boxers in the black boxing gym stood together and looked at each other.

"Why, do you come together or one by one? I don't care." Chen Ze said, looking at the eight people.

Although there were mocking voices all around, he didn't react at all, and looked at the eight people on the ring with a calm face.

Among the eight people, one who could speak English heard Chen Ze's words and relayed Chen Ze's words to the eight of them.

Hearing Chen Ze's words, I felt the arrogance and contempt in Chen Ze's words, as if the eight of them really couldn't beat Chen Ze alone.

Hearing this, they were furious, wishing to knock down Chen Ze immediately.

However, they still held back the anger in their hearts, because although the arena was big, it was just a arena after all, and the space was not big enough for eight people to swarm up at the same time.And if they fight one by one, with the example of Noda Ken, they also know that they will definitely not be Chen Ze's opponent.

So they looked at each other, and finally said: "Eight people can't use it here, I'm afraid we are not your opponent if you hit us one by one. Just two people, two by two."

Although they fought against Chen Ze two by two, their strength itself was not far behind Noda Ken, and the combat power of the two combined was far from being comparable to one person.

Therefore, they believed that the two of them would definitely be able to defeat Chen Ze.

Even if it doesn't work, there are still three groups in the back, even if they are exhausted, they can exhaust Chen Ze to death.

It has to be said that Chen Ze's instant killing of Noda Ken just now gave these black boxers too much impact.

In the past, these black boxers were arrogant and arrogant. How could they team up with others to beat a single person, especially in front of so many audiences? This is even more unimaginable.

But now, facing Chen Ze, they had no choice but to do so.Because they all know that if they come one by one, they have absolutely no chance of winning.

"Yes." Chen Ze nodded, and replied indifferently.It seems that no matter how many people appear on the opposite side, he is very indifferent.

"Okay, then the two of us will come first."

At this time, two of the eight people came out and spoke.With that said, the two walked up to Chen Ze.

"It's Youxi-jun and Yunxia-jun. One of them ranks fourth and the other ranks six in our boxing gym. Moreover, the strength of these two people is not far from that of Noda-kun. Together, they are definitely enough to kill this Chinese. boxer."

"That's right, this Chinese boxer is too arrogant. I still don't believe it. Even if you Xijun and Yunxiajun join forces, they can't beat him."

"Come on, you Xijun and Yunxiajun, let that Chinese boxer know how good we are."

After seeing these two people stand up, the audience around said in succession.They all know how powerful these two are, and they all believe that if these two join forces, they will definitely defeat Chen Ze.

In the private room, Sang Tianjian and the boss Tanaka were watching what was going on above the ring. After seeing these two people standing up, the boss Tanaka said: "Sang Tian-kun, I think you know that Chinese boxer, do you think these two people Can you beat him?"

"I'm afraid, I can't!" Sang Tian said again, "This person is no ordinary opponent."

"Is it that strong? Does China have such a strong boxer?" The boss Tanaka asked, frowning.

The two people who stood up were quite familiar to Tanaka, and he knew that these two people also had a professional level.

Two professional-level boxers joined together again. He thought that facing this Chinese boxer must be sure of winning, and let this Chinese boxer pay for his arrogance.

But he never expected that he would get such an answer from Sang Tianjianci.

"I still don't believe that a Chinese boxer can be so powerful." Tanaka muttered to himself, he didn't believe what Sang Tianjianci said.

On the ring, Chen Ze looked at the two fighters opposite and said, "Let's start."

When they heard Chen Ze's words, they looked at each other again, then nodded, and suddenly swung their fists from left to right, and punched Chen Ze with extraordinary speed and strength.

When Chen Ze saw this, he quickly turned his body to avoid the attacks of these two people.Then, he punched with all his strength and hit the boxer on his left.

If the attack of the two boxers just now was like a cat catching a mouse, then Chen Ze was a tiger on a rabbit, hitting the boxer on the left so fast that no one could imagine.

The boxer on the left couldn't react, he was punched heavily by Chen Ze in the chest, and then fell to the ground.

Immediately, Chen Ze turned around, threw another punch, and hit the boxer to the right, hitting the boxer on the right again.

With a bang, the boxer on the right also fell to the ground.

One left and one right, the time difference between Chen Ze's fist swings was no more than one second.

One second, in this short second, before everyone present had time to react or make any sound, he knocked down these two at the same time.

"This, this, this, how is this possible!"

Seeing this scene, everyone at the scene was stunned, unable to make a sound.They didn't expect it to be so simple, and it was so simple, Chen Ze defeated two of them.

"Two more."

And Chen Ze looked at the remaining six people and said.

At this moment, the faces of the six boxers also showed fear and incomparable surprise. They also didn't expect this, and they didn't expect Chen Ze to be so strong.

They looked at each other, then shouted loudly, and two more people rushed up.

Facing these two people, Chen Ze's figure flashed, and then there were two bangs, and these two people were also knocked down by Chen Ze in an instant.

There are four people left.

They were all stunned, they didn't expect Chen Ze to be so strong.When the two of them went up together, they were both instantly killed by him.

The four people looked at each other, and then they all rushed over together.

Two people can't beat Chen Ze, so they need four people to fight together.

On Chen Ze's side, he seemed to have expected that the last four would rush up together.

He stepped on his feet and started to deal with these four people.

It has to be said that the four of them went together, and the four of them were at least close to the professional level, which indeed put a lot of pressure on Chen Ze all of a sudden.

However, Chen Ze still kept his footsteps, dodging the attacks of these four people smoothly.

Then, he seized an air attack and once again used the boxing technique, clone!
In an instant, there seemed to be four Chen Zes on the scene.

Bang bang bang!

Four sounds of fists hitting the chest, these four Japanese black boxers all fell down in response!
Eight fighters, eight of the most elite boxers in this gym, close to the professional level, were all knocked down by Chen Ze.

"Eight people, eight people are nothing more than that."

After being knocked down, Chen Ze stood among the eight fallen people and spoke loudly.

The voice spread throughout the boxing gym, but no one in the boxing gym responded.

Everyone, ever since Chen Ze easily defeated the two fighters, was silent and fell into shock and silence.

But looking at the eight people who fell, they all knew one thing.

This boxing gym was really leveled down by Chen Ze!

(End of this chapter)

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