Full-time lottery system

Chapter 328 Provocation

Chapter 328 Provocation

"China, does China have professional boxers? Aren't they all just a bunch of weak chickens?"

Amamiya Otomi's friend looked at Chen Ze and said mockingly.

His words made Chen Ze frown directly. Chen Ze didn't expect that Amamiya Otomi's friend would say such things as soon as they came.

"No, I was wrong. You have only one boxer in China, and that is Guo Yu. He fought with Sang Tian for the first time, and he can barely be regarded as a boxer. But besides him, is there any real boxer? But I heard It is said that even Guo Yu lost to a young boxer in your country two days ago, and I heard that the boxer is still a rookie who has only practiced boxing for a long time. Guo Yu actually lost to such a rookie, it seems that he is completely It’s no good. In this way, do you in China still have the qualifications to be called boxers?”

Amamiya Otomi's friend spoke again, and shook her head while talking, as if she was very disappointed with Guo Yu and the Chinese boxing world.

However, he still had a faint mocking smile on his face, obviously, he didn't think so.

"Noda-san, what are you talking about? Why do you say such things to my benefactor." Hearing what this man said, Chen Ze hadn't said anything yet, Amamiya Otomi opened her mouth and said directly to this man.

Although she didn't know much about boxing, she could hear the irony in Noda's words, so she was very annoyed and said.

"It's nothing, I'm just telling the truth. Everyone knows that the Chinese are the worst in world boxing. In their country, there are no boxers who can truly be called professional. Mr. Yugong, I said this because I was afraid that you would be deceived by him. "

This Noda spoke, and looked at Chen Ze while talking.

This Noda's name is Noda Ken. To be precise, although he is Amamiya Otomi's friend, he is actually a friend of Amamiya Otomi's friend. Amamiya Otomi has only met him a few times and is not very familiar with him.

But even so, this Noda Ken also fell in love with Amemiya Otomi immediately, so today I heard that Amamiya Otomi was rescued last night, she was still a Chinese, and she was still a Chinese boxer.

And since last night, Amamiya Otomi seemed to keep mentioning this Chinese boxer, and also kept praising Chen Ze for being great, so he was very annoyed and jealous, because he had never been mentioned so by Amamiya Otomi .

That's why tonight, he asked his friend to invite both Amamiya Otomi and Chen Ze over. He wanted to see what the Chinese boxer who was praised by Amamiya Otomi looked like.

And just after getting out of the ring, he saw Chen Ze's appearance, and found that Chen Ze had a gentle and gentle face, and he was still very young, without the appearance of a boxing master at all.

In addition, Chen Ze is from China, a country that is not well-developed in boxing and has always been despised by him, so just after walking in front of Chen Ze, he opened his mouth to mock Chen Ze directly, wanting to draw Amamiya Otomi's attention Power is transferred to him.

And looking at Noda Ken, and then at Amamiya Otomi's other friends, and found that they were all looking at him with some playfulness and sarcasm, Chen Ze somewhat understood what was going on.

But he didn't come to make trouble today, so he didn't bother to talk to Noda Ken all of a sudden.

Although this Noda Ken is considered powerful in this black boxing gym, but to be honest, he is completely ignored by the current Chen Ze.

"Okay Noda-san, Mr. Chen Ze is my benefactor and also my friend. If you say something like that about him, don't blame me for falling out with you." Amamiya Otomi said, looking at Noda Kendao, her tone was very serious .

Hearing what Amamiya Otomi said, Noda Ken was also completely angry. He looked at Amamiya Otomi: "The Chinese boxing world itself is rubbish. If you are welcome, you are not my opponent in Japan at all. Don't say Mr. Kuwata Well, even if a professional boxer goes to China, it is enough to sweep the Chinese boxing world. Isn’t your benefactor also like this, as a boxer, he can only hide behind you, behind women, he is simply a waste What kind of waste is this kind of person, what qualifications are there to be called a boxer."

Hearing Noda Ken's words, Amamiya Otomi was furious. Just as she was about to say something, Chen Ze's voice suddenly came from behind: "So, you and I have a fight? With me? What's in your mouth? Weak chicken waste from China."

"You, what did you say?" Hearing Chen Ze's words, Noda Ken was stunned, and Amamiya Otomi was also stunned.

"Fight with me, I think since you look down on China so much, you shouldn't be afraid to fight with me." Chen Ze said calmly.

"You, you want to challenge me? Hahaha, hahahaha." Hearing what Chen Ze said, Noda Ken laughed out loud.

In fact, he himself wanted to fight Chen Ze himself, and wanted to make Chen Ze lose miserably in front of Amamiya Otomi, and let her know who was the strongest.

But he didn't expect that Chen Ze would take the initiative to challenge him.Because in his opinion, although Chen Ze claimed to be a boxer, he was too young and came from China. He felt that even if he was a boxer, he could not be a good boxer at all.

This kind of person, he felt, could never be his opponent.

Therefore, he did not expect that Chen Ze would dare to 'hit a stone with an egg' and challenged him: "How dare you challenge me? You are simply overconfident. Do you think that you have achieved something in your country, so you dare to be so overconfident in Japan? Let me tell you, you are still far behind. People from the Chinese boxing world will not be my opponent at all."

"Mr. Chen Ze." Amamiya Otomi also spoke quickly, and said to Chen Ze, trying to dissuade Chen Ze.

Although she saw Chen Ze's strength yesterday, in her heart, she didn't think that the gentle Chen Ze could win against such a terrifying Noda Ken.

If she was not careful, she might be seriously injured, so she opened her mouth quickly.

"It's okay." Chen Ze said to Amamiya Otomi, and then looked at Noda Ken, "That's right, I just want to challenge you. What? Do you dare to accept it?"

"Hahaha, of course, since you are so reckless, I will teach you a lesson. Let you know what real boxing is." Noda Ken said, looking at Chen Ze.

Noda Ken accepted Chen Ze's challenge.

And this news immediately spread in this boxing gym.

Originally, Noda Ken was a celebrity in this boxing gym. Everyone knew him, and many of them were his fans. Naturally, news about him spread very quickly.

Therefore, everyone immediately knew that a boxer from China had actually challenged Noda Ken, and wanted to decide the outcome with him in this ring.

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(End of this chapter)

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