Full-time lottery system

Chapter 193 The Thief

Chapter 193 The Thief

"My God, these two played too fast. It's only the first round, and they have already placed a chip worth nearly [-] dollars."

"Yeah, it's too fast. At this speed, 50 yuan will be gone in no time."

"It's too fast, it's too fast. If anyone loses in the first round, almost one-fifth of the chips will go away."

Watching the first game between Chen Ze and Luodu, the audience all around said that they felt that the two bet too fast.However, because of this, the audience around were even more interested, because whoever won the first game would not only win a good start, but also occupy a considerable advantage.

"It's obvious that Rhodes will win this game. Look at the expression on his face at the moment. This is the expression on his face that he has changed his cards and is sure that he will win."

"That's right, that Chen Ze doesn't seem to be very good at gambling, but he really doesn't know how to play cards. He was about to lose so much to Rhodes all at once."

"Excellent. If Rhodes has really changed his cards now, then I feel that his gambling skills have increased again. In the past, his card changing skills were not as silent as they are now."

Among the spectators, many onlookers, those gambling masters also opened their mouths.They all gambled with Rhodes and knew Rhodes' style of play, so they were all a little sure that Rhodes seemed to have won the first round.

Clap clap clap clap!
At this moment, there was a burst of applause at the scene, and the person applauding was Chen Ze. While applauding, he said, "As expected of a thief, this card-changing technique is really flawless."

With that said, Chen Ze threw the cards in his hand into the deck, which meant that he gave up this round.

This round, Rhodes won.

"Sure enough, Rhodes won. Sure enough, this Chen Ze is not Rhodes' opponent."

"Chen Ze lost so much in the first round. I think he will probably lose all his chips in three to four rounds."

"It's possible, I also feel like he's going to lose in three or four games."

Hearing Chen Ze's words and seeing Chen Ze's actions, the audience all around felt that everything was as they expected, and Rhodes won the first round of cards.

And those opponents who came to watch the match looked at each other and smiled. They reached this consensus again at this moment: "Chen Ze is far from Rhodes' opponent."

Among the audience, Jiang Haitang's face turned pale after seeing Chen Ze's actions.Although she had guessed this possibility a long time ago, seeing that Chen Ze really lost the first round like this, she still felt very uncomfortable.

In fact, she still hopes that there will be a miracle: "Really, there will be no miracle?"

On the opposite side of Chen Ze, Rhodes smiled slightly: "Sure enough, this guy who makes up the numbers is vulnerable."

In fact, if Rhodes was playing against others, he would not have used the gamble of the thief so early, because this gamble has a lot of flaws, and if it is used too much in a game, it will be very difficult. It is easy to be seen through by the opponent.

But it's different now. What he's facing now is Chen Ze, who Rhodes thinks is completely vulnerable and not an opponent.That's why at the very beginning of the game, he used the card changing technique, and as expected, he easily changed Chen Ze's cards.

He even suspected that Chen Ze had no way of knowing when he changed cards.

Therefore, Rhodes at this moment was very excited, completely feeling that Chen Ze was vulnerable and not his opponent.

"It seems that as long as the chips are raised a little in the next few rounds, he can be eliminated within two or three rounds. Betting with this kind of opponent for too long will also damage my reputation."

Rhodes thought again, he decided to increase the bargaining chip within two to three rounds, and deal with Chen Ze as quickly as possible.

However, the development of the matter was beyond his expectation. Chen Ze on the opposite side actually resorted to the tortoise play in the next game, as if he was afraid that he would change cards. Every time Rhodes increased his chips, he would Just give up the game immediately.

It was like this every time. In each game, there would be no more than three cards, and then Chen Ze would definitely give up.

In this way, Rhodes won five or six rounds in a row, but he only won less than [-] US dollars.Adding up five or six rounds, the winning chips are actually not as much as the first round.

"This guy belongs to the tortoise."

Looking at Chen Ze, Rhodes thought in his heart at the moment.He didn't expect Chen Ze to fight him like this. Although he could win this way, if he continued to fight like this, he would have to finish dozens of rounds to win the game.

Therefore, Rhodes became a little impatient, and wanted to encourage Chen Ze to place more chips and fight him.

"You guys, are you a tortoise? If you don't dare to fight me, then surrender as soon as possible. Anyway, you also know that you can't beat me, so what are you doing on the gambling table?" Rhodes asked, facing Chen Ze said, some were to vent his temper, and some were trying to use words to make Chen Ze impulsive.

"I like to fight like this, can't I? There is no rule that you can't fight like this." Chen Ze said without caring.


Seeing Chen Ze's rascal appearance, Rhodes wanted to say something more, but he didn't know what to say at all.

Then they played three or four rounds in a row. This time, Chen Ze went too far. Every time he got the hole card, he gave up. It was like this every time. Before Rhodes spoke or even placed a bet, Chen Ze gave up. up.

Now, Rhodes was completely anxious and angry: "You bastard, you are too rogue to fight like this."

Not only Rhodes, but the surrounding audience and the gambling masters all shouted loudly, all of them were very dissatisfied with Chen Ze's way of playing like a tortoise, relying on the gambling table :
"Damn, where did this Chen Ze come from? Is he still planning to play? How can anyone play like this? Isn't this a waste of time?"

"That's right, it's really shameless. If you don't know how to fight and are afraid of Rhodes, you can just give up the game. What's more important?"

"Shameless, really shameless, this style of play is really shameless."

"It's really shameless, there is something like a man, and a decisive battle with Rhodes."

Everyone shouted loudly, especially those gambling masters who participated in the competition, they made up their numbers one by one, shouting shamelessly and so on loudly.

In an instant, the entire casino was full of voices of condemnation against Chen Ze.

Finally, Chen Ze seemed to be irritated by everyone, couldn't help it, and said loudly: "The decisive battle is the decisive battle, [-]!"

Another round of cards had just been dealt, and Chen Ze threw fifty thousand directly.

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(End of this chapter)

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