Full-time lottery system

Chapter 17 The Hand of the Chariot God (for collection)

Chapter 17 The Hand of the Chariot God (for collection)

"The hand of the car god is the hands of the car god holding the steering wheel. Getting the hand of the car god is equivalent to getting the ability of the car god to control the steering wheel."

Chen Ze muttered to himself while looking at the explanation of the Chariot's Hand on the skill page.After he finished speaking, he became a little excited. The ability of the car god to control the steering wheel, if it is really such an ability, it would be amazing.

Thinking of this, Chen Ze quickly clicked on the equipment, and immediately, the voice of the system sounded again: "Hand of the Chariot, equipment!"

Immediately, Chen Ze felt a completely different feeling in his hands. The steering wheel no longer felt uncontrollable, but seemed to be doing an extremely simple thing.

"It's this, it's this."

Chen Ze muttered to himself, his body trembling with excitement.

He kicked the accelerator, immediately increased the speed, and then rushed forward.

The speed increased very quickly, and before entering the next curve, the speed had increased by more than [-] yards, and then Chen Ze used the hands of the car master to control the steering wheel and the manual gear to prepare for the corner at full speed.

Chen Ze believes that with the hands of these master riders, it is enough to guarantee cornering at full speed.

hereby! ! ! ! ! !

Chen Ze's Masanari started to drift before entering the corner, but after entering the corner, the whole car began to skid, the whole car wobbled, and even crashed towards the edge of the cliff.

"Not good, Mei Sangrui made a mistake entering the corner, everyone should disperse."

At this moment, there were many people standing on the edge of the cliff, watching the Mason Rui crashing into it, they screamed in fright and fled in all directions.

"what happened?"

Thinking in Chen Ze's mind, he hastily turned the steering wheel, controlled the car to pass the cliff dangerously, and barely passed the curve.

After passing this bend, Chen Ze let out a sigh of relief, and almost flew off the edge of the cliff just now, making Chen Ze's back wet.

"What's going on? Why did the car suddenly lose control just now?"

Chen Ze thought in his heart, he looked at his hands, and suddenly understood: "It's the feet, the speed of the feet can't keep up with the hands, yes, the speed of the feet can't keep up with the hands. Although the hands already have the car god Strength, but the feet are still my own feet, so I can’t coordinate with the hands all of a sudden, that’s why this kind of problem arises.”

Chen Ze figured out that the problem lies in the feet. Although he has the hands of a car god, he doesn't have the ability to match his feet, so he lost control of the car all of a sudden.

But this is not a big problem. Indeed, if the ability on the feet cannot keep up with the ability on the hands, it is true that there is no way to exert the greatest power of the hand of the chariot, but it does not mean that it cannot exert its power.

As long as the feet are as close as possible to the ability of the hands, then there is no problem.

Thinking of this, Chen Ze recalled the feeling when the chariot possessed him, and recalled the feeling and usage of his feet at that time.

His feet when the car god possessed him can definitely keep up with the hand of the car god, so as long as he can recall the feeling at that time and try to make his feet reach that state, then he can exert the power of the car god's hand .

While recalling the feeling at that time, Chen Ze slowly increased the accelerator, allowing his feet to catch up with his hands.

"Yes, that's the feeling, that's the feeling."

Chen Ze muttered to himself, he finally let his feet find the feeling at that time, then faced a curve with a very small angle in front, kicked the accelerator, and finally started to exert the power of the car god's hand.

The top of Yandang Mountain!
Yang Qi and his group showed worried and anxious expressions on their faces. They were all still waiting for the result of Chen Ze's match.

Originally, everyone had great confidence in Chen Ze, but judging from the news that came back from afar just now, it seems that Chen Ze is already far behind, and his driving skills are mediocre, even inferior to those in their team. This made everyone very worried.

"Don't worry, Chen Ze won't have any problems. Although I don't know what he was thinking in front of him to run like this, as long as he shows his strength that day, there will be absolutely no problems."

"Yeah, I believe in this man, he will be able to make a comeback."

"Chen Ze must be fine."

Yang Qi and the others spoke one after another, encouraging each other.

"Haha, are you still daydreaming?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the side, and the person who spoke was a member of the Sun Train Team.

"On that Maison Rui, on that driver, you still think that he can come back. I really don't know where your confidence comes from."

"That's right, that person is nothing special at all, and he drives a car like the Masan Rui. How could he possibly be Mo Ge's opponent? You are simply daydreaming."

"Didn't you hear the news from our walkie-talkie just now? That Masan Rui was almost a minute behind, and just now the car lost control at that corner and almost rushed out. If we can win, I give you my car."

"You guys should just admit defeat, or I'm afraid that the Meisanrui won't even finish the whole race, let alone win."

The members of the Sun Train team spoke, they were already full of confidence in Mogg, and according to the news that came back later, Mogg had the upper hand, and Meisanrui had no chance of making a comeback, and even almost rushed off the cliff.

So they thought that their side had won. Now that they heard Yang Qi and they thought they could turn the tables, they couldn't help it at the moment, and laughed, thinking that they really didn't know where the confidence came from.

Hearing their words, Yang Qi and the others turned very ugly, wanting to refute something.But before he could speak, Sunfire's team members laughed and said, "Okay, since you're not convinced, I'll let you listen to the performance of your Masonry in the next corner."

As he spoke, he turned on the walkie-talkie and said, "Mei Sangrui will introduce you to us at the next bend, and the voice should be louder."

"Okay." The intercom said, not long after, the intercom came out again, "Come on, so fast, Meisangrui is so fast, the speed has exceeded 120 yards, no, it should have exceeded [-] yards .”


The group of people who heard this man's sun fire were stunned, 120 yards, this is a speed that Chen Ze's car has never reached before.

Before they could say anything, another message came from the walkie-talkie: "My God, Meisan sharply entered the corner and didn't slow down. It was so fast, too fast, and he would rush out like this. No, he didn't rush out. , Meisangrui passed by, without slowing down and drifting, the speed, the speed reached 130 yards, my God, it was faster than Brother Mo in this corner just now, and the drift was even worse."

"What? Impossible!"

At this moment, the people of Sunfire were completely stunned, completely unaware of what had happened. Based on their knowledge, it was impossible for that Masan Rui to do this.

Just as they were in a daze, the walkie-talkie rang again, and reports began at the next few bends:

"Mei Sang Rui is too fast, is this still Mei Sang Rui? The speed of cornering is so fast, it is unimaginable."

"My Masan Rui is also faster than Mog in this corner. Is this car really a Masan Rui? How could the Masan Rui be so fast?"

"It's getting closer, this car is getting closer to the Mogg car."

Hearing these words, the members of Sunfire were completely speechless, and Yang Qi and the others looked at each other, seeing the excitement on each other's faces. They knew that the game had just begun.

 I saw a few questions in the book review area, here are the answers: The first is the question about the car god possessing experience. Some book friends asked if they have already drawn this?Why is the performance so bad in the game? This car god possessed is an experience. There is a time limit of 10 minutes. The previous two times have been used up, so now it is a bit bad.The second is whether skills are permanently bound, of course, permanently bound, as long as the final task is completed, it is permanently bound, and it is always bound during the completion of the task, so it is permanently bound.The third is the gap between ordinary cars and supercars. Under normal circumstances, ordinary cars must not be able to run supercars. Otherwise, why are supercars so expensive? But the situation is different now, and miracles will happen if there is a system.The fourth is the issue of the popularity value. The popularity value contributed by Fang Qing to make up [-] is not double-counted, but Fang Qing’s popularity value was not there before, and she was humiliated by the protagonist. I spit out like that, so I don’t have popularity, and I don’t contribute popularity until the game. In the end, some book friends asked if there will be a job like sweeping the streets, being a nanny, and you will know it in the future. Full-time, many occupations that you can imagine will be involved, not limited to current drivers.Finally, please ask for recommendation tickets and collections. Collections and recommendation tickets are very needed in the new book issue. I hope everyone can collect them and vote for two recommendation tickets. Thank you.


(End of this chapter)

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