Full-time lottery system

Chapter 14 I rely on, Mei Sangrui!

Chapter 14 I rely on, Mei Sangrui!

"Boss, did that Chen Ze really agree to come? Why hasn't he arrived yet?"

On the top of the mountain, Yang Qi and his group had already arrived here. Seeing that the game was less than an hour away, but Chen Ze hadn't shown up yet, some people couldn't help muttering.

"He called yesterday and said he would come. Since this is the case, I think he will definitely come. The reason why he hasn't come yet, I think it may be because of other things." Yang Qi said.

Hearing what they said, everyone nodded their heads. All their hopes today were pinned on Chen Ze, and Yang Qi and the others had no choice but to wait for Chen Ze's appearance.

hum! ! ! ! !
At this moment, the sound of roaring engines came from the foot of the mountain, and everyone in Yang Qi's face changed when they heard this sound. They knew that Mogg and the others had come.

Sure enough, while they were thinking, a red vehicle led the way, and a row of vehicles drove over, very aggressively, and stopped in front of Yang Qi and the others, and then a man with pigtails walked out of the car He came out and said arrogantly: "Is that Yandang Mountain downhill first?"

"What are you doing? Why are there so many people today?"

Inside the black Meisangrui, Chen Ze murmured to himself, he was running on the mountain road of Yandang Mountain, but the situation of Yandang Mountain at this moment shocked him. Every intersection is full of people, and there are at least a hundred cars parked at the foot of the mountain, which is really scary.

"Why are there so many people here? Don't they all come to watch the game? There are so many people paying attention to this game?" Chen Ze thought to himself, he found that he seemed to have underestimated this game, or more precisely, he He has no idea about this race. He doesn't know who to compare with, how to compare, what kind of car the opponent is, or how skilled the opponent is.

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that until now, his popularity value has not broken through one hundred.

That's right, although almost a week has passed, the increase in popularity still weakened in the last few days, and it has not reached 99 for a long time. So far, the popularity is actually stuck at [-].

That's why Chen Ze came so late. He originally wanted to wait until his popularity reached 99 and draw the second skill, but after four o'clock this afternoon, his popularity couldn't rise and he was stuck [-], Chen Ze has been waiting until now and still has not broken through [-]. He has no choice but to come here first.

As for popularity and the second skill, he hopes to be able to start drawing before or after the game starts.

"I hope I can make it in time." Chen Ze thought to himself, if there is no way to draw the lottery for the second time, he knows that it is impossible for him to win today.

While thinking this way, Chen Ze drove towards the top of Yandang Mountain.On the way, he also called Yang Qi and told him that he would be there soon.

But on the road, his car was a bit eye-catching, and many people noticed it.After all, tonight is a gathering of drivers, and the cars of these drivers are relatively good, and Chen Ze's Masan Rui is particularly conspicuous.

"Which team's car is this? Why does it even have Masonry? Can this kind of car be a driver?"

"That's right, it's not ridiculous, which team actually accepts this kind of broken car."

"Maybe it was passing by. There is no driver who drives this kind of car, it must be passing by."

Some people looked at Chen Ze's car and whispered, and they all despised Chen Ze's car.

But just after Chen Ze's car passed by, there was a sudden message from the mountain: "The car that competed with Mogg arrived and just passed by here."

"No, I didn't see any luxury cars passing by."

"Yeah, don't talk about luxury cars, there are not even slightly better modified cars."

"Yeah, just a Mason Rui passing by."

Everyone froze and said, suddenly everyone reacted, and an incredible thought came to their hearts: "No, no, that Masan Rui is the car for tonight's race."

At the top of the mountain, less than 10 minutes before the game started, Yang Qi and the others kept looking at the mountain road, expecting Chen Ze's appearance.All of them had their hearts hanging in their throats just now, wondering if Chen Ze would show up or not.However, they finally received a call from Chen Ze. Chen Ze told them that he had come, which made them relieved, and they looked forward to Chen Ze's appearance instead.

Standing near Yang Qi and the others, Mogg and the others also looked down the mountain. They also knew that their opponents for tonight's game were coming soon.

"Who will be the first person on the downhill of Yandang Mountain, and what kind of car will he drive? I'm looking forward to it." Looking down the mountain, Moge said, but his eyes were full of confidence.

The other members of the Sun Train team were also very curious, wanting to know what kind of car the guys from Yandangshan dared to compete with them again.

In the eyes of everyone, a black car drove up with its lights on.

"Is it coming?" Seeing the shadow of this car in the distance, all the members of Sunfire immediately opened their mouths and realized that it was the car that was competing with Mogg.

But soon, they overturned their thoughts, because they saw that the coming vehicle was just a Masan Rui.

"No, it's just Meisanrui, it should be a passing car."

"Yes, it can't be this car, and no matter how you say it, it can't be Meisanrui."

"It must not be. Who would be stupid enough to race with a car like the Masan Rui?"

The members of Sunfire spoke one after another, expressing their previous imaginations, but suddenly they were all stunned, because they saw that the group of people from the Yandangshan motorcade were all heading towards the Mason Rui, their mouths There were shouts of something like finally coming.

Seeing the actions of these people, everyone in the Sun Train team immediately reacted: "Damn it, it's impossible, it's really Meisanrui."

Mogg's face was also livid, and he didn't expect it to be a Masan Rui at all.

At the foot of the mountain, the news that Mogg was competing with a Masan Rui was immediately spread, and the entire Yandang Mountain was immediately stirred up.

"Aren't you kidding, comparing Masonry with Mogby, and Mog's ATC, isn't that courting death?"

"What is the Yandangshan motorcade doing here? Isn't it a joke that Meisangrui's broken car came to fight Mogby?"

"Okay, okay, it's a waste of time tonight, as for Meisangrui, Mogg is an instant kill, there will be no suspense."

"I'm still in suspense. I think this time it will be crushed all the way. Mogg is at least half the distance over Meisangrui."

 Thank you Tianshen for the reward of Zangai Pavilion, and thank you for your recommendation tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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