Full-time lottery system

Chapter 132 Brother Luck Swipes the Screen

Chapter 132 Brother Luck Swipes the Screen
"The luck of the God of Gamblers is indeed not stable enough."

In front of the computer, Chen Ze muttered to himself, and after making an agreement with Fang Qing on the phone, Chen Ze opened a room with her to play again.

The result was different from what Chen Ze had imagined. The expected big kill did not appear, but bad cards kept coming, as if the luck of the gambler couldn't work. At the same time, this also led to Chen Ze He lost seven or eight games in a row, and among them, he only won three or four games, and he won intermittently.

"It seems that the luck of the God of Gamblers is indeed not stable enough." Chen Ze said to himself, although he already knew about it during the day, but now he confirmed it again.The luck of the God of Gamblers is very unstable, there may be a big climax, or it may just be piecemeal.

When the orgasm came, it was like playing cards with that great master yesterday, crushing him easily and rudely.At other times, it is no different from the gambling luck of ordinary people.It is impossible to rely on the luck of the God of Gamblers to become the God of Gamblers.

"It seems that you really need to rely on other skills, and you still have to continue to draw lots." Finally, Chen Ze said.

"Hee hee, I just said that your luck yesterday was only temporary and cannot be copied. How about it, believe it now and treat me to dinner." At this time, Fang Qing's words came again in WeChat, with A smiling face.

Chen Ze had no way to refute. After all, he almost lost to Fang Qing again tonight, so he said, "Wait, you will definitely see me copy that game in the next two days."

He knew that even if his gambling luck was bad for a while, since it was the luck of the God of Gamblers, it was absolutely impossible for him to continue to suffer like this.

"Okay, then I'll wait and see." Fang Qing came over with a smiling face.

The next day, Chen Ze got up early in the morning and started playing the game "Super Landlord".

At the beginning, luck still seemed to be not very good, winning two games and losing one game.But gradually, Chen Ze felt different. He felt that his luck seemed to be getting better, as if a big climax was coming.

So immediately, he started video recording, ready to record this wave and push it to the homepage.

This was discovered during his two days of exploration. As long as it is pushed to the homepage, it will attract many people to read it.Although this function costs a little money, it is nothing to the current Chen Ze. It is completely affordable for the sake of popularity, and it is worth the money.

"Double kings, four 2's, four K's, and a long straight. Sure enough."

After turning on the video recording and starting the game, Chen Ze looked at the deck of cards in his hand and thought to himself.Everything was as expected, and his luck of the God of Gamblers began to play a role again.

"Four kings, a straight, Wang Zha, and four more 2s." Chen Ze said, winning the first game easily.

Then the second round was the same, the cards were too good, and Chen Ze easily won the second round.

Third inning, fourth inning, fifth inning...
Opponents kept changing, but Chen Ze kept his luck. He kept winning all the rounds just like he did when he crushed the master last time.

It was not until the No.12 game that I lost the game because of bad cards.

Although it was only twelve rounds, it was amazing enough, so Chen Ze immediately pushed the recorded video to the homepage.

Immediately, many people on the homepage saw it.

"My God, this person's luck is beyond the sky. He won eleven rounds in a row because of his good cards. I'm not surprised that he won eleven rounds in a row. The surprise is that it was so easy."

"Damn, it's too easy, who is this card player, who is so good for eleven consecutive rounds of cards."

"Luck is against the sky, what luck is against the sky, to win eleven games in a row like this."

The players who clicked into this video to watch all opened their mouths, all of them felt the same as before, it was too damn incredible, winning eleven games in a row so easily was simply an impossible thing to accomplish.

"Hey, that's not right, why do I feel like I've seen this kind of thing happen before."

"Yeah, I've seen it too, and it seems that someone has done this kind of thing before."

Suddenly, several people left a message, feeling that they had seen similar things before.Although Chen Ze's previous events were miraculous, they left a deep impression on many people.

But after all, it's not a big deal. Most people forget it immediately, at least they forget Chen Ze's avatar and ID.So now, everyone has the feeling of deja vu but can't remember.

"By the way, the same is true of the previous luck brother. No, Nima, this, this person is that luck brother, the one who won eleven rounds in a row."

Suddenly, one person spoke, and he finally discovered that Chen Ze and the previous Brother Luck were the same person.

After seeing his message, other people who seemed to have known each other reacted one after another:

"My God, yes, it's this lucky brother, he actually did this kind of thing again."

"This, it's impossible, who is this lucky brother? How could he be so hung up?"

"It's unbelievable. Someone has done this kind of thing twice in a row. It's unbelievable."

"Dang Zhatian, this luck brother is too good, I will be his fan from now on."

These people left messages one after another, and they were all stunned. They never thought that someone could accomplish such a thing.And, twice.

Everyone was amazed and expressed their admiration for Chen Ze.

Naturally, Chen Ze's popularity continued to rise.

"78, 78, hahaha, the rise is really fast."

In the room, after posting the video, Chen Ze found that his popularity value started to rise again, and it rose to 78 in an instant, one hundred would be able to draw the first prize, which made Chen Ze very happy and excited.

In addition, Chen Ze felt that this wave of gambling luck had only just begun, so he could still make a few big ones today.

Immediately, he threw himself into it again, once again recording a video while playing with other people.

Sure enough, as he thought, his card luck was really good during this period, easily crushing his opponent and winning streak.Although there is no particularly long winning streak, every winning streak is easily and roughly crushed.

And after a recording was over, he immediately pushed the video up. It can be said that the homepage of "Super Landlords" was swiped by Chen Ze this day.

As a result of swiping the screen, more and more people saw Chen Ze's video. At the beginning, everyone was very shocked, and they were also curious and worshiped Chen Ze:
"I'll go, brother luck is here again, another wave of winning streak, and it's still such a simple crush."

"It's unbelievable. Others are amazing once, and this lucky brother came so many times a day."

"Who is this lucky brother? This is too awesome."

And later, when they saw Chen Ze's video again, everyone's mentality changed. The video that was enough to shock everyone was another sensational video when it was placed on someone else. Already used to:
"Oh, here we go again."

"This wave is not good. Brother Luck has only thirteen consecutive victories, and in three of them, the opponent has played half of the cards."

"Well, sure enough, Brother Luck won again."

But the only thing in common is that everyone worships Chen Ze more and more, and Chen Ze's popularity is getting higher and higher.

Many people want to know, who is this lucky brother?

(End of this chapter)

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