Full-time lottery system

Chapter 108 So You Are Chen Ze

Chapter 108 So You Are Chen Ze
"It's impossible. There are so many and such complicated dishes. No matter how you do it, it is impossible to make a dish. It will definitely not taste good if you force it."

"Yeah, it can't be delicious. I don't know what this person is thinking."

"Can this person cook? It's simply impossible to do so."

Everyone watched Chen Ze's actions and whispered to each other, everyone felt that Chen Ze was just messing around.

And the classmates who were about the same age as Hongye also came to Hongye's side one by one, and said one after another:
"Hongye, what is your brother planning to do?"

"Yeah, Hongye, with these things, can your brother make anything delicious?"

"Why don't you come and eat with me, Hongye. Anyway, my father brought a lot of dishes. You can eat with me. I can see that there is nothing delicious to cook with these things your brother is holding."

Obviously, Hongye's classmates also doubted whether Chen Ze could cook any good dishes.

But hearing her classmate's words, Hong Ye immediately shook her head: "No, since my brother brought me here, how could I be so disrespectful, no matter how bad my brother's cooking is, I have to eat with him. "

With that said, Hongye walked up to Chen Ze.

Chen Ze naturally heard the words of the people around him. To be honest, if it was before this match with Zhao Yuan, he might not have the confidence to prepare such a complicated dish, but it will be different after the match. He remembers the spoon of the God of Cookery There is a recipe recorded in it, which is to use so many miscellaneous materials to make a hodgepodge.

Although the taste can't be compared with his previous games, it is definitely better than all the parents present.

So although people around him were questioning, he didn't feel anything.On the contrary, Chen Ze was very happy when he heard Hong Ye's words and her support for him.

He turned his head and wanted to praise Hongye a few words, but he saw Hongye's tragic face, as if he was about to accept some extremely painful punishment.

"Hey, what's your expression?" Chen Ze asked.

Apparently, Hongye was still very worried that Chen Ze's dishes would be unpalatable.

"Don't worry, Hongye, what your brother cooks will definitely be delicious."

Fang Qing walked to Hongye's side at this moment, and said.She was the only one at the scene who believed and was convinced that Chen Ze could make a delicious dish with these dishes.

"Huh?" Hearing Fang Qing's words, Hongye looked at Fang Qing with some doubts, as if she didn't understand where Fang Qing's self-confidence came from.

"Because, your brother is the God of Cookery, the Chinese God of Cookery." Fang Qing laughed.

"It's ready, Xiao Cheng, dinner is ready."

"Our side is ready too, Xinyu, come and eat."

"Yu Xi, come and eat soon."

At the picnic spot, at twelve o'clock at noon, all the parents prepared their own meals, shouted their children's names loudly, and prepared to eat.

As they lifted the lid of the pot, the smell of rice and vegetables permeated the picnic ground.

On Chen Ze's side, he also prepared the dishes he wanted to cook.

"Hongye, it's ready, you can eat it when I lift the lid off the pot."

Chen Ze said with a smile, such a complicated dish is naturally stewed in a pot.However, it is different from the general stew, whether it is the heat, the time, or the usage of ingredients, his stew is unprecedented in the past.

Chen Ze knew that it would be a very delicious hodgepodge.

"Yeah." Hong Ye nodded, although she still had some doubts about whether Chen Ze could make a pot of delicious food, but at the moment she was still looking forward to it, her bright eyes kept staring at the pot.


Chen Ze smiled, and stretched out his hand to lift the lid of the pot. In an instant, a scent wafted out of the pot, attracting Hongye immediately.

"This, this is actually so fragrant, Chen Ze, your cooking is so delicious." Hongye said excitedly.

"Yes, it smells so good, even more fragrant than I imagined." Fang Qing also said expectantly.

"Not only is it fragrant, but it also tastes better, so hurry up and try it." Chen Ze said with a smile.


Hongye and Fang Qing nodded, and quickly took out their bowls and chopsticks one by one, scooped up a bowl of vegetables and ate them by themselves.

"It smells so good, Chen Ze, how did you cook it? How can you make it so delicious? It's much more delicious than my mother's. I remember you didn't know how to cook before?"

"It's so fragrant and delicious. How can such mixed dishes be cooked so deliciously? Chen Ze, your cooking skills are so good that you can make such a dish without any hassle. It's amazing." .”

After taking a sip, Hongye and Fang Qing said quickly, they couldn't stop their mouths, and started to eat big mouthfuls.

Not only them, but the parents and students who had already started eating by themselves were also attracted by Hongye and Fang Qing's words, as well as the wafting fragrance, and they all looked over:
"My God, it's so delicious. Why is the dish made by this person so delicious?"

"It looks delicious. Why do you think it's much more delicious than what I made? Is it possible to make such delicious dishes with such miscellaneous things?"

"No, my saliva is about to flow out just by smelling this fragrance. It must be very delicious."

Parents and children opened their mouths one after another. Everyone was very surprised and completely attracted by Chen Ze's dishes. Even after smelling the fragrance, many children were reluctant to eat their own home-cooked meals, and they all quarreled. I'm going to eat the meal made by Chen Ze.

However, although these parents also want to try it, they are a little embarrassed, after all, they were just saying that Chen Ze's cooking must not taste good.

It was Chen Ze who noticed the expressions on everyone's faces. He felt a little funny and satisfied, and said, "Why don't you all come and taste it, anyway, I borrowed dishes from you, and I made a lot of them, so you all come and taste them." .”

"That's so embarrassing, you did it all by yourself."

"That's right, let's forget it, we have something to eat ourselves."

"No, no, let's eat and make our own."

Hearing Chen Ze's words, these parents spoke one by one, shaking their heads and refusing.But as he spoke, he walked up to Chen Ze, took a bowl and chopsticks, and started to eat with a spoonful for himself.

Although he said that, he couldn't control his body at all.

"..." Chen Ze said.

"It's so delicious, what do you do, parent? Why is it so delicious?"

"Yeah, at first we thought you couldn't make anything delicious, but we were all slapped in the face, you actually made something so delicious."

"Amazing, this is really delicious, and it's so delicious."

While eating, these parents kept talking, all of them were completely moved by Chen Ze's dishes.

"Oh, I'm the chef, the chef of Meiranju." Chen Ze said.

"The chef of Meiranju, that's no wonder."

Hearing Chen Ze's words, everyone nodded, each of them silently remembered the name Meiranju, and prepared to go back and try it.

But suddenly, a person spoke with a trembling voice: "Mei, the chef of Meiranju? Are you Chen Ze?"

"Well, it's me." Chen Ze nodded.

"You are really the beautiful Chen Ze, the Chen Ze who participated in the Chinese God of Cookery Competition, eliminated his opponents all the way, and entered the finals? No wonder you can cook such delicious dishes. You have given us a lot of extra time this time." The face of the city is up." The man spoke, obviously recognizing Chen Ze.

And the other parents, after hearing his words, all looked at Chen Ze quickly, a little surprised and a little excited:

"So it was you. You are Chen Ze. I've heard of you too. You eliminated Zhao Yuan this time. It's really amazing."

"I know you too, the pride of our Yucheng."

"No wonder, it turned out to be you, Chen Ze, you are too powerful."

The parents said one after another that they had all heard of Chen Ze more or less, and now that they knew that it was Chen Ze standing in front of them, they were naturally excited and worshiped.

After hearing their words, Hongye was a little stunned: "So, is my brother so powerful?"

"Of course, he will get the Chinese God of Cookery." Fang Qing said, looking at Chen Ze, with a proud face.

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(End of this chapter)

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