Full-time lottery system

Chapter 103 Advancing to the Finals (For Collection)

Chapter 103 Advancing to the Finals (For Collection)

"Okay then, let's try it."

At the judges' table, after hearing what Chen Ze said, the judges spoke.The other judges also nodded, and then picked up the chopsticks one by one, ready to taste.

Although they didn't think how Chen Ze's five dishes would taste, they still had to try them.

Picking up the chopsticks, holding a chopstick and putting it in his mouth, he chewed on many judges and thought about it: "The idea of ​​originality is indeed not bad. If it can be done well, even if the taste is not too much worse than Zhao Yuan's." , then there may not be no effort. But these are the most common vegetables, how can the taste be comparable to Zhao Yuan's. "

"Impossible. Although Chen Ze's idea is very good, it is impossible to compare with Zhao Yuan's big meal just by relying on the most common vegetables."

"That's right, the ingredients used by Zhao Yuan are all international feasts, and Chen Ze is too far behind."

"Zhao Yuan's five dishes are so imposing, they are not comparable to Chen Ze's."

While the judges were tasting the dishes, the surrounding audience whispered and waved their hands, still convinced that Chen Ze's dishes could not be compared to Zhao Yuan's.

"Look, look at the faces of those judges."

At this moment, an audience member spoke in shock, as if something incredible had happened.Hearing his words, the others also looked over quickly, only to see that a few judges were fine before, but all of a sudden there were expressions of shock and enjoyment on their faces.

"This, this, does cabbage still have this taste?"

"It turns out that tomatoes can still do this, and they can be so delicious."

"This, the combination of several kinds of green vegetables makes people feel extremely refreshing."

The judges said one after another that they all felt it silently, or to be more precise, they enjoyed the feeling that Chen Ze's dishes brought them.

Originally thought that even if Chen Ze was a little creative, he could create these five dishes originally, but the taste is absolutely impossible to compare with Zhao Yuan.

But after eating it in their mouths, the judges realized that it was indeed incomparable with Zhao Yuan's.Or it is not a feeling at all, several kinds of vegetables are constantly emitting fragrance and pulsating vitality in the mouth.Close your eyes, even as if you have come to the green land.

It seems that just after winter, everything is revived. The flowers, plants and trees that have survived the severe winter are growing one after another, and the birds are flying across the sky. Everything gives people a kind of vitality and vitality.

If it is said that Zhao Yuan's dishes brought the grandeur of Eurasia to everyone, then Chen Ze's dishes brought the vitality of all things to the judges.

It's different, it feels totally different! ! !

"It's so wonderful. I never thought that one day I could feel such vitality from vegetables."

"It's delicious, it's really delicious."

"I didn't expect that Chen Ze's original dishes would give people such a feeling. This feeling is no worse than Zhao Yuan's."

The judges were still talking, obviously they all enjoyed Chen Ze's dishes very much.

Seeing the appearance of the judges, the people around were a little stunned.

Originally, in their hearts, after Zhao Yuan brought out these five dishes, he was basically sure to win. No matter what Chen Ze did again, it was impossible to win against Zhao Yuan.

But now, the situation seems to be completely different.Chen Ze actually used such a few simple vegetables to create these five brand new dishes, and the taste was so good, which shocked the judges so much.

This effect is definitely far beyond everyone's imagination.

"It's amazing that Chen Ze has actually caught up with Zhao Yuan."

"Oh my God, Chen Ze actually made such a feeling with those five original dishes. I thought he was doomed this time."

"If it were any other person, facing Zhao Yuan's five dishes, I'm afraid they would lose. But Chen Ze, Chen Ze evened the gap abruptly. It's amazing, it's really amazing."

The people watching all around opened their mouths one after another, and they all exclaimed incomparably.

"Who will win the final victory?"

Finally, everyone thought of this question.Zhao Yuan's cuisine is of course excellent, spanning the Eurasian continent.But Chen Ze obviously did not lose to him. He created such five original dishes with such simple ingredients, which showed Chen Ze's superb cooking skills.

Therefore, no one knows who will win in the end, but everyone is very interested. They quickly looked at Chen Ze and Zhao Yuan. But with a confident smile.

That's right, after seeing the appearance of the judges and hearing what the surroundings said, Chen Ze had this kind of smile on his face.Naturally, these five dishes were not his original creations, but five dishes from God of Cookery.

Originally, there are still many dishes about the God of Cookery, but it can be completed within an hour, and it will bring you such a shock, basically these few dishes are made of vegetables.

To be honest, Chen Ze was not sure at the beginning. He had never cooked the five dishes in the cookbook before, so he didn't know how they tasted, but he still chose to take a gamble and cook these five dishes. Come and confront Zhao Yuan's dishes.

Although he took a big risk, it seems obvious that he has won the bet now.

Knowing this, Chen Ze naturally had a smile on his face: "It seems that I won the bet."

As for the judges' table, after eating Chen Ze's dishes, the judges also fell silent, thinking about the final result.While thinking, they also had heated discussions and exchanged opinions with each other.

The voice was very loud, and obviously the discussion was very intense. At this moment, everyone, everyone at the scene turned their attention to these judges, wanting to know the final result.

"I won't lose."

Zhao Yuan thought in his heart that after watching Chen Ze's dishes, he was very shocked by Chen Ze's dishes, but he still firmly believed that he could win.But at this time his hands trembled slightly, obviously he was not as firm as his tone showed.

"The two dishes of Zhao Yuan and Chen Ze are very exciting, and it can be said that they have brought us a very exciting performance." Finally, a judge said, obviously the final result has come out, "The topic of our competition today It is the breadth of culinary skills, and Zhao Yuan’s five dishes, from China to Germany, from Asia to Europe, span across the Eurasian continent, it is obvious that Zhao Yuan interprets this topic very well. In addition Not losing to any chef's taste, I have to say that Zhao Yuan got close to full marks on this question."

Hearing what the judges said, everyone became a little nervous. What did the judges mean?Close to full marks, does that mean that Zhao Yuan is going to win?
"Chen Ze's dishes shocked us even more. Whether it's his creativity, the taste of the dishes, or the feeling the dishes bring to people, they are all refreshing and extraordinary. Especially when using All of them are vegetables, and the use of vegetables shows the vitality and vastness of the earth. From this point of view, Chen Ze's interpretation of the title is also perfect."

The judges continued: "It can be said that this game is the most difficult to tell the winner. Both Zhao Yuan and Chen Ze are very skilled chefs. But since it is a God of Cookery competition, it is natural to return to the taste of the food in the end. , when the interpretation of the topic is the same, whoever has the best taste will be the winner today."

Hearing the judges' words, Zhao Yuan let out a long sigh in his heart. He was afraid that the judges would just let Chen Ze win because of Chen Ze's creativity.If not, Zhao Yuan felt that he was sure to win: "If it's just about the taste, it is absolutely impossible for me to lose to you, Chen Ze."

Zhao Yuan looked at Chen Ze, and he remembered the taste of Chen Ze's dishes that he ate yesterday. Although the taste was good, he was confident that he could beat Chen Ze.Thinking of this, Zhao Yuan was very proud.

"So I announce that the one with the better taste today is Chen Ze from Meiranju." The judges said, "So the person who passed this test today and entered the finals is the representative of Meiranju, Chen Ze!"


Hearing this, Zhao Yuan was completely stunned.

And Chen Ze cheered immediately.

 Thanks to Qiuzhi Memories, Su Yu, book friend 161221130950552 for their rewards, and I want to tell you a news that this book will be strongly promoted next week. Finally, please collect and recommend tickets
(End of this chapter)

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