Chapter 924 Zombie Siege (13)

But at this moment, someone suddenly pointed out the window and shouted: "Zombies! Zombies are coming!"

Zhao Qingqiu's complexion suddenly changed, she hurried into the car, sat in the driver's seat, turned her head and glanced at Chu Xiaoxiao, and finally closed the car door cruelly!
The person who killed her cousin did not deserve her help!
With a sullen face, Zhao Qingqiu stepped on the accelerator, and the bus rushed out!

"Wait! Zhao Qingqiu! My cousin and Gu Feili haven't got in the car yet!" Tang Yue screamed, but no one responded to her at all. She looked out anxiously, "Zhao Qingqiu, stop the car, I want to get off car!"

"Little girl, you'd better be honest, it's not easy to get in the car, it's life!" An old man sighed, but there was no pity in his eyes!

"That's right! Stop now, let you get out of the car, and then let the zombies come in? The lives of the two of them are more important than the lives of our car?"

Tang Yue's pupils shrank, she couldn't believe it, they said such words, it was two lives!
However, the car drove away all the way!

In sight, Chu Xiaoxiao and Gu Feili turned into two small black dots.

But say!

After the bus left, Chu Xiaoxiao turned around apologetically, "I'm sorry, you didn't even get on the bus."

"It's okay, everyone has their own destiny." Gu Feili's voice was calm, but there was a deep sadness in his eyes.

At this moment, the zombies had already arrived, "Don't be sad, just cut the zombies to relieve boredom!"

"Yeah." Gu Feili's eyes turned cold, and a deep hatred shot out from his eyes!

It's these zombies!

Killed his parents!

kill them all!
Let the living try their best to live!

One knife at a time, cut it down severely!
It was half down in no time!
However, there are more and more zombies, and it is impossible to cut them down!

Chu Xiaoxiao poked a zombie into the air, and glanced at Gu Feili. He was sweating profusely, his legs were shaking, but he didn't seem to know he was tired. He frowned slightly, and directly released the modified Land Rover, opened the rear door, and put Gu Fei away. Press the button to get in, then drive by yourself, and drive away!

Those zombies froze in place, you looked at me, I looked at you, and finally, they all looked at the leaving car, roared twice, and then dispersed!

in the car!

very quiet.

Chu Xiaoxiao stared at Gu Feili through the rearview mirror, trying to get some sense of him, but there was nothing, just two strangers she had never seen before!

The Land Rover drove in the urban area for a long time, and finally got out on the main road, and the zombies seemed to be left behind.


It seems that only City X was affected by the zombies.

"Tang Luo." Suddenly, Gu Feili's voice came from behind.

"what happened?"

"Why are there zombies in this world?" Gu Feili asked softly, with confusion, he looked out the window and stared at the gray sky.

Zombies can only be seen on TV, but why do they appear in this world so dramatically?

Gu Feili couldn't figure it out!
"Want to know?" Chu Xiaoxiao asked back, "Go and find out by yourself in the future."

"But, where do we start?" Gu Feili withdrew his gaze, "How can we find out?"

There is no way to find out, and there is no clue.

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't say anything more.

Who knows what the hell this zombie is?
The last time I encountered it, it was man-made. The zombies on the plane of Phuket Island were also man-made.

It was getting late, because the circuit on this road was broken, and it was not safe to drive at night. They had to find a safe place to stay overnight.

(End of this chapter)

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