The big guy who wears fast always supports me

Chapter 826 I have 5 older brothers, are you afraid? (30)

Chapter 826 I Have Five Brothers, Are You Afraid? (30)

The so-called necessities of life are basic necessities of life.

The area of ​​the island is not particularly large, with an area of ​​about ten square kilometers. The program team has specially checked that there are no particularly dangerous wild animals on the island. It is surrounded by the sea, with reefs and cliffs on the southeast side, and sandy flats suitable for camping on the northwest side.

In the center of the island is a densely forested hill with a small freshwater stream flowing through it. As long as you find the stream and small lake, you can guarantee the source of drinking water.

——All of this is written in the island introduction given by the program team in advance.

Tong Su thought back to the introduction she had memorized. In terms of basic necessities, food, housing and transportation, the program team would naturally provide the necessary clothing. Traveling depends on walking on two legs. Food is an important factor for the program to attract the audience. The audience likes to watch celebrities stumble and hunt by themselves.

So, what's best for her to choose...

On the list of optional items presented by the director, there are several things listed.

Telescopes, hammocks, moisture-proof sleeping pads, hammock compasses, folding buckets, raincoats, thermometers, plastic sheeting, fanny packs...

"I want a moisture-proof sleeping pad."

The director nodded in agreement, and soon, an assistant brought a sleeping mat that had been deflated and folded into a small backpack, and handed it to Tong Su.

[Miss, why don't you want a hammock?It's all about sleeping, and the hammock can be hung in the air, isn't it more comfortable? 】

There was a strange sound from 666, Tong Su shook his head inaudibly, and said subconsciously: "I have my reasons, don't worry, just keep watching."

The question of 666 is also the question of the audience. Many people asked questions on the barrage, lamenting that Tong Su had wasted a good opportunity.

After giving the sleeping mat to Tong Su, it was time for everyone to unpack and take out their supplies. Since several guests chose to exchange swim rings, the director asked the camera to take a shot of them unpacking first, and asked the guests to choose to give up one item.

"First of all, we are going to open the box of the famous singer Li Jing. We can see that the three items Li Jing chose are: a lighter, a headlamp and a Swiss Army knife! Which item will she give up?"

Don't look at the praise of the "famous singer" by the program group, in fact, Li Jing is a young singer who has just debuted. He is now 24 years old and looks good, but he is not famous.

He was also one of the people who laughed at Tong Su in the bathroom when she first came to this mission world.

Li Jing looked at his suitcase regretfully, exaggeratedly covered his chest in front of the camera, and said reluctantly: "I choose to give up the headlight."

[Lamps are used for lighting at night, and they are a necessity. Consider a lighter for lighting and cooking. The Swiss Army Knife is fully functional. It is necessary for self-defense or cutting. If I have to choose to give up the headlight. 】

[The two items are still too short, how can she eat?how to sleepThe Swiss Army Knife is multifunctional, but how can she hunt?If only collecting, would the wild fruits and vegetables on the island be enough for her to eat? 】

[Let's see what other people bring first, maybe someone brought a tent or something, everyone can live together. 】

After Li Jing's box was opened, the next one was a female Internet celebrity named Liu Yaoyue. She became popular through live broadcast singing and dancing, and claimed to have tens of millions of fans. Now she entered the entertainment circle by participating in "Survival Game".

It has to be said that a large part of the audience of "Survival Game" are otaku attracted by Liu Yaoyue.

Liu Yaoyue grinningly leaned in front of the camera and skillfully flirted with the audience, and then greeted the other nine people, but intentionally or unintentionally avoided Tong Su.

[Miss, does she hate you? I think the way she looks at you is so annoying! 】

 [Updates are coming! 】

  I made everyone worry yesterday, but now there is no problem in Chang'an, and everything is fine.It's hot now, everyone should pay attention when eating, be careful!
(End of this chapter)

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