The big guy who wears fast always supports me

Chapter 404 23 things the snake and I have to say (33)

Chapter 404 Anecdotes and Three Things the Snake and I Have to Say (33)

This completely exceeded their expectations.

"Captain Ye, I remember the minister said before that we once had a senior who was specially recruited into the department when he was young. He was extremely powerful and used it as a final weapon? Why didn't we hear about him later on? ?”

Ye Qingxi was stunned for a while, and searched for a long time in the memory, only to remember that the Minister chatted with them once, and he did mention it accidentally.

Thinking about it, he also frowned.

According to the minister, that senior came in at least ten years ago, so it stands to reason that he is now in his prime.

Then why did he never meet that senior during this mission?

And in the Ministry, no one has ever mentioned it?
"Find me the list of department members from more than ten years ago, and I'll go back and have a look." Ye Qingxi thought about it, "The list is probably incomplete. You can make a copy of the file and task records for me."

"Yes!" The person at the other end responded immediately, tapped the keyboard a few times, and asked again, "Captain Ye, you are going to Qingshi this time, you will not really become a university professor, will you?"

Ye Qingxi said: "I dare not ask you, don't ask, have you forgotten the rules in the department?"

The subordinate shrank his neck in fright: "I won't ask any more!"

Ye Qingxi snorted and hung up the phone.

Of course he didn't come to Qingshi to be a professor.

There are more and more terrorist organizations that specialize in wooing mutants. The country attaches great importance to this aspect. The death is the one that poses the greatest threat to the country. The higher-ups have already issued an order to get rid of them.

Not long ago, the higher-ups found news that Ming Xing had kidnapped civilian mutants as experimental subjects. They could always obtain the identity information of mutants from various channels and wait for the opportunity to kidnap them.

This time, the higher-ups specially sent a person in charge to investigate this matter.

And his task is to protect the person in charge.

No matter who dares to disclose the information of the people of the country to the death organization, it is undoubtedly treason and must be killed!

On this side, Ye Qingxi was full of murderous intent, and on the other side, Tong Su also grabbed Wu Ming.

"That person should be Team Ye that we met last time! He's from the special department, what if he finds out?"

Wu Ming said: "The identity has been arranged."

Tong Su nodded, but Wu Ming said: "The organization gave me an order to assassinate a person."


"An official seems to be investigating the organization. The officer wants me to kill him and warn the special department of Huaguo to stop."

Tong Su frowned: "Just you?"

"Only me."

She had been guessing before that the purpose of the organization deliberately letting them out.

If you just look at them and don't have the heart to betray, why do you want to let them know on purpose that the organization has placed a tracker on them?

Knowing that there is monitoring, if you really want to avoid it, it is not difficult.


Organizations have other means of monitoring them!
Tongsu accompanied Wu Ming to the hotel to open a suite, the money was given by the organization, and it was not free, so she turned and went back to Gu's house.

Gu Yanxue had just bid farewell to a group of her friends, when she saw her, she snorted contemptuously.

The servants were cleaning the living room, and when they saw Tong Su coming back, they called out worriedly: "Miss."

Tongsu nodded to her, looked at the study room, the light was on, and Father Gu had returned.

With a thought, she went back to the housekeeper and rearranged her room.

The new room is next to the original master bedroom - that exquisitely decorated bedroom has already been occupied by Gu Yanxue.

Tong Su entered the room and saw that the bedding and bedding were all new, and the room was empty, without any old things from the previous owner's collection.

She called the housekeeper, and the housekeeper stammered: "Miss Tang said that dead people's things are unlucky, throw them all away..."

Tong Su sneered, turned around and kicked open the door of Gu Yanxue's room!

 [1 chapter owed, 24 chapters left QAQ]

(End of this chapter)

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