The big guy who wears fast always supports me

Chapter 355 Love is a ray of light, so green that you panic (1)

Chapter 355 Love is a ray of light, so green that you panic (65)

"School?!" The doctor was surprised and shook his head angrily. "Have you not seen her attacking intention? You are a teacher, how can you be so indifferent to the safety of students! My suggestion is to go to a nursing home for closed admission treatment!"

Closed hospitalization?
Isn't that like being locked up in a mental hospital!

Professor Tang and his wife gasped, and they were persuading in a mournful voice: "Doctor, do you think there is another way? Nuo Yu is so young, how can she..."

"I'm not crazy! I'm not crazy!"

The door was knocked open with a bang, startling the homeroom teacher who had sneakily sent a message to the principal and jumped. Everyone looked up. It was Tang Nuoyu standing at the door with a livid face, his eyes spitting fire.

"Why am I insane, I'm normal! Oh, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand, I don't want to explain to you! Leave me alone, I have precognitive dreams, I know what I'm doing, you must be with Tang Tongyang Yes, don't try to hurt me!"

The doctor repeatedly shook his head and stomped his feet: "Look at her! What about prophetic dreams, typical hallucinations, auditory hallucinations, and persecution paranoia... Hurry up, grab her and give her a tranquilizer—"

"Get out! Get out! You idiots, why are you pretending, you are Tang Tongyang's people, don't try to harm me—"

Tang Nuoyu screamed and struggled, but was caught by a strong nurse. She had no choice but to escape, so she was given a tranquilizer, and was obediently sent to a closed nursing home.

Professor Tang and his wife were unwilling, but seeing that she was going crazy, they could only pay the hospitalization fee sadly, or shouted or begged for her to be treated properly.

But why is she willing?The disgust in my heart was even heavier, and within a few days, the hospital called, saying that Tang Nuoyu had disappeared and only a piece of letter paper was left behind.

Professor Tang and his wife rushed to see the letter paper, their legs were weak and they couldn't stand still.

On the paper, Tang Nuoyu wrote viciously: "What are you pretending to be, you must have known about my life experience long ago! You are not my biological parents, so leave me alone! Take care of Tang Tongyang! Heh, someone found a new one! Her adoptive family, hugging her thighs, how can she think of you as her parents!"

The news revealed in the letter made Professor Tang and his wife unable to accept it anyway. After they contacted the hospital, they used Tang Nuoyu's blood drawn in the emergency room for DNA testing.

They have no blood relationship!
Tang Nuoyu had known for a long time that they were not related by blood, but she kept hiding it from her. What did she mean?She knows that she is not their child, so does she know who their biological child is? !

Why is she hiding it?Why do they have to be separated from each other? !
Professor Tang and his wife were angry and angry. Thinking of what she said, a terrible conjecture emerged in their minds.

The two tried their best to get in touch with Tong Yang, and hesitantly told everything they knew.

Emphatically stated that she wanted to have a DNA test with Tong Su, "We just want to know who is our child?" Mrs. Tang covered her face and cried bitterly, "I just want to be a mother, why is it so difficult? I What did you do wrong?"

Tongsu knew in her heart that seeing her in such pain at this moment, she comforted them softly and provided them with her own hair with follicles.

The DNA test proved the blood relationship. The couple was sad and happy, and burst into tears:
"That bastard! Why did she want to separate our flesh and blood, why did she want our family not to be reunited?! How could she do such a thing?!"

 [Four more completed, good night everyone~]

  After reading the manuscript, I am proud to announce:
  Tomorrow, get ready to drive!
(End of this chapter)

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