The big guy who wears fast always supports me

Chapter 1023 Solitary and the General Untie the Battle Robe (10)

Chapter 1023 Solitary and the General Untie the Battle Robe (10)

The skin color of the man is not the same as the paleness of the lack of exercise of the dandies in the capital, but a light wheat color, which seems to contain endless power.

Although not particularly white, the other soldiers were all tanned by the red sun in the northwest, and they looked extraordinarily clean when set off by the crowd.

The soldiers and horses galloped like thunder, their military appearances were neat, and their armor was full of murder. When they reached the palace city, they pulled the reins abruptly. Amidst the neighing of the horses, the trend of the black cavalry running forward came to an abrupt end.

The handsome man in black and silver armor at the head rolled off the saddle and half-kneeled in front of Tong Su, powerful but respectful:
"Northwest Army, greet Your Majesty!"

"Chenxi Shenzhou, guarding the northwest for six years, killing the Beirong, destroying the king's account, and punishing the king, lived up to His Majesty's expectations!"

The voice was deep and majestic, and the flags of the troops trembled. His legs and feet gave way and he fell down. Qian Shangshu hurriedly ordered his servants to drag him away.

The small commotion behind the crowd was unanimously ignored by everyone. Regardless of Yun Zong's obstruction, Tong Su personally stepped forward to help the man up, and laughed loudly: "Okay! The general has made great achievements in defending the country, why should he be polite? Please get up quickly!"

Xi followed the momentum and stood up.

As soon as he raised his head, he saw the young girl Huang Yu holding the crown away with her hands, and she was smiling with a smile on her face.

The light in the morning is clear and brilliant, and it is a little beautiful and bright in the world. However, this kind of magnificence of the world is completely lost in an instant when she smiles.

Bright eyes are good at gazing, and the country is beautiful and beautiful.

--is her.

It's Ah Tong.

Xi was almost driven mad by the unspeakable sourness and long-lost joy for a moment, his eyes lingered almost greedily on her face, he restrained himself from embracing Gu Qiang, and almost shed tears.

Can see her again this time, can see her again this time...

Those thousands of years of loneliness and pain.

What does it count?
The soldiers of the Northwest Army did not expect that the empress, who was contemptuous at heart, would have such a fairy-like appearance, and her temperament was even more natural.

Tong Su was also looking at them.

Among the red-faced soldiers, only the man in the lead had a calm and self-possessed expression, but occasionally there would be a strange light in his eyes that he couldn't hide in time.

Like greed, like excitement, like sourness, like joy, mixed into a flash of water, it makes people look at it, and the heart can't help but feel sore and distressed.

But no matter what, he looked at him without blinking.

Tongsu was muttering strangely in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face, she stretched out her hand with a smile, trying to wake him up and go back by herself.

But he didn't expect that when she raised her hand, he took advantage of the situation to support her. A victorious general was willing to do the work of a court lady, and warmly and considerately helped her walk to the holy throne!

The eyeballs of all the courtiers and soldiers almost fell off!

Xi Chenzhou didn't even give Yun Zong a half-eyed look, but would rather act like a servant in the palace, doing such trivial things as supporting the empress's arm?

——Don't he know who is the ruler in today's imperial court? !

Honestly, it's pretty unruly.

But first of all, the little queen is capricious and never cares about the rules, so winking with her won't work at all;

Secondly, it was Xi Chenzhou who took the initiative to go to help her, and his posture was full of evil spirits, as if if someone wanted to pull him away, he would go straight up and desperately.

——How does it look, this General Xi...

To be a royalist? !
Yun Zong's face darkened suddenly, everyone's eyes were twitching hard, and they were thinking about each other in their hearts, but still no one dared to step forward and take the initiative to be the one who didn't wink.

 【Part 32】

(End of this chapter)

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