Quick Pass: The President's Guidebook

Chapter 72 Adorable husband, a bit fierce (6)

Chapter 72 Cute Husband, A Little Vicious ([-])

This middle-aged couple was none other than the parents of the deceased young master of the Shen family.

And that young man was their second son, Shen Ziqi.

In fact, when they were in the car, Su Yun already had concerns about the Shen family in his heart. ,

After all, living in this city, there is no one who doesn't know the Shen family.

The Shen family can be said to be a well-known family, with a rich family.

They are not limited to this city. Although they are not a powerful family, the money is simply too much for them.

Their Shen family should be so poor that they only have money left.

In this world, Su Yun believes in one thing, that is, without money, it is absolutely impossible.

Money can turn ghosts around, isn't there an old saying that goes like this.

But now, if you have money, you can marry a wife for a ghost.

And she is this ghost daughter-in-law.

Su Yun sighed inwardly, and resignedly followed Steward Zhang to the villa.

"Master, Madam, Second Young Master."

"This is the young lady of the Zhou family, Zhou Zixuan."

Butler Zhang introduced their identities to each other.

Su Yun looked at the middle-aged couple who were clearly trying to restrain their excitement.

He shouted very politely, "Uncle, Auntie."

Shen Lan and Bai Qian's couple became even more excited when they heard Su Yun's address.

Shen Lan is the only son of the old lady of the Shen family. Shen Zimo, the eldest son of him and the young lady of the Bai family, had a car accident a week ago and died when he was sent to the hospital.

When they heard the news, the two of them were already on the verge of fainting.

Even the old man who had slowly retired was startled.

On that night, their Shen family almost collapsed.

But fortunately, the old man came forward.

That night the old man made a phone call, and then a person came, a middle-aged man who was about the same size as them.

That middle-aged man was said to be a Taoist priest, and the old man didn't know what he was talking about.

All I know is that Daoist Sun decided to arrange a ghost marriage for Shen Zimo without talking to the old man.

The old man didn't object after hearing this, but only said one sentence.

The old man just sighed, but he didn't escape after all.

Shen Lan and Bai Qian were by the old man's side at that time, and heard what he said.

But they do not understand the meaning of this sentence.

But they were sure to hear that Daoist Sun told the old man that their eldest son, Shen Zimo, could come back to life.

It's just that one's fate is fatal, and now one only needs to find a girl who was born on a cloudy time in a cloudy year and a cloudy moon to get married.

That is the so-called dark marriage.

At that time, Shen Zimo can be reborn.

At that time, they had already fallen into the pain of losing their eldest son.

After hearing Daoist Sun's words, they were also at a loss and didn't even know what to do.

After all, they live in this era and are still atheists.

But as long as there is a chance, they must seize it.

And seeing what the old man and Daoist Sun said so swearingly, they also believed it.

When they decided to believe this nonsense, Shen Lan and Bai Qian packed up their embarrassment and began to urgently search for the girl who was born on the lunar calendar in the lunar calendar when Daoist Sun said.

Hard work paid off, and they finally found it.

And the other party is not a girl from a wealthy family, which makes it even more convenient for them to act.

Although I feel sorry for the girl I have never met,

But as long as they thought of their eldest son, so they could wake up, they still became ruthless.

They decided to pay for the girl.

As early as when they found this girl, they immediately checked each other's identity and background clearly.

When they knew that Zhou Zixuan was Zhou Ming's illegitimate daughter, they were very fortunate.

Because they still know Zhou Ming's name, such a person draws one thing, and that is money.

So they spent [-] million to buy Zhou Zixuan.

At this time, Su Yun didn't know that she was worth [-] million yuan, otherwise she would definitely be slightly moved.

After all, when Mrs. Zhou was alive, all the properties of the Zhou family could barely make up [-] million.

Su Yun looked at the forbearing couple in front of her, with a perfect smile on her face, as if the person who held the ghost marriage ceremony today was not herself.

It was Shen Lan who was the first to recover his normal mood. He looked at the decent and generous Zhou Zixuan in front of him and was very satisfied.

Not to mention whether his eldest son can really wake up. ,

Even if she can't wake up, as long as today's ghost marriage ceremony is completed, there is no doubt that Zhou Zixuan will be the eldest mistress of the Shen family.

"Good boy, come in quickly, grandpa is still waiting for us in the house."

Shen Lan didn't correct Su Yun's address, but since he already believed that the girl in front of him belonged to their Shen family, take it slowly.

"That's right, the old man is still waiting for us, good boy, come in quickly."

After Shen Lan's words, Bai Qian also returned to normal mood, and quickly brought Su Yun into the house.

Shen Ziqi has been watching from the sidelines, and to be honest, he still doesn't believe in these ghosts and ghosts.

But it was his elder brother who died, so he could only let his grandfather, father, and mother do what he did.

In fact, even if he had any idea, he couldn't stop it.

After all, he is not in charge of the Shen family now.

He loves photography wholeheartedly, and his greatest dream in this life is to take pictures of all the beautiful scenery in the world and the most beautiful people and things in the world.

If his eldest brother is really gone, his dream will be ruined.

In Shen Ziqi's private heart, she really hoped to be resurrected from the dead. ,

After all, he was his elder brother, and it was even more because he was the heir of the Shen family.

It is grandfather, father's favorite and most capable successor.

Shen Ziqi looked at her parents and walked into the villa with the woman who was about to become his sister-in-law.

He looked sad and looked up at the sky, feeling unspeakably entangled and a little uncomfortable.

At this moment, a man got off the Cong Bentley car.

This person is 1.8 meters tall, has neat short hair, and a sunny and handsome face, but his face is very deep, which does not match this person's appearance.

"Gongqing, I didn't expect you to pick up someone today."

Seeing the young man coming down from the Cong Bentley, Shen Ziqi, who hadn't entered the villa yet, was obviously taken aback.

This Gong Qing was his elder brother's right-hand man, and even an all-around bodyguard.

It's just that he really didn't expect that it was him who picked up someone today.

At first, I thought it would be enough for Butler Zhang to pick me up, but I didn't expect this guy to pick me up in person.

This Gongqing is not from the Shen family, he only belongs to his elder brother Shen Zimo.

So it was definitely not the order of Grandpa or Dad that Gong Qing went to pick him up.

Then there was only one possibility left, and it was Gong Qing who took the initiative to go.

It seems that this guy also attaches great importance to tonight's affairs.

(End of this chapter)

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