Chapter 66
City A.

The Yigao company that Su Yun bought back then has become a world-renowned software company.

But the girl who bought Yigao back then and even developed the advanced software that moved the world, no one knows her whereabouts these years.

Some people said that she had gone abroad, others said that she was dead, and some even said that she was in the Molan family and had become a member of the Molan family.

But this is just what people say.

However, on the outskirts of city A, in a villa full of security.

In one of the rooms, there is a woman lying on the ground who can't be guessed by the outside world and whose whereabouts can't be seen.

This person is Su Yun who bought Yigao three years ago and blocked two shots for Mo Lan Chenxuan.

It's just that at this time, her body is covered with medical trachea, and she has been relying on oxygen and nutrient solution to maintain her life.

The walls of this room are covered with Su Yun's posters and various photos.

Some had bright smiles on their faces, they were girls like flowers, just like that at that time.

The other one was very serious, not at all like a girl her age.

There are even photos of that night at the banquet, which were full of women and attracted countless men present.

The whole room is covered with plasters, the moment when Su Yun was saved under certain circumstances and places that she did not know.

These are her most authentic expressions, and moments of relaxation that she doesn't even know she has.

I saw the person on the bed, motionless, with an oxygen mask on his mouth and nose.

At this time, she was motionless, only weak movements rose and fell above her chest.


Just then the door sounded.

In the huge room, the sound of the door was particularly abrupt.

The door was opened from the outside, and a tall figure walked in.

This figure looks like a man. ,

I saw the man walking towards the bed as if he knew nothing.

Looking at the man's back, the footsteps were very heavy.

However, the man's gaze has been fixed on the woman on the bed.

Those eyes looked so affectionate, and there were some unpredictable regrets.

The man went to the bed and sat down, looked at Su Yun who was lying motionless on the bed, and stretched out his hand.

This man is Mo Lan Chenxuan.

He looked at Su Yun who was lying on the bed, his eyes were full of regret and suppressed pain.

He hasn't left city A since the accident three years ago.

During these three years, he lived in pain and regret every moment.

He didn't even dare to recall the scene that happened three years ago.

Just three years ago, Su Yun... That's right, it wasn't Li Yun, but Su Yun. ,

Three years ago he knew her name, Su Yun.

He even found out who that man Bai Chuqi was.

But he knew it too late.

Mo Lan Chenxuan touched the skin on Su Yun's face, and raised his head.

Tears slid down the corners of his eyes.

That night three years ago.

At that time, when Su Yun ran to him and hugged him, the sound of gunfire had already sounded, and the bullet had already penetrated into Su Yun's body.

The enemy saw that the target was wrong, and for some reason, added another shot.

That is, the last shot almost killed Su Yun, and almost broke Mo Lan Chenxuan.

Although Mo Lan Chenxuan brought a lot of people, but because of the surprise attack, and three or four o'clock in the morning, it was the time when people were least prepared.

It was also this time's mistake, this time's carelessness, that he almost lost Su Yun.

I still remember that day, seeing Su Yun covered in blood, especially the blood flowing from his chest, he collapsed.

Under the protection of the bodyguard, he yelled loudly while holding Su Yun's body.

That was the first time he was at a loss, the first time he panicked and didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, he recruited all the medical staff in the United States, and even the headquarters in Shanghai.

At the cost of all their efforts, they finally saved their lives.

But she could never wake up again, and never show that alienated smile again.

Why do you know that Li Yun's name is Su Yun? That's what he said when the other party threw himself into his arms.

That sentence was exactly what the other party stood in the distance before, and he didn't hear clearly.

He knew it by the shape of his mouth.

I still remember her asking, are you Bai Chuqi?Are you uncle? ,

At that moment, Mo Lan Chenxuan's brain exploded.

Some jumbled fragments flooded his mind.

In just a few seconds, other people's memories appeared in his mind.

But he didn't have time to sort it out, because he only knew one name in his head. ,

That is Su Yun.

That was the name of the woman lying in his arms covered in blood at that time.

At that time, he knew that the woman in his arms was called Su Yun, and there was only that one name left in his mind.

Later, when Su Yun saved his life, he sorted out the memories that suddenly flooded into his mind.

Finally, he knew who Bai Chuqi and his uncle were.

He still can't be sure whether it was his last life, or someone else's memory forced his mind.

He prefers the former because of the feeling.

With some habits, he found that he was the same as the man in his mind.

For example, when he is thinking, his thumb will rub against his little finger, and there will be the eyes of the other party.

It made him look like he was looking at himself.

So he stopped being jealous a long time ago, especially if he was jealous of himself.


After Mo Lan Chenxuan came out of the memory, he lowered his head to look at Su Yun who was lying on the bed, and the affection in his eyes became more intense again.

Don't look at these three years, Su Yun didn't wake up, and didn't even eat, but his body supplemented a certain amount of nutrition.

So her skin was still as tender and smooth as ever, and she couldn't tell she was in a vegetable state at all, except for her tightly closed eyes.

In the past three years, the reason why Yigao Company has grown and developed is the handwriting of the Molan family.

Because this is Su Yun's property, Mo Lan Chenxuan has been helping it grow.

There is also the Li family in City A, he has already cleaned up.

As early as when Su Yun's accident happened, he brought down the Li family.

And Li Jiaqi, who framed Su Yun back then, was sold to Africa a long time ago and became a daughter-in-law.

But all of this made Mo Lan Chenxuan not feel happy at all.

He still has hatred, he hates himself.

If it wasn't for him back then, Su Yun wouldn't be lying on the bed without waking up.

Yes, Mo Lan Chenxuan has always had an idea.

Su Yun is just sleeping, she will wake up again.

He has always believed in it.

"Clang clang..."

There was a knock on the door.

Mo Lan Chenxuan didn't take his eyes off Su Yun, "Come in."

The people outside the room heard the deep and depressing voice, and pushed the door directly to enter.

Walking into a man full of gentleness, he saw the boss guarding the bed, saw the expression on the boss's face, and there was no emotion in his eyes.

Since the accident happened three years ago, he has accepted the pain and self-blame of BOSS.

This handsome man full of gentleness was none other than Gong Qing who was left behind in the magic capital.

At this time, the man walked into the room, whispered a few words in Patriarch Mo Lan's ear, and saw Mo Lan Chenxuan got up and kissed Su Yun's forehead, and then left the room with Gong Qing.

They didn't see Su Yun's fingers, they just moved the moment the door was closed.

In a quiet room.

The sheer curtains of the floor-to-ceiling windows flutter slowly in the gentle breeze
The room was as quiet as ever.

 In the next world, the plot of the ghost husband and cute pet, please look forward to it, I love Ni Meng, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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