Quick Pass: The President's Guidebook

Chapter 63 True and False Gold (31)

Chapter 63 True and False Daughter (31)

The bodyguard beside Mo Lan Chenxuan received the wink from the Patriarch, and immediately took Li Shengze, who was blocking their way, aside.

Seeing this, Li Shengze wanted to get rid of them, but he, a pampered businessman, couldn't get rid of these bodyguards.

Seeing that Mo Lan Chenxuan was about to leave with Su Yun in his arms.

Li Shengze shouted at him loudly, "Patriarch Molan, I am Li Yun's father, you can't treat me like this!"

After Mo Lan Chenxuan heard this, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

That smile, no matter how you look at it, is extremely cold.

He turned around and looked at Li Shengze who was being held aside by Mo Lan's bodyguards.

The eyes are like looking at the dead, and the sight is like a knife.

"It's up to you? You don't deserve it!"

After finishing speaking, Mo Lan Chenxuan ignored him, hugged the restless man in his arms, and strode away from the banquet.

He left such an ambiguous sentence and left.

And everyone at the banquet heard Mo Lan Chenxuan's words.

The meaning of this statement remains to be studied.

After all, there is a deeper meaning in this sentence.

After finishing speaking, Mo Lan Chenxuan ignored him, hugged the restless man in his arms, and strode away from the banquet.

He left such an ambiguous sentence and left.

And everyone at the banquet heard Mo Lan Chenxuan's words.

The meaning of this statement remains to be studied.

After all, there is a deeper meaning in this sentence.

A wealthy family, which one doesn't have any dirty things.

But this dirty and shady matter, when it comes to Patriarch Molan, is intriguing.

For a moment, everyone looked at Li Shengze with sympathy.

Li Shengze also felt it when he was watched by so many sympathetic, contemptuous, or gloating eyes all at once.

His face became extremely ugly, and that feeling made him wish he could find a crack in the ground.

He has always been aloof, when has he ever been insulted like this.

But the man who gave him these things is not something he can provoke, he can only swallow all these embarrassments in his stomach.

Li Shengze wanted to avoid those ugly gazes, but the bodyguards of Mo Lan's family were still restraining him at this moment, and they never let go.

Maybe these bodyguards were afraid that Li Shengze would continue to block the Patriarch after he let go, so they didn't let him go for a while.

And here, when Mo Lan Chenxuan walked out of the banquet.

A group of people greeted us from the outside. These people were very well dressed, and they looked like they were pampered all the year round, even in high positions.

Seeing the direction these people came from, Mo Lan Chenxuan had clear eyes.

These people from outside passed him by and walked in the opposite direction.

At this time, these people still don't know that their target today is already in Mo Lan Chenxuan's arms.

Just like that.

As for Mo Lan Chenxuan, who knew the purpose of these people's visit, he didn't take it seriously.

He wished that Su Yun would not meet with these people, it would be better for him to come forward for some matters.

After all, the people who came today are all masters who don't spit out the bones when they see the flesh.

Mo Lan Chenxuan had just walked a few steps when a bodyguard wearing a black suit with a cuff of the Mo Lan Patriarch's Group headed towards him.

Holding the person in his arms, Mo Lan Chenxuan walked into a suite led by the bodyguards.

He ordered the bodyguards following him to wait outside the door, and no one should come here to disturb him.

After entering the room and closing the door, Mo Lan Chenxuan took the windbreaker off Su Yun's body...

PS: Looking for a wave of recommendation tickets, beauties who like Huahua, don’t forget to vote~ Love Nimeng~ 呵呵啪~~
(End of this chapter)

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