Quick Pass: The President's Guidebook

Chapter 548 Wheelchair President, Beloved ()

Chapter 548 Wheelchair President, Beloved ([-])
Ji Li left, but Su Yun didn't know.

At this time she was lying on the bed in the infirmary.

There was a blank in my mind.

She didn't know where she was, and the surrounding environment was too quiet, which made her panic.

Suddenly the environment in front of him changed.

Some images drifted past her eyes.

The picture is like an old projector.

In her eyes, the characters above were so familiar.

After watching for a while, Su Yun finally realized.

That's right, those pictures are everything she experienced when she entered the mission world.

That's how she gets along with men.

They have laughed, sad, loved, and misunderstood, but in the end they are sweet.

Looking at those pictures, Su Yun's tears flowed down.

She didn't forget that everything she had was actually given to her by that man.

She was supposed to die, but the man didn't give up on her.

And Mo Chen, the man who reshaped her body.

She remembered.

At that time, Mo Chen never told her that he would pay such a high price to save her.

She thought she would die if the child was taken out.

But he didn't expect Mo Chen to do that.

How could she let that man pay such a price.

What should Gong Qing do? He is so willing.

Seeing the final picture, Su Yun's heart was extremely heavy.

Her life was bought by Mo Chen, and it was also bestowed by the person she loved deeply.


Su Yun slowly opened her eyes, and a pink face appeared in front of her eyes.

She reached out and touched the child's head, "Do you have a name?"

The little boy shook his head, "Father said, let mother name it."

Thinking of that man, Su Yun's mouth curled up.

Then he looked at the little boy in front of him, wondering if that man looked the same as this child.

Looking at the little bun in front of him, Su Yun said, "Let's call it Tuantuan."

Little Baozi rolled his eyes when he heard this, "Okay, thank you mother."

He was very happy that Tuantuan had a new name, and kept pushing into Su Yun's arms.

Su Yun held the child in her arms, but in her heart she was thinking of her lover in this world.

It turned out that the man turned out to be the Emperor of Heaven, the Lord of the Heaven and Earth.

Such status, such dignity, made her out of reach.

Tuantuan snuggled into Su Yun's arms, her small face frowned, "Mother, the air here makes me feel really uncomfortable, when shall we go back?"

Su Yun heard the child say that he was not feeling well, and immediately sat up from the bed.

She reached out to touch Tuantuan's face, and said worriedly, "Whatever feels uncomfortable, let's go out first."

Saying that, Su Yun was about to get out of bed and walk out of the infirmary.

But Tuantuan took her hand.

"Mother, I mean when will we go back to heaven."

Su Yun couldn't help chuckling when she heard the words, "Why, I just saw my mother, are you going back?"

Xiao Baozi shook his head, with a slightly wronged expression, "No, the air here is not very comfortable."

Si Xiaocong stood by the side all the time, and immediately stepped forward when he heard this.

"My lord, my master is weak because of the birth of a mortal body. The Heavenly Emperor injected all the spiritual power into my master's body, and then I woke up. The air in the lower world is not as comfortable as that in the heavenly world, so the master feels uncomfortable."

After hearing what Si Xiaocong said, Su Yun knew why the child said that.

"Then you can take Tuantuan back to the heaven first."

Although Su Yun doesn't know what the heavens look like, he also knows that the absolute fairyland is a place that mortals can't covet.

Before Si Xiaocong could answer, Xiao Baozi was not happy.

When Tuantuan heard that his mother was going to send him away, he quit immediately.

"I don't want to leave, I want to be with my mother."

Su Yun's heart softened when he heard the child's soft voice.

Hugging Tuantuan up, the two faced each other, Su Yun said softly, "Your father is still here, we will bring him back together, if you feel uncomfortable, go back to the heaven with Si Xiaocong, don't be brave, okay?"

Xiao Baozi nodded vigorously when he thought of the scene where his father had transmitted all the strength of his body to him.


Su Yun hugged the child in comfort.

This time, she will stay with her lover and stay with her children, and they will be happy.

After all, Mo Chen paid for all of this with his life.

I just don't know what the man is doing at this time.

Will the other party be happy if they see the child?

It was incredible for Si Xiaocong to see the big and small on the bed get along so tenderly.

He knows exactly who the master is.

But the Lord didn't know.

The master is the Dao of Heaven who is in charge of the laws of the heaven and the earth, and he can actually snuggle in his mother's arms like a child in the world.

This thing is too unbelievable.

"Dong dong..."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

The three people in the house looked in the direction of the landlord's door at the same time.

Si Xiaocong said to Xiao Baozi and Su Yun, "It's Lan Xiaorou, I'll open the door."

Si Xiaocong walked to the door and opened it, and it turned out to be Lan Xiaorou.

Lan Xiaorou walked into the room, glanced at Si Xiaocong, and walked into the room.

She came to Su Yun and Tuantuan, "Master, my lord."

Lan Xiaorou didn't kneel down on one knee, but there was absolute respect and piety on her face.

The little bun nodded, and then snuggled into Su Yun's arms again.

But Su Yun looked at Lan Xiaorou with a smile that was not a smile.


Upon hearing the fox, Lan Xiaorou's cheeks turned red.

She nodded to Su Yun.

Yes, the fox in the previous life was Lan Xiaorou.

"Come and sit."

Su Yun waved to Lan Xiaorou.

But Lan Xiaorou shook her head, her face was serious.

"My lord, Ji Li has already left City A, not long ago, and left in a hurry."

Su Yun's face changed when he heard this.

Given that man's strong possession of her, it is absolutely impossible to leave like this.

"What happened?"

Lan Xiaorou shook her head, "I don't know, Ji Li hasn't left the hotel since last night, but she suddenly decided to leave this morning."

Su Yun raised his hand and pressed his forehead, but the man left without saying hello, there must be something wrong.


She raised her head to look at Lan Xiaorou again, "Did you lure me to the TOP bar on purpose last night?"

Seeing Su Yun's straight gaze on the bed, Lan Xiaorou nodded honestly.

"Then when did you know it was mine?"

This time, Lan Xiaorong focused on Si Xiaocong.

Si Xiaocong tensed up all over, and took a few steps forward, "When you woke up, you suddenly felt something was wrong, so you made a special effort to explore and found out."

Su Yun nodded, no wonder.

After all, their attitude towards her was really different from the way they treated the original body.

Looking at the little bun in his arms, Su Yun didn't ask Lan Xiaorou and Si Xiaocong this time.

Instead, he asked Xiao Baozi directly, "Then when did you come here?"

Little Baozi pointed at Si Xiaocong with his little hand.

"He told me he found my mother, so he came."

(End of this chapter)

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