Quick Pass: The President's Guidebook

Chapter 545 Wheelchair President, Favored (7)

Chapter 545 Wheelchair President, Beloved ([-])
They all understood what the young master said.

That's drugs.

But the young master hates that thing so much, and now they—

"How dare you! If you want to find me, I will bite you to death."

Although Su Yun exerted all his strength to fight against the drug addiction in his body, he still had a clear consciousness.

When she heard that the man actually found someone to make that thing for her, Su Yun glared at him fiercely.

Ji Li's eyes were a little astonished when he heard the woman's forbearance and the voice of strong disapproval.

Those addicts I have seen in the past, which one is not crying and begging for relief.

But the woman was like this, still gritted her teeth and restrained herself.

This made Ji Li even more distressed for a while.

He winked at the bodyguards around him, who quickly pushed the wheelchair from the corner over.

There was also a bodyguard walking towards the middle-aged man who was sitting on the sofa, "President Huang, I'm sorry, I may not be able to discuss business matters today, so we can make an appointment another day."

When Mr. Huang saw the scene in the room, he wanted to leave a long time ago.

Hearing what the bodyguard said, he immediately picked up the briefcase beside him and walked out of the room.

The bodyguard pushing the wheelchair had already pushed the wheelchair to Ji Li's side.

After Mr. Huang left, the bodyguards turned their backs together, but they were not very far away from Ji Li.

Seeing the movements of the bodyguards, Ji Li slowly moved his body from the sofa.

His leg was injured when he was on a mission a few years ago, and he couldn't walk like a normal person.

Even so, there has been some improvement over the past few years.

It's just that Ji Li doesn't want to show his incompleteness in front of others.

Even if he can walk, he doesn't want people to see his miserable side.

Ji Li slowly left the sofa and walked towards the wheelchair.

Although he was doing his best to walk normally, he still couldn't hide his unsteadiness.

Sitting in the wheelchair, Ji Li turned the wheelchair and headed towards Su Yun.

Su Yun has been paralyzed on the sofa, desperately resisting the drug|addiction of this body.

She didn't see Ji Li's series of actions.

It was only when Ji Li picked her up from the sofa that Su Yun realized it.

The man's embrace was as reassuring as ever, Su Yun didn't think about it, and tried her best to send her body into the man's embrace.

Just like that, Ji Li hugged the petite woman in his arms, and was pushed out of the private room by the bodyguards.

The man even thoughtfully covered her with his coat so that no one could see her face.

Ji Li hugged Su Yun and sat in a wheelchair, and was escorted by bodyguards to the elevator.

When they came to the first floor, the bodyguards were even more closely protecting the man.

They quickly pushed Ji Li out of the bar.

During this period, no one noticed that in a corner not far away, there was a man and a woman who had been watching them since they went downstairs.

Or to be more precise, they were paying attention to Ji Li and Su Yun whose legs were covered by a coat.

After the group left, the man, Si Xiaocong, stretched himself.

"Now I can finally go home and sleep."

Lan Xiaorou glared at the other party, and walked out of the bar first.

What she thought was the same, she could finally go home and sleep peacefully.

They are also about to be freed.

Send the woman to the man, and their mission is complete.

The time to leave is getting closer.

When Si Xiaocong saw Lan Xiaorou leave, the corners of his mouth curled up in a conniving arc.

He and Lan Xiaorou would meet each other in every lifetime, he remembered those memories, and Lan Xiaorou remembered them even more.

Women are just awkward.

The relationship between them is too complicated.

They were the best partners when they were obviously not in the WTO.

But after entering the WTO, the relationship of tens of thousands of years may really have to be changed.

Si Xiaocong caught up with Lan Xiaorou and followed behind the woman.


Ji Li directly brought Su Yun to the hotel where he was staying.

He is not from City A, but came here to discuss business.

After retiring from the army a few years ago, he inherited the family business as a way to pass the time.

But he didn't expect to be able to give him such a surprise when he came to City A.

Meeting a woman is really an accident.

And the drug|addiction of a woman is also a big blow to him.

Ji Li put the woman on his bed in the hotel, and immediately asked the bodyguards to wait for the doctor to arrive.

On the way, Ji Li contacted the doctor in City A.

Their Ji family also has an industry in medicine.

The doctor contacted by City A is also from the Ji family.

Seeing the woman still in pain, Ji Li asked the bodyguards to get towels.

He personally wiped the sweat off Su Yun's body.


When the doctor came, Su Yun had passed the difficult stage and fell into a coma.

But Ji Li still asked the doctor to check her body.

In the end, it turned out that the woman's drug addiction was not too long.

It is not difficult to quit, but it is not easy, it depends on perseverance.

For her daughter to quit this thing, Ji Li still believed in her.

After all, women are gritted their teeth and endured from beginning to end.

After asking some relevant precautions, the doctor was released.

The doctor left, and the bodyguard also withdrew.

Ji Li stood up from the wheelchair, and walked towards the bed unsteadily.

Looking at the woman's quiet face, which was pale and pale, he stretched out his slender fingers and slowly touched the woman's cheek.

This woman was a pleasant surprise to him.

In all his life, there had never been a woman who could make his heart flutter.

Only the woman in front of me did it.

Since he wanted it, he would hold the woman tightly in his hands.

This woman can only be his.

Ji Li straightened up and walked towards the bathroom.


After Su Yun woke up, he didn't open his eyes immediately.

She felt warm all over, and a little tired.

The memory of last night came back to my brain in an instant.

Thinking of how embarrassed she was in front of the man last night, Su Yun felt a little helpless.

But fortunately, it happened in front of a man. If it was someone else, he would have called the police a long time ago.

When she first woke up, she wanted to stretch, but Su Yun's body was imprisoned.

When she opened her eyes, she saw the bronze chest.

And the arms that imprisoned her body clearly made her realize that she was lying on the same bed with the man.

Asking about the familiar aura on the man and the emotion that made her heart beat faster, Su Yun didn't move any more.

She lay obediently in the man's arms, recalling what he said last night.

The man actually wanted to provide him with poison, which made her never think of it.

Doesn't this man know how harmful drugs are?
But thinking of her painful appearance last night, the man's heart softened.

As long as she has something to do, men always compromise.

I just didn't expect it to be so unlimited.

While Su Yun was thinking about things, Ji Li had already opened his eyes and looked down at the woman in his arms.

He woke up a long time ago, but the feeling of holding a woman is really too comfortable.

This made him reluctant to get up and let go of the woman's body.

(End of this chapter)

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