Quick Pass: The President's Guidebook

Chapter 534 Young Emperor, A Little Sweet (2)

Chapter 534 Young Emperor, A Little Sweet (Twenty)
Seeing the muzzle of the gun, Su Qi trembled all over, "Sister, you can't kill me, I'm your sister—"

"I'm your sister, yes, I'm your sister, you can't kill me—"

Su Qi began to speak incoherently.

Su Yun looked at this woman, but her face was full of boredom, especially after she passed 009 and knew that this woman also liked Yan Wenrui.

Even during this period of time, he continued to trouble Yan Wenrui, and even used her name to invite Yan Wenrui.

In the end, because of Yan Wenrui's lack of face, repeated rejections, and those verbal insults, Su Qi actually sent someone to kill that man.

How could Su Yun bear this.

She wished she could kill Su Qi.



The gunshots were accompanied by screams of pain.

Su Qi Yuexiong was shot.

She looked at Su Yun in disbelief.

"You actually want to kill me!"

Su Yun looked at Su Qi coldly, "It's your luck to survive, and it's your fate if you don't survive."

Putting the gun away, Su Yun looked at the people who followed, "Do you know why I want to kill these people?"

Everyone followed Su Yun's hand and looked at the dead people on the ground.

They shook their heads one after another, but they also had some guesses.

"Because these people have betrayed me, don't think that I'm not around, just want to hide it, remember, I don't want your complete center, but betrayal is not allowed!"

Su Yun's words shocked everyone around.

The fox watched the boss go downstairs, and immediately chased after him.

Of course, she only chased after the scene was handed over to someone else.


Lei Ming and Qi Wenyu guarded the banquet for Wenrui in the middle of the night, when the sky was slightly bright, the man lying on the bed finally moved.

The man's fingers moved twice, and the slightly long eyelashes trembled, and then the man slowly opened his eyes.

Looking at the surrounding environment with deep eyes, there is still a little confusion in the eyes.

Lei Ming and Qi Wenyu didn't rest all night, they kept staring at the man on the bed.

Seeing Young Master Yan open his eyes at this time, the two immediately moved closer to the bed.

"Yan Shao--"

Hearing two voices beside him, Yan Wenrui turned his attention to the two.

The scene of yesterday also flashed back to my mind.

He remembered that he had fallen into the water and was blown away by the bomb.

He was injured afterwards, but was still swimming desperately in the water.

Now that I see Lei Ming and Qi Wenyu beside me, I naturally think that I was saved by them.


A dry and hoarse voice sounded.

Qi Wenyu heard Shao Yan's words, and immediately went to the table not far away to pour a glass of water.

And Lei Ming helped the man on the bed to sit up.

Shao Yan took the water and drank it slowly.

His throat became much more comfortable, and then he looked at the two people beside the bed, "Where did you find me?"

He couldn't remember where he swam to, or how he was rescued.

When Lei Ming and Qi Wenyu heard what Yan Shao said, they looked at each other with complicated expressions.

Yan Wenrui's eyes sank when he saw the appearance of the two of them.

It seemed that there was something inside that he didn't know about.

Yan Wenrui couldn't help tightening his hand holding the cup.

Just because it was difficult for Lei Ming and Qi Wenyu to speak, it was definitely not what he wanted to hear.

But he didn't know what the two were hiding.

Lei Ming and Qi Wenyu looked at Yan Wenrui's face became more and more ugly, and finally told him about Susu's identity as a poisonous scorpion.

And he also explained how the woman rescued him last night.

Yan Wenrui sat on the bed and listened to the two of them.

Especially when he heard that the woman turned out to be a poisonous scorpion from the S organization, he couldn't help but clenched the cup in his hand.


The glass was cracked by Yan Wenrui's pinch.

Lei Ming and Qi Wenyu couldn't help worrying about Yan Shao when they saw him like this.

"I want to see the video of the woman leaving last night."

Surrounding the villa is full of surveillance cameras, Yan Wenrui really wanted to see what the woman looked like when she left.

He didn't believe that the woman had fake amnesia, but the fact that the woman drugged him two years ago and made him so embarrassed has always been a thorn in his heart.

Lei Ming immediately walked out of the bedroom when he heard Young Master Yan's words.

Obviously it was the video of Susu leaving last night.


At this moment, Su Yun, who was lying on a luxurious big bed in a private manor, did not know that the man had woken up.

And full of anger after learning her identity.

She returned to the residence where the poisonous scorpion lived before she lost her memory last night.

She gave the fox several tasks before going to bed to rest.

The fox left overnight with the task she had given her.

After all, that task was repeatedly ordered by Su Yun.

Be sure to call back all the members sent to assassinate Yan Wenrui, and let her go to the door to apologize in person.

At first the fox begs to agree.

But before she knew what happened to her in Huaxia, she only had gratitude to that man in her heart.

The fox returned to the headquarters again, selected a few members with good skills and abilities, and led them directly to the place where Yan Wenrui was located.

Yan Wenrui stared closely at the woman in the video.

Watching the woman walk up to him, she lowered her head and kissed the corner of his lips lightly.

Then the woman turned and left without hesitation, that figure was so chic.

When Yan Wenrui saw a woman kissing before, his gentle eyes suddenly became sharper.

The woman actually left, just left.

Did she forget what she said?

She can only belong to him, is his.

At the end, until the woman drove the boat away, Yan Wenrui's eyes were still so deep, and his whole body exuded a cold aura.


The door suddenly rang.

Except for Yan Wenrui who was still staring at the video, the three people in the room all looked towards the door of the bedroom.

Lei Ming and Qi Wenyu didn't dare to make their own claims without getting Young Master Yan's words.

Especially at this time, Young Master Yan's whole body was full of low pressure, and there was still an angry look on his face.

They were deeply afraid that one less Yan would do something wrong.

Regardless of Susu's status, Young Master Yan would never do anything to that woman.

These days they, as bystanders, see everything in their eyes.

They all knew how much Yan Shao cared about that woman.

But the woman left like this, and they are also responsible.


The door sounded again, and Yan Wenrui seemed to have just heard it.

He raised his head and looked in the direction of the bedroom, "Come in."

Uncle Wen stood at the door and heard the displeased voice inside, wondering what happened to the young master.

Before hearing Lei Ming say that the young master is ready, he was very happy and relieved.

The task assigned to him by the old master has been successfully completed, and the young master is not in any danger, which is simply a blessing in misfortune.

But at this moment, when he heard the cold, icy voice from the bedroom, Uncle Wen felt the young master's suppressed anger.

Thinking of the people waiting downstairs, Uncle Wen slowly pushed the bedroom door open.

"Master, are you better?"

Yan Wenrui saw that the person who walked in was Uncle Wen, with disappointment in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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