Quick Pass: The President's Guidebook

Chapter 522 Young Emperor, A Little Sweet (8)

Chapter 522 Young Emperor, A Little Sweet ([-])

Qi Wenyu told the truth to his family.

The Qi family's parents had complicated eyes, but the younger sister, Qi Hanyi, immediately exploded.

Qi Wenyu knew that his younger sister Qi Hanyi liked Yan Shao.

But I didn't expect her to be so crazy.

He actually wanted to rush to Young Master Yan's house and drag out the woman that Young Master Yan brought back from the dark night.

Not to mention Susu's weirdness, just looking at the importance Yan Shao attached to that woman, he would never let his sister die.

He has been by Yan Shao's side for so many years, so he knows that man too well.

Once a man makes a decision, no one can change it.

He doesn't like anyone pointing fingers at him, or even getting involved in his life.

Even members of the Yan family can't do it.

Seeing Qi Hanyi's appearance, Qi Wenyu's parents also knew that their daughter would not accept it.

If the woman brought back by Master Yan was a lady from a famous family, maybe her daughter would not be so crazy.

But it happened to be a woman bought from that kind of place.

Not to mention that the daughter is not reconciled, even they are also very unwilling.

I thought that Master Yan would choose a partner from these imperial families.

Their daughter might also have a first-line chance, and his son has been with Yan Shao all year round, so their daughter's chances will be better.

But he never thought that a stranger would have his beard cut off.

Qi Hanyi frantically wanted to rush to Yan Wenrui's residence, wanting to see which shameless woman it was that snatched away her target.

But the members of the Qi family didn't let her go out at all and locked her in the room.

The Qi family's parents also knew that if their daughter went like this, she would definitely offend Young Master Yan, and it would be troublesome at that time.

That would implicate the Qi family, so they had no choice but to do so.

Qi Hanyi was locked into the room and still didn't stop, smashing everything in the room into a mess.

He even kept swearing.

The person scolded was also a woman brought back by Master Yan.

What kind of vixen, slut, all kinds of dirty words were uttered.

When the Qi family heard their daughter's movement in the room, they were glad that they stopped her, otherwise they didn't know what kind of accident would happen.

But Qi Wenyu kept frowning.

He is not as simple as his parents thought.

Qi Wenyu even knew that Young Master Yan would definitely know everything that happened after dawn.

While Qi Hanyi was tossing about non-stop, Lei Ming from the next door ran over.

The two of them didn't sleep all night, and it wasn't until almost dawn that Qi Hanyi slowly calmed down, probably because he was tired from tossing around and fell asleep.

Lei Ming and Qi Wenyu just sat in the hall of the Qi family for the whole night.

The two of them are good brothers and comrades-in-arms.

Both of them knew that after dawn, Young Master Yan would know everything that happened in the Qi family.

The two sat on the sofa and looked at each other.

"Let's go, Master Yan must have woken up."

Lei Ming stood up from the sofa and stretched his waist, his voice was hoarse because he hadn't slept all night.

Qi Wenyu took off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose tiredly.

Seeing Lei Ming's state, he stood up resignedly.

In fact, what can he do, it's just to say hello to the man in advance.

I hope the other party is a little lighter.

That man doesn't allow anyone to interfere in his affairs.

At this time, the Qi family has obviously touched the bottom line of a man.

Lei Ming saw Qi Wenyu's tired and ashen complexion, so he couldn't help walking towards him.

"Okay, don't be so sad, maybe things are not as bad as we imagined."

Qi Wenyu smiled bitterly when he heard Lei Ming's words that had no confidence at all.

But also thanks to Lei Ming's company this night.

He sighed, "Let's take a step and see, wash your face and let's go."


Yan Wenrui cuddled with the woman on the bed for a while, then got up.

After washing up, Yan Wenrui went downstairs directly, leaving Susu alone in the bedroom.

Yan Wenrui went downstairs, and Uncle Wen, who took care of his life all the year round, handed today's newspaper to the man.

Yan Wenrui took the newspaper in his hand, walked to the sofa in the living room, and read today's news.

Uncle Wen looked up at the man sitting on the sofa.

Seeing that the man looked more popular than before, Uncle Wen was relieved.

Because of what he was going to report next, he was really afraid that the man would be angry.

"Master, the group who intercepted your car last night have already found out the forces behind it."

Yan Wenrui was just about to turn the pages with the hand of the newspaper, but stopped when he heard the clerical words.

Immediately responded, "Yeah."

Yan Wenrui flipped through the newspaper and continued to read the news on it.

In fact, when Uncle Wen spoke, he almost knew the forces behind those people last night.

Because Uncle Wen's tone of voice was clearly embarrassing, even troublesome.

Now in this imperial capital, it seems that no one can bring him such a problem.

Then it cannot be a domestic force.

If you are not at home, then you are abroad.

Are there only a few forces abroad staring at him, wishing him to die.

But in his eyes, they are all clowns.

Uncle Wen saw the normal expression on the man sitting on the sofa, and he continued, "It's the people from Organization S. After they failed last night, they left without leaving any trace."

S organization?

Yan Wenrui's face turned ugly when he heard Uncle Wen say this organization.

If he hadn't had a tumultuous relationship with the woman last night, and he was in a pretty good mood at this moment, maybe Yan Wenrui would have gone mad.

Just because of this S organization, it is taboo for him.

Uncle Wen told everything, and there is no need for him to explain the rest of the reasons in detail.

After all, the young master has an indissoluble bond with Organization S.

Thinking of what happened in Jinlan Garden last night, Uncle Wen said again under the man's gloomy face, "Master, Jinlan Garden was very lively last night, the Qi family..."

Uncle Wen downstairs is giving a detailed report to Yan Wenrui.

Upstairs, Susu, who was lying on the bed, hadn't moved since the man left the room.

For some reason, when the man left, her heart felt a little empty.

She couldn't describe that feeling, it was always a very empty heart.

The huge room still exuded the ambiguous atmosphere of last night.

The two were so close last night, and got to know each other so deeply.

But why doesn't the heart fluctuate too much?

It was as if exhausted after tossing all night, after the man left, there was nothing left.

She doesn't understand this feeling.

But she also knows the difference between sleeping with two people who don't love and sleeping with two people who love each other.

How long can a man maintain his interest in her?

Is it true that once a man loses interest in her, the other party's domineering declaration will not count.

That man would let her go too.

Susu was lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling, her eyes were out of focus.

Her heart was calm at this moment, she actually wanted to cry, wanted to vent.

Who is she and why is she here?
Susu covered her head with a painful expression on her face.

Whenever she tried to think about it, her big head hurt badly.

It took a long time for this pain to go away.

(End of this chapter)

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