Quick Pass: The President's Guidebook

Chapter 498 Playboy Mo Shao, Substitute Wife (4)

Chapter 498 Playboy Mo Shao, Substitute Wife ([-])
The moment Mo Lingyun opened his eyes, Su Yun slowly stretched out his hand because he saw the man's frowning.

She wanted to smooth the man's frown.

But just as his hand reached into the air, Mo Lingyun opened his eyes.

When Mo Lingyun opened his eyes, he realized that the person in front of him was not Gong Qing.

Seeing the woman's familiar face, he immediately thought it was Shi Yulan.

But the woman's calm and indifferent eyes made Mo Lingyun's eyes full of disbelief.

He stretched out Su Yun's hand in mid-air, and grabbed it tightly.

It was as if the person in front of him suddenly disappeared.

Su Yun felt the strength in Mo Lingyun's hand, which made her feel pain, but she didn't make a sound to stop the man.

Instead, they looked at each other with a smile on their faces.

Seeing the smile on Su Yun's face, Mo Lingyun narrowed his eyes.

Even the other hand in the thin quilt pinched his thigh fiercely.

I felt the pain and knew it wasn't a dream.

Mo Lingyun actually changed.

He was full of anger and grievance.

Pulling the woman in front of her, she fell directly on the bed.

When Mo Lingyun made a move, Su Yun realized that she had the ability to get rid of him.

But when she thought of the grievance that the man just showed, she followed the man's movements and fell on the bed.

Mo Lingyun looked at the woman under him without any panic, his eyes darkened.

"who are you?"

Mo Lingyun asked.

Su Yun knew what the man was asking, she smiled and said, "Su Yun, my name is Su Yun."

In fact, Mo Lingyun doesn't care who the woman is or what the other person's name is, he only wants the woman in front of him.

Obviously at the last moment, the back of the woman who was still in his dream slowly disappeared.

But when he opened his eyes again, the woman just appeared in front of him.

He even felt the temperature of the woman's body.

I saw the indifferent eyes of the other party three years ago.

But why is all this so unreal.

When Mo Lingyun heard what Su Yun said, he deeply remembered the name Su Yun in his heart.

He didn't understand why the woman left three years ago.

I don't understand why the other party left three years ago.

Mo Lingyun didn't dare to ask, and didn't dare to speak again.

Feeling the woman's submissive action at this time, he lowered his body and hugged the woman under him tightly.

"Su Yun—Su Yun—"

He kept chanting Su Yun's name, as if he remembered this name deeply, and it was engraved in his bone marrow.

Su Yun listened to what the man whispered in her ear, she slowly stretched out her hand and hugged him.

The two hugged each other tightly, and neither of them spoke.

In addition to the alcohol smell in the air, there is another ambiguous and warm atmosphere rising in the room.

In the end, Su Yun got the food from the lunch box in the room, but it didn't enter Mo Lingyun's stomach.

Just because the man fell asleep again.

Mo Lingyun just hugged Su Yun's body and fell asleep.

This time he was obviously not as restless as before.

Because he hugged the woman he had been looking for for three years in his arms, he was very satisfied physically and mentally at this moment.

Even if it is a dream, let him enjoy it.

This was Mo Lingyun's thoughts before falling asleep.

It was obvious that Mo Lingyun's unreality made him think it was a dream.

After Mo Lingyun hugged her and fell asleep, Su Yun slowly got up and left the bed.

At the beginning, the man hugged her tightly and refused to let go no matter what.

It was she who leaned close to the man's ear and said that she would be back right away for convenience, so the man let go of her.

Su Yun stood by the bed, looking at the man's sleeping state, with distress in his eyes.

Even my heart hurts a little bit.

She really didn't expect that this man would become so vulnerable in the three years since she left.

Su Yun reached out and slowly stroked the man's handsome face.

He has lost weight.

Under the eyes, even under the dim light, the obvious blue color can still be seen clearly.

It can be seen that men have long-term sleep deprivation.

The man really hasn't had a good night's sleep for a long time.

Seeing that Mo Lingyun would not wake up in a short time, Su Yun slowly got up and left the room.

Gently closing the bedroom door, after taking a deep look at Mo Lingyun who was lying on the bed, he turned and went downstairs.

Gong Qing has been sitting on the sofa downstairs.

Hearing footsteps upstairs, he stood up abruptly.

He had seen the foreign bodyguards outside the door before.

Those people are all armed with powerful force.

He could tell at a glance that these people were definitely not ordinary bodyguards.

There is also the extended version of Lincoln parked outside the villa, not to mention that ordinary rich people can buy it.

He couldn't figure out who the woman was.

But also know that the other party will leave.

Because those people have been waiting for the woman outside the villa, and they didn’t even turn off the car.

Seeing Su Yun who suddenly appeared, Gong Qing knew that the other party was likely to leave.

I don't understand why Mo Lingyun let him go so easily.

Or the man didn't wake up at all.

No matter what, he should keep the woman.

Su Yun went downstairs and saw Gong Qing standing in front of the sofa, she could understand the emotion on his face at a glance.

She walked towards Gong Qing.

"Are you going?"

Seeing the woman approaching, Gong Qing couldn't help asking.

Su Yun kept walking, nodded, "Yes."

Gong Qing's face was complicated, obviously the woman had heard him talking about Mo Lingyun's situation before, her eyes were still distressed, why did she want to leave without hesitation at this time.

Su Yun walked up to Gong Qing, looked at the complex face of the other party, and said, "My name is Su Yun, you can call me like this, and I'm in the Mo's Hotel, it's not convenient anyway, I have to go to the hotel to pack my luggage Bring it, it shouldn't be a problem, right?"

Gong Qing was still immersed in Su Yun saying that she was going to leave, when she suddenly heard what the woman said later, her eyes were filled with surprise.

He quickly said, "No problem, of course there is no problem, do you want me to help?"

Su Yun shook her head, "No, it's just that I have some private matters to attend to, and I'll be back soon."

When Gong Qing heard the words, his eyes were lowered with suspicion. He didn't know why he was so afraid that the woman would never return.

Su Yun naturally also saw the suspicion in Gong Qing's eyes, so she had no choice but to change the topic.

"Of course, if you have time, you can also help. Would you like to go together?"

When Gong Qing heard Su Yun's change, she touched her nose uncomfortably.

But did not refuse.

Just like that, after Gong Qing ordered the people guarding the villa, she got into the car with Su Yun and headed to Mo's Hotel.

At this time, Gong Qing still doesn't know Su Yun's identity and the forces behind her.

I just thought that if I went to take the salute away, I would go straight back to the villa.

But he didn't know that Mo Lingyun's future rival in love had already been waiting in the hotel for a long time.

A group of vehicles soon arrived at Mo's Hotel.

After coming here and walking up to the presidential suite with Su Yun, Gong Qing looked at Su Yun in disbelief.

The suite had been booked a month earlier.

He didn't expect it to be Su Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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