Quick Pass: The President's Guidebook

Chapter 494 Playboy Mo Shao, Substitute Wife ()

Chapter 494 Playboy Mo Shao, Substitute Wife ([-])

During Huang Mao's beating, those people vomited out everything.

Including Huang Mao hit Su Yun on the head, even bleeding a lot, and finally they scattered and ran away.

Listening to what they said, Mo Lingyun clenched his fists and his face was gloomy and terrifying.

At this moment, there was another movement at the door.

A woman appeared there, followed by several men, all of them were from the Mo family.

When Mo Lingyun saw the delicate and beautiful face of the woman standing at the door, he wished he could rush over and hug her.

But he saw the woman's strange eyes, and the worried expression looking at Mo Zimo, with forbearance in his eyes.

This is not the person he is looking for.

This woman is not her.

The woman in front of him was not the one who had been with him for a month.

Mo Zimo looked at the woman who suddenly appeared, and he couldn't help standing up from the sofa.

He walked quickly towards the woman.

"Yulan, why are you here?"

Shi Yulan looked at the man walking towards her, with a grievance on her face, and ran towards Mo Zimo.

The two hugged each other tightly, and it could be seen that their relationship was very good.

But Mo Lingyun's eyes were full of impatience.

But the people around Huangmao's gang were puzzled when they saw Shi Yulan suddenly appearing.

The woman I saw last night looks exactly the same as the woman in front of me, but there is a big difference.

The woman last night would not be so weak, nor would she be so cuddly.

Especially those eyes, which were obviously tough last night.

Mo Lingyun looked at Shi Yulan and Mo Zimo hugging each other tightly, he finally couldn't help it, "Shi Yulan, don't you have any explanation?"

When Shi Yulan heard Mo Lingyun's words, she kept shrinking into Mo Zimo's arms.

Mo Zimo stretched out his hand to comfort Shi Yulan, hugged Shi Yulan in his arms and did not let go, but looked at Mo Lingyun firmly.

"The person you are looking for is not Shi Yulan. Don't blame her for everything. She doesn't know anything."

Mo Lingyun laughed when he heard the words, "Oh? That means you are very clear?"

Mo Zimo pursed the corners of his lips, did not make a sound, and even admitted silently.

"Okay, okay, I'm really capable. I'm playing with people. I don't care who that woman is. If I can't find her, none of you present will be able to escape."

Mo Lingyun's anger this day finally couldn't be suppressed anymore.

He said to the people in black around him, "Send all of these to the police station for me, and someone must take care of them. As for Mo Zimo and Miss Shi, they are not allowed to leave even half a step from today."

After speaking, Mo Lingyun got up and walked outside.

Seeing Shi Yulan today, he was sure that the woman accompanying him was not Shi Yulan at all, but someone else.

He knew even more that all of this was caused by Mo Zimo.

Even if Mo Zimo didn't say anything, he could find out.

Seeing Mo Lingyun get up, Gong Qing followed quickly.

Seeing that Mo Lingyun was really planning to leave, Mo Zimo panicked without asking him any questions.

"Mo Lingyun, don't you want to know who that woman is? You can't find her. I asked someone to change her face. You don't know her identity. The world is so big, where can you find it!"

Mo Lingyun heard Mo Zimo's yelling behind him, he turned around and looked at Mo Zimo expressionlessly.

"I don't know, but you know?"

Mo Zimo's face froze. To be honest, he didn't know either.

When the woman was hit, he kindly rescued her.

But looking at the other party's ruined face, she didn't know what to think, and changed the other party's face exactly like Shi Yulan's.

On the day of the wedding, a car accident was deliberately planned, and the two were replaced without anyone noticing.

He just wanted Shi Yulan too much.

It is absolutely impossible for him to let him watch Shi Yulan marry someone else.

Looking at Mo Zimo's expression, Mo Lingyun didn't understand anything.

Yes, the world is so big, where is he going to find that woman.

Mo Lingyun's face was sad, and Mo Zimo couldn't bear to see this scene.

He really didn't expect that Mo Lingyun would be attracted to that woman whose name he didn't know.

Even so much trouble, so much anger.

"Mo Lingyun, I can tell you everything I know, but please let Yulan go, she really doesn't know anything."

When Shi Yulan heard this, she held Mo Zimo tightly with both hands.

"Mo Lingyun, don't blame Mo Zimo, it's all our fault."

Mo Lingyun looked coldly at the men and women who were tightly embracing in the hall.

Mo Zimo looked at Mo Lingyun's cold eyes, but he already knew that his trump card was useless.

But for Shi Yulan he had to fight.

"Mo Lingyun, although I don't know who that woman is, when she got into a car accident, she left something behind. That thing may give you a clue..."

Mo Lingyun did not leave the villa in the end.

Mo Zimo told Mo Lingyun what happened.

Even on the eve of the wedding, Mo Zimo also revealed who sent the video.

It turned out that the reason why old man Mo brought Mo Zimo back to the Mo family was just to control a puppet.

No matter how playful Mo Lingyun was, his methods still caught Old Man Mo's notice.

Mr. Mo knew that Mo Zimo had no intention of vying for the Mo Group, but he couldn't see Mo Lingyun being free and easy, and deliberately created a rift between the two of them.

Mo Lingyun said he knew all of this and didn't have any mood swings.

When the old man was protecting Shi's family, Mo Lingyun had no feelings for him anymore.

Afterwards, Mo Zimo told him the reason for the woman who had been with him for a month.

It turned out that the woman had a car accident and even disfigured her face.

It was Mo Zimo who saved the man and even changed his appearance.

Mo Zimo counted everything, but Mo Lingyun was the only one who would be tempted.

At the scene of the woman's car accident, a badge was left behind.

It was a blue badge with a blue unknown bird engraved on it.

Because the scene of the car accident was too tragic, Mo Zimo rescued the person without staying.

But there was one thing that puzzled him, and he also told Mo Lingyun.

That was the scene where the woman had a car accident. On the second day, there was no trace there.

It wasn't even on the news, it was reported, it was like nothing happened.

Mo Lingyun was inexplicably familiar with the badge that Mo Zimo mentioned, but he couldn't remember it.

But when it came to the scene of the car accident the next day, there were no traces, and this incident made him feel the trickiness of it.

This is definitely not a simple car accident.

Normal car accidents will definitely be recorded and kept for the record.

But he asked Gong Qing to investigate, and there was no trace at all.

Mo Lingyun knocked on the seat of the sofa, thinking, it was erased by someone.

Thinking of the badge Mo Zimo mentioned, Mo Lingyun sent someone to get it again.

Sooner or later, he will find the heart thief.

The woman who stole his heart and ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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