Quick Pass: The President's Guidebook

Chapter 484 The Beauty God, The Heart's Favorite (27)

Chapter 484 The Beauty God, The Heart's Favorite (27)

Ye Qiubai wanted to stop him when he saw his movements, but it was too late.

The photo frame is already in Rong Kai's hands.

It was placed on the desk since Rong Kai left.

When Rong Kai saw the photo frame in his hand, he didn't expect that the person on it turned out to be him.

Or, he and Ye Qiubai are more accurate.

This is what they took at King's College.

Unexpectedly, Ye Qiubai still kept it.

Seeing this photo, the corners of Rong Kai's sexy mouth curled up.

"So you still keep it. I don't know where I threw mine."

When Ye Qiubai heard Rong Kai's words, he couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, and snatched the photo frame from his hand.


He snapped the photo album onto the table vigorously.

He raised his head and stared at Rong Kai, "Why are you looking for me, shouldn't you be by Uncle Rong's side at this time?"

What he said made it clear that Rong Kai was not welcome here.

Especially when I heard the other party say that they lost the photo they took together.

Although the two grew up, it was the first time that they left the country at the same time in Emperor's College.

Hearing Rong Kai's casual attitude, Ye Qiubai felt heartache.

But thinking that the other party doesn't have any feelings for him at all, and even has a girlfriend, why should he have such an idea.

The wry smile on the corner of Ye Qiubai's mouth deepened, and even the sadness on his face was very obvious.

Seeing this, Rong Kai sighed deeply.

He took out the wallet from his jacket pocket, slowly got up and walked towards Ye Qiubai.

"Xiaobai, after all these years, you still don't understand me."

Ye Qiubai felt that Rong Kai came to his side, but he turned his face away, just not looking at him.

Rong Kai had no choice but to change direction and turn in front of Ye Qiubai.

He even put the wallet in Ye Qiubai's hand.

Ye Qiubai looked at the wallet in his hand, and looked at Rong Kai suspiciously.

The other party gave him an ambiguous smile.

Ye Qiubai didn't understand, he was in a very bad mood right now.

Especially the Rong Kai in front of him is more charming than two years ago, and he has a girlfriend by his side.

Although he likes the other party, he doesn't want to be a third party, let alone have any relationship with Rong Kai.

There is no going back to the past between them.

Leaving from Rongkai, and this time returning to China.

He knew that the two were destined to be people from two worlds.

He didn't want to expect anything more.

Everything is broken.

Ye Qiubai put Rong Kai's wallet on the table, got up and left the seat, walked aside to pick up his coat.

"Let's stop playing, you should go home so late, and I'm going back too."

Ye Qiubai put on his coat, picked up the phone on the table, turned around and was about to leave.

When Rong Kai saw Ye Qiubai's movements, his eyes sank.

He walked quickly to Ye Qiubai's side, grabbed him, and pushed him onto the seat.

Then he walked towards the office, locked the door, and took the key in his hand.

"If you want to go, how can it be so easy."

Rong Kai looked at Ye Qiubai who was sitting on the seat, his eyes were as big as copper bells.

At this time, Rong Kai was full of evil spirits.

The words that came out of his mouth were also full of ambiguity in this small office.

Ye Qiubai obviously noticed that something was wrong with Rong Kai.

He couldn't care less now.

Ever since Rong Kai walked into the office, something was obviously wrong with the other party.

It's like knowing that he likes him, and even makes him feel like being ridiculed by Rong Kai.

He stood up from the seat with a bang, pointed at Rong Kai and said angrily, "Rong Kai, what do you want to do? I don't have time to play with you!"

When Rong Kai heard this, his face remained unchanged, and his eyes were fixed on Ye Qiubai.

A calm word came out of his mouth, "Xiaobai, I haven't played. You have not understood me for so many years."

After speaking, Rong Kai sighed, but his footsteps never stopped.

Soon he walked up to Ye Qiubai, picked up the wallet on the table, and put it in Ye Qiubai's hands again.

"Xiaobai, don't put it down this time, I'll give you a chance to get to know me."

Ye Qiubai squinted his eyes, looking at the man full of aggression in front of him.

He clenched the wallet handed to him by the other party, and then relaxed.

He took his eyes off Rong Kai and put it on the wallet in his hand.

He slowly opened the wallet.

The speed was very slow, but Rong Kai became a little nervous.

Ye Qiubai slowly opened the wallet.

Then he saw the inside of the wallet, and saw the exact same photo on his desk at a glance.

But there are some differences.

Because the photo in front of his desk is obviously very new and well protected.

But this piece of Rongkai's wallet showed signs of wear and tear.

At first glance, it is often rubbed by people.

Ye Qiubai suddenly understood something.

He looked at the tall man in front of him in disbelief.

The eyes are complicated and painful.

I had expected it in my heart, but it all came too late.

Ye Qiubai cruelly closed the wallet and put it on the desk.

He took out a cigarette from the drawer and lit it.

Slowly exhaling smoke from his mouth, the whole person is also full of exhaustion, even a little decadent.

This incident made Rong Kai a little puzzled.

"Xiaobai, don't you have anything to say?"

Ye Qiubai raised his eyes and glanced at Rong Kai, but Rong Kai was stunned by this glance.

Because at this time Ye Qiubai's eyes were red and his expression was solemn, his whole being made him feel sad.

"When did you discover my feelings for you?"

Ye Qiubai's voice became hoarse because of smoking.

When Rong Kai heard Ye Qiubai's words, his expression froze for a moment, not understanding the meaning of the other's words.

But Rong Kai's puzzled expression changed in Ye Qiubai's eyes.

"Or you already knew it a long time ago, and you came to me at this time just to warn me not to have any more thoughts about you."

Ye Qiubai suddenly stopped, and he took a deep drag on his cigarette.

Slowly exhaled the smoke, and then continued, "I know you brought your girlfriend back this time, don't worry, I won't have any thoughts about you anymore, from now on, we will be just like you have been away for the past two years, In the future, contact less."

When Rong Kai heard Ye Qiubai's words, his face darkened.

"You repeat these words again."

Rong Kai's voice was full of coldness, and his whole body tensed up, as if he wanted to rush over and beat Ye Qiubai up.

But no, he won't do it.

Ye Qiubai has always been the person he puts on top of his heart, how could he be willing to do so.

But when he heard the other party's words, he really wanted to strip him naked and hit the other party's ass|ass.

Ye Qiubai was not afraid of Rong Kai's cold appearance, he just glanced at him indifferently.

Then he threw the photo frame on the table vigorously towards the floor-to-ceiling windows in the office.

"Crack... bang..."

The picture frame shattered and fell to the ground in pieces.

And the photos of the two of them once together were also scattered from the photo frame.

(End of this chapter)

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