Chapter 459 Mr. Jin ([-])

"Your Majesty, I'm sorry Xiaoxian can't obey this matter."

Gong Qing bluntly refused.

Mo Chen didn't seem surprised when he heard Gong Qing's refusal, but his face was still full of displeasure.

"You still want to follow your brother?"

Gong Qing nodded when she heard Mo Chen's words, but said nothing.

His eyes were also very serious.

Mo Chen has always known that Gong Qing's temper is stubborn and stubborn.

Half of it was something he was used to.

Mo Chen decided not to force the other party at this time, otherwise it would be counterproductive.

Thinking of this, Mo Chen changed himself.

His modern attire has changed into elegant and refined white clothes. This attire is like a god descending into the world, which makes people reluctant to take their eyes off.

The short hair on that head also turned into long black hair like satin.

That face is restored to the posture of heaven and man above the nine heavens before it was restored.

Mo Chen's eyes had a silver light.

Gong Qing just stared at the opposite person in a daze, and changed into a familiar appearance.

It was this appearance that kept disturbing him thousands of years ago.

Seeing this face reappear, Gong Qing lowered her head.

The eyes couldn't help but get hot.

This person once protected him and made him lose his eyes for a while, so he made a big mistake.

Not now, not ever again.

As a noble king like this, it is not for him to be greedy.

Mo Chen changed back to his original body and walked towards Gong Qing step by step.

"Little guy, what happened back then is only my fault, you don't need to do all this, you can go to my brother's side if you want, it will only be a few hundred years, and you will still come back after all.

I am waiting for you to come back in heaven. I never regret what I said when I brought you back to my side. You remember this sentence. "

When Gong Qing heard Mo Chen's words, there was no change on her face, but her heart was indeed very complicated.

He remembered, he always remembered, what the man said when he carried his prototype back to the heaven.

"Little guy, you have to stay by my side forever, I will treat you well, you are mine."

At that time, what a man liked most was his pair of smart eyes.

Now these eyes have become indifferent, even indifferent, a little lifeless.

What Mo Chen said really made his heart ache.

Forget it, forget it, everything is a robbery.

Gong Qing raised her head and saluted Mo Chen.

"Your Majesty is fine, so I will leave first."

He didn't answer the other party's words, but directly asked to leave.

Gong Qing knew Mo Chen, as long as his memory existed, she would never prevent him from doing anything.

Of course, all of this is as long as he has memory.

Mo Chen greedily looked at Gong Qing's face, and he finally sighed.

"Forget it, you go."

Gong Qing pursed her lips, turned and left.

Seeing Gong Qing's leaving figure, Mo Chen wanted to catch up with him, but in the end he didn't take that step.

Gong Qing's figure was getting further and further away, Mo Chen finally couldn't help but said to his back, "Qingqing, Xiaoqing, I'll wait for you to come back."

His voice was very soft, but it still clearly reached Gong Qing's ears.

Gong Qing, who was carrying Mo Chen behind her back, had a tear of blood in the corner of her eye.

These were the most precious tears of his prototype, but they were shed with his own body at this time.

In the tens of thousands of years in the heavens, there has never been such a blood tear.

The blood and tears turned into particles and floated in mid-air.

As if it had become conscious, it flew towards Mo Chen.

At the moment when Gong Qing was crying, Mo Chen's heart, which was hard as heaven and earth, suddenly ached.

Then he raised his head and saw in front of him that transformed blood tear was still shining with dazzling light.

When Mo Chen saw this glowing tear of blood, his eyes shone with disbelief.

He looked in the direction where Gong Qing was leaving.

But Gong Qing had disappeared.


Mo Chen's voice was full of pity and sadness.

His little one actually cried.

For thousands of years, they have never seen their race shed such blood and tears.

Blood and tears are rare and rare treasures. How many people in the heavens have died for this, but none of them have ever obtained this blood and tears.

Mo Chen held the tear of blood, his hands were still trembling.

Gong Qing is gone, and this world no longer exists.

He went to find his brother.

Mo Chen knew Gong Qing's temperament, he would wait for him.

Soon, only a few hundred years.

Mo Chen also disappeared in place.

He came to the enclosed space where Su Yun was.

Su Yun was strolling and looking at the surrounding scene, when he saw a man who suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Su Yun."

Su Yun frowned when she heard the man call out her name.

Then with an uncertain tone, he asked, "Tang Lei?"

Mo Chen said, "My name is Mo Chen."

Su Yun nodded, "Why am I here?"

Mo Chen turned to look at the jade fragments not far away.

"I planned to take Gong Qing back and meet you here before leaving, but he refused to go with me."

Su Yun raised her eyebrows when she heard Mo Chen's words. She knew that the other party hadn't finished speaking, so she didn't open her mouth and waited for the other party's next words.

"You and your brother have a heart-to-heart relationship, you will meet each other in every life, and Gong Qing will always be by your brother's side, and in the next few lives, he will still be by your side.

Also please take care of him, this little guy doesn't think about himself at all, he often forgets to eat, and has a stubborn temper, he will keep everything in his heart and not say anything, I will take him back as soon as possible, it will only be a few hundred years, still Please don't worry about it. "

Su Yun heard Mo Chen's exhortation, but did not answer.

Instead, he asked, "He...will return in a few hundred years?"

Mo Chen knew that Su Yun was asking about his elder brother, so he shook his head, "No, it will take at least a thousand years or a few thousand years between you, but Gong Qing has to return early, this is related to his position, he will go back, I will go back for my brother's sake."

Su Yun nodded to show that she understood, "Gong Qing has always been by your brother's side, she looks cold and has no emotion, but when she was by your side in this life, she was as expressionless and indifferent as before.

But I can tell that his eyes are full of content, no matter what happened between you, he is not without feelings for you, otherwise there would be no such change. "

Because of Gong Qing's company for so many lifetimes, they still have the feeling of friends.

Hearing Mo Chen's words, she knew there was a misunderstanding between the two, but she didn't want Gong Qing to be hurt.

Although Mo Chen always thought of Gong Qing in her words, she still couldn't help but worry about Gong Qing.

I just hope that the relationship between them will have a good result.

When Mo Chen heard Su Yun's words, the corners of his mouth curled up, with an obvious smile on his face.

His little one has always been the best.

After a while, Mo Chen looked at Su Yun, "I'll send you to the mission world, are you ready?"

Su Yun heard that there was confidence on her face, and there was still a trace of expectation, "I'm always ready."

She hopes to see that man as soon as possible.

Mo Chen raised his hand and waved towards Su Yun's body, and her body disappeared.


Su Yun woke up again and opened his eyes on the bed.

There is an old-fashioned Italian spring bed under her body, and the bedding is also outdated with a sense of age.

Not to say that these things are old, but full of sense of age.

Su Yun sat up from the bed and saw the surrounding environment.

It is full of Western-style dresses, but everything has a sense of age.

There was no one else in the room except her, and her breathing could be heard in the silence.

(End of this chapter)

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