Quick Pass: The President's Guidebook

Chapter 44 True and False Gold (2)

Chapter 44 True and False Daughter ([-])
Su Yun didn't know that the master she always thought was staring at her was the master of Mo Lan.

And the other party stayed in this hotel long before her.

Because 009 couldn't inquire about Molan Chenxuan's information at all, Su Yun didn't know many things.

This is her biggest vulnerability.

At this time, Mo Lan Chenxuan upstairs was frowning, as if there was something troublesome.

If the Molan family has the current status and power, no one will provoke them, even the people above, when they see the Molan family, they will be courteous.

But in the past few days, he got news from his family that someone hired mercenaries from abroad at a high price to buy his life.

Mo Lan Chenxuan was not afraid of the opponent's attack, he just couldn't figure out who made the attack.

I really don't know how to live or die, he has been in the position for so many years and has always been calm, and there has never been a half-day turmoil.

After so many years of stability, is this someone who can't bear it?

Mo Lan Chenxuan stretched out his slender fingers to press the bridge of his nose, and then stood up from the desk seat.

He also came to the wide French window.

Looking at the small people on the sidewalk downstairs and various vehicles driving on the road, Mo Lan Chenxuan suddenly thought of Li Yun who stopped in a hotel with him.

After he met Li Yun that day, when he returned to the hotel that night, he looked through all her files.

At the same time, he also knew that she was the wrong child of the Li family, and even more knew that she had left the Li family.

But there was one thing that puzzled her.

Li Yun left the house without taking anything from the Li family.

Not even one of her previous consumption cards was brought out.

But she stayed in this hotel on the first day she left Li's house.

In fact, the reason why Molan Chenxuan lives here is because it is an industry under the M Group, and there are many hotels like this all over the country, and even abroad.

There is such a hotel in every corner of the world, and there are rooms specially reserved for the heads of the Molan family in the past.

These rooms are not open to the public.

But as long as it is an industry belonging to the M Group, all of them have top-notch interior decoration.

So after Li Yun left Li's house, Jiang Ran came to this city A, the hotel with the highest consumption, which is really confusing.

And they checked in on the same day, before him.

Mo Lan Chenxuan didn't suspect that the other party was because he checked in early.

Because he came to City A by private plane, it was impossible for anyone to find out, even the family members only found out where he was staying after three days.

So it is impossible for Li Yun to know in advance.

This girl is not very old, she is just talented.

But she has the maturity of a woman on her body, and she can't help but attract people's attention.

When she appeared in M ​​Jewelry Design Company, he looked at her every move, full of feminine charm, and thought she was around [-] years old.

Unexpectedly, the other party has just grown up.

18 years old is the same age as the blooming season.

Mo Lan Chenxuan didn't hesitate when he first found out Li Yun's age.

It's not easy to start at such a young age.

He will never admit that he is an old cow eating young grass.

Moreover, he has no love experience himself, and he really doesn't know how to get in touch with the other party through a purchasing agent.

So these days, Mo Lan Chenxuan moved the hotel surveillance to his room, just to get to know her better.

Of course, sometimes when he sees her going to the hotel restaurant for dinner, or drinking afternoon tea in the lounge, he will silently go downstairs, find a corner where there is no one, and pay attention to her silently.

Of course, he didn't let his subordinates know all this, except Gong Qing.

Because Gong Qing is his personal bodyguard.

After he went downstairs, Gong Qing stood guard not far away.

So so many times, Li Yun didn't even notice their existence.

Of course, he also knew that Li Yun had doubts.

He looked around several times when he saw Li Yun, probably because his gaze was too revealing.

In fact, he couldn't control himself, and Li Yun was very attractive to him.

She had an air of wanting him to approach her.

Yes, although the two did not meet each other formally, he felt the breath of each other.

It was a predestined traction.

Su Yun and Mo Lan Chenxuan stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows at the same time, thinking about different things in their hearts.

They may be thinking about something in their hearts, and it will be night at this stop.

Su Yun was downstairs, and she was the first to leave the floor-to-ceiling windows, planning to go downstairs for dinner.

However, an accident happened at this time.


A gunshot rang out in this hotel.

All the lights in the hotel were extinguished after the gunshot.

The huge hotel was plunged into darkness.

On the top floor of the hotel, after the corridor was plunged into darkness, all the bodyguards surrounded Mo Lan Chenxuan's room.

Their movements are well-trained, and the division of labor is also very tacit.

Some guarded the surrounding area, some surrounded the room and knocked lightly on the door.

These people have no intention of not taking the dick out of their waists.

That's a gun.

For modern society, the most life-saving thermal weapon.

After Mo Lan Chenxuan fell into darkness in the room, he didn't make any movements.

He was still standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the tiny scenery downstairs.

It turns out that he has been standing here for such a long time unconsciously.

it's getting dark.

Hearing the knock on the door, Mo Lan Chenxuan closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he turned and walked towards the door.

In the downstairs room, when the darkness struck, Su Yun immediately opened 009.
She clicked a few times in the void, and saw that the hotel was completely shrouded in darkness.

And there are a few figures, quickly on her floor.

Those figures came to a room.

That was the room next to her, and no one seemed to be staying in that room.

So they entered the room without a hitch.

After entering the house, they came to the window, took out something, and began to climb higher along the outer layer.

Seeing this, Su Yun had only one sentence, what a courage.

Such a high floor, not to mention what tools they use, just say it is so high, if they fall, they will definitely die.

It seems that none of these people are simple characters.

Tomorrow is the time when Patriarch Molan and Li Jiaqi meet, so will these people have anything to do with this matter?

Seeing those people climbing upstairs, the speed is very fast.

Because it is outside the entire building, through the neon lights outside, you can see that these people are all in camouflage uniforms.

And everyone is carrying a large black bag on their backs.

I saw these people climbed upstairs in just a few seconds.

 [Thank you Mu Liang, the unspeakable secret, the reward from both of you] At the same time, congratulations to Mu Liang for becoming the first master of the book The President's Strategy, sprinkle flowers, slap...

(End of this chapter)

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