Quick Pass: The President's Guidebook

Chapter 435 Black-bellied CEO Wants a Divorce (8)

Chapter 435 Black-bellied President, Wants a Divorce ([-])

It's just that they don't know who was behind Xia He's downfall of Yang's company in the previous life.

Since Tang Lei is not bewitched by Xia He now, he must not have been bewitched by the other party before Yang's company went bankrupt.

I just don't know why Yang Lei, An's Company, and Zhou's Group, the three major forces, still want to attack Yang's Company.

Su Yun couldn't understand all this, and she couldn't figure it out either.

009 gave few hints either.

But one thing is, this Tang Lei treats Gong Qing extraordinarily well.

Is this the key to it?
Su Yun couldn't figure it out at that time, so he let the matter go.

It doesn't matter if you don't know for now, you will always know.

She just needs to watch how Xia He tries to die.

"Ding dong..."

When the doorbell rang, Su Yun knew that the food delivery person had arrived.

Quickly walk to the door and open it.

At this time An Jin was still asleep in the bedroom, it would be bad if he woke up the man.

Seeing that the man looked like he didn't have a good rest, she still felt very distressed.

Su Yun took her breakfast and turned back to the living room.

Seeing that there was no movement in the bedroom, she sat down and ate slowly.


When An Jin woke up, she found that the surrounding environment was very strange.

This made his originally hazy eyes sharpen immediately.

The attendant felt the comfortable and familiar atmosphere around him, and the sharpness of his eyes disappeared.

He remembered where this was.

Picking up the mobile phone on the bedside table, it was already afternoon.

I didn't expect him to sleep so deeply.

Looking at the quilt covering her body, An Jin also had a smile on her face.

Apart from him, there is only his wife in name in this apartment.

The person who covered him with the quilt didn't think otherwise.

An Jin got up and got out of bed, and left the bedroom.

Opening the door of the bedroom, he saw a woman sitting on the sofa at a glance.

Su Yun knew about it when the bedroom door was opened.

Feeling the strong gaze on her, she put down the magazine in her hand and turned to look at the man.

"You're awake, are you hungry?"

An Jin's heart softened when she heard the woman's greeting.

Because of this kind of greeting, he hadn't enjoyed it for a long time.

This is a frequently asked question when parents are alive.

At this time, the woman's inquiry made him feel at home.

An Jin walked towards Su Yun slowly, "Fortunately, are you hungry?"

Su Yun shook her head, "Fortunately, it's already noon, don't you need to go to the company?"

An Jin had handed over the company's affairs to Gong Qing long before coming here.

He doesn't need to go at all, even if there is something wrong with the company, he won't leave the woman behind.

After finally having time to spend with women, he will not give up.

He still feels very sorry for the time he wasted after he married a woman.

An Jin walked to Su Yun and sat down, picked up the magazine she put aside, and flipped through it boredly.

He replied, "No need, there is Gong Qing in the company."

Su Yun saw the man sitting beside her, and she relaxed and leaned on the sofa.

Looking at An Jin with both eyes, "Didn't we agree to get a divorce? You come to the door so swaggeringly, which makes me suspect that you will like me."

Regarding Su Yun's sudden change of topic, An Jin paused while flipping through the magazine.

His deep eyes were directly facing Su Yun.

"Divorce? Do you really want a divorce?"

Su Yun spread her hands, "I asked you last night, and you agreed."

An Jin laughed when she heard the words, "Really, but I forgot, I haven't had a good rest these days, I don't remember saying that."

Su Yun rolled her eyes at the man, and whispered, "Black belly."

An Jin grinned when she heard Su Yun's words, "Hey, don't lose your temper. I will fulfill my duties as a husband in the future."

An Jin put down the newspaper in her hand and hugged Su Yun in her arms.

Su Yun was not hypocritical, and lay obediently in the man's arms.

Here, Su Yun and An Jin are deeply in love.But on Gongqing's side, a big monster came.

Gong Qing was busy at An's Company, but heard the secretary say that Mr. Tang had come.

Immediately, a monstrously handsome face appeared in his mind.

Tang Lei, he is too familiar with this man.

Every time he met this man, he always felt a sense of disobedience.

Not even willing to face this man alone.

Because there is always a voice in his heart, telling him to stay away from this man.

There seems to be a ditch that cannot be crossed between them, and they can't always get close.

At this time Tang Lei came to An's Company, and it was impossible for Gong Qing to refuse him.

After all, this is An's company, and Tang Lei is the president's friend, so he has no right to decide on the other party.

"Let him in."

Hearing Gong Qing's words, the secretary turned and left the office.

After a while, the door of the office was opened again.

The slender figure of the man slowly walked into the office.

When the door rang, Gong Qing would look down at the document on the table and look at the person who came.

"The president is not here today. If you look for him, it will probably be another day."

Tang Lei heard Gong Qing's estranged words, and he still walked towards the other party.

There was still that monstrous smile on his face, "I'm not looking for him today."

Gong Qing frowned when she heard Tang Lei's words, her face was puzzled.

Tang Lei walked to the desk and sat down on the chair, looking at Gong Qing's unchanging, sunny and handsome face.

A flash of infatuation flashed deep in his eyes.

The little guy seemed to be getting more and more resistant to him.

This was the first time he descended to the realm. After a thousand years, the other party seemed to be more alienated from him.

In this world, this is the first time they have met in thousands of years.

Thinking of the mistakes he made at the beginning, Tang Lei's face had a faint glint of light.

Soon, soon he will be able to bring the little one back.

As long as the elder brother's side is almost ready, he can take Gong Qing back.

His little guy can only belong to him, and no one can take it away.

Not even my brother.

After thousands of years of waiting, he couldn't bear it anymore, otherwise he wouldn't have come to the lower realm.

This time he must bring Gong Qing back.

There is nothing wrong with the little guy on the elder brother's side, and there is no need for him to follow him all the time.

The reason why Gong Qing has been kept by his brother's side for thousands of years is only because of the guilt at the beginning.

Now that my elder brother has a destined person, he doesn't need to keep Gong Qing in the lower realm anymore.

It's just that I don't know if I will forgive Gong Qing when I think of those long memories after I bring him back.

After all, it was all caused by him.

If there was no misunderstanding and hands-on action at the beginning, it would not have been designed by others.

Let them fall into the three thousand worlds, endless reincarnation, suffering the sufferings of the world, the pain of birth, old age, sickness and death.

Tang Lei suddenly sighed.

It's really troublesome.

He knows Gong Qing's temperament too well, if the lost memory resounds, he will never go back honestly with him.

Gong Qing looked at the man in front of him and sighed suddenly, the puzzled face deepened.

He couldn't help but said, "Since you didn't come to see the president, is there anything else?"

(End of this chapter)

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