Quick Pass: The President's Guidebook

Chapter 421 Black Belly Emperor (9)

Chapter 421 Black Belly Emperor ([-])

Su Yun's cheeks were slightly red when he heard Yin Wenqing's words.

Seeing this, Yin Wenqing stopped teasing the younger sister, turned around and left.

And Su Yun also took off her previous disguise, hoping this time because of her reminder, the general's mansion can make plans earlier.

As for what she said and heard Yan Meier said before, it was completely fabricated by her.

As long as it can achieve her goal, as for the original body's father and brother, they will definitely not investigate this matter.

Even if you go to investigate, you will only find out that there must be something involved between Yan Meier and King Jin.


At night, Yuanchen's father, Yin Kun, returned home.

The final result was as expected by Su Yun.

Yin Kun called her to the study, and Yin Wenqing was also in the study.

At this time, Yin Wenqing's face was not very good-looking, and he even looked at Su Yun with a hint of resentment.

Su Yun knew the result by looking at his face.

"Xian'er, the father you mentioned today already knows. It is impossible for father to disobey the imperial decree, but he will not let you be wronged in the palace. It can be seen from the fact that father followed him to fight in the north and south. Chengfu. It is definitely not comparable to ordinary people, so he must be very clear about the harem.

Tomorrow, father will report to you that you are weak. You don’t have to go to Taifu Hall to greet the queen mother when you enter the palace. As long as you enter the palace, you just need to be safe and don’t get involved. There will never be any danger in the matter between the queen mother and Prince Jin of.

As for the matter between you and Emperor Rui, don't force it, that man has no feelings, but since you entered the palace, you are Emperor Rui's woman, and you must not do anything disrespectful to him. Unfortunately, don't care about the love of your children. "

Su Yun was puzzled when he heard Yin Kun's words.

She could tell that Yin Kun was absolutely loyal to Emperor Rui, and even stood in his position at all times.

Even if the daughter's lifelong happiness is ruthlessly ignored.

She thought that maybe Yin Kun would directly say something difficult, but she never thought that the other party would say it in such detail.

Yin Kun seemed to know what Su Yun was thinking, he sighed and continued, "Actually, I also forgot about one thing, but this time the emperor chose a concubine, and I recalled what happened when the late emperor was alive.

At that time, I accompanied the late emperor on a visit to the people, and I once met a high-ranking man who could figure out that you were born as a royal and was born as a phoenix before he saw you.

If you meet the right person, you will have no worries in your life and enjoy the glory and wealth. If you meet the wrong person, you will die without a place to bury your body.

The late emperor and I never believed this at all. Now that you really entered the palace and encountered such a thing, you must resist the temptation. Our Yin clan has always been on the side of the emperor. Back then, our ancestors followed Taizu to conquer the world At that time, we were loyal ministers and good generals, so we must not make any mistakes.

Tomorrow, father will go to the emperor when he leaves court, and will hand over the military power, just to keep you safe in the palace forever, this is the only thing father can do for you. "

After Yin Kun finished speaking, he looked at Su Yun with helplessness and a hint of sadness.

And Su Yun finally understood why Yin Kun behaved like this.

It's just that the remarks made by the expert back then seem to be somewhat reliable.

The original owner and Prince Jin had sex together, even though Emperor Rui let them go, they could not escape death, and finally died in the hands of Prince Jin.

Could the right person be Emperor Rui?But this man doesn't lift at all, this is a fact, even if the original body is not with Prince Jin, there will be no result with this man.

Su Yun lowered his head and pondered, while Yin Kun saw his daughter like this, wanted to comfort her a few more words, but didn't know how to speak.

"Forget it, go back to your room. When you enter the palace, your own safety is the top priority. Father will use everything in the General's Mansion to keep you safe for the rest of your life. As long as Emperor Rui won't touch you, the Empress Dowager will have nothing to do with you."

Su Yun thought of everything Yin Kun had done for the original owner, and knew that this man still cared about his daughter, even at all costs.

It's a pity that the original owner went the wrong way and died tragically in the end.

This time the original path has been disrupted, and everything is going in a good direction.

Now that Yin Kun knows about the conspiracy between the queen mother and Prince Jin, he will make plans early.

For the safety of his daughter, Yin Kun will exchange military power, which will definitely let Emperor Rui see his sincerity.

It will also ensure that she is carefree in the harem and will not have any life safety.

The premise is that she will not do the same thing as the original owner.


On this day, Emperor Rui went to court and looked at the important court officials in the main hall, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes.

Every day in the hall, there are so many trivial things disappearing.

He had just chosen a concubine to enter the palace, and now he brought up the matter of establishing a queen.

Seeing the ministers in the palace arguing for the queen's choice, Emperor Rui winked at Gong Qing who was beside him.

Gong Qing understood, he took a few steps forward, "The emperor is not feeling well today, all the ministers have nothing to do with it, let's retreat."

As soon as Gong Qing said this, the courtiers below immediately fell silent, and then they all knelt down.

"Congratulations to the emperor."

"Congratulations to the emperor."

They knew Emperor Rui too well, so they simply thought they were noisy.

Every time I was bored in the past, I would use this excuse.

None of them dared to step forward to make trouble, because when Emperor Rui also retreated from the court before, he was caught by a speech officer.

In a rage, Emperor Rui even ordered someone to pull him out of the hall, beat him twenty times, and exiled him to a remote area.

Emperor Rui turned around and left the hall, but Yin Kun, who was kneeling on the ground, actually looked straight at the figure of the emperor leaving.

When the crowd dispersed, Yin Kun went towards the imperial study.

Seeing Gong Qing standing in the imperial study, Yin Kun immediately stepped forward.

"Eunuch Qing, if you want to find the emperor."

Gong Qing was not surprised to see Yin Kun coming here, and even directly opened the door of the imperial study.

"General Yin, the emperor has been waiting for a long time, please come in."

Yin Kun's eyes were filled with astonishment when he heard the words, and then became clear again.

He clasped his fists at Gong Qing and strode into the imperial study.

Walking inside, there were no eunuchs or maids around, and Yin Kun was even more sure that the emperor definitely knew why he did this time.

Thinking of this, Yin Kun took out the soldier talisman while walking inside.

Seeing the graceful and noble man sitting in front of the table, Yin Kun knelt down on both knees and clenched his hands into fists.

"I see the emperor, long live the emperor, long live the emperor."

Nie Ting looked at the middle-aged man kneeling on the ground below with playful eyes.

He didn't let the other party get up, but played with the white jade dragon pendant with pure jade quality, excellent oiliness and natural color in his hand.

The playful thin lips parted slightly, and a deep and warm voice sounded.

"General Yin raised a good daughter. It's a pity that such a wonderful person entered the palace. You also know that I was injured at the border, but it is difficult to have an heir. Even so, if there is a daughter like Ling Entering the palace to be accompanied by someone will definitely make my harem more lively, so you are here this time just to make your daughter come, right?"

 Thanks: One-man show, Nikki-Dress UP Queen [An Ran], and Qing’er for their rewards~\(≧▽≦)/~
(End of this chapter)

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