Quick Pass: The President's Guidebook

Chapter 419 Black Belly Emperor (7)

Chapter 419 Black Belly Emperor ([-])

Everything that happened on the Queen Mother's side was now reported to the Imperial Study Room.

The man sitting in front of the table rested his chin in one hand, listening to the report from the hidden guard who was kneeling on the ground.

It was a tall, handsome, domineering man.

The man's facial features are handsome and perfect as carved by God himself, his deep eyes are as quiet as water, and his eyes are filled with frost that will not melt for a thousand years.

His tall and stalwart figure made him stand out from the crowd even when he was sitting, and the air-conditioning all over his body acted as natural ice, bringing a little bit of coolness to this summer.

Listening to the words of the dark guard, the more he listened, the more obvious the curvature of the corner of his mouth became, and there was a playful smile on his face.

When the man laughed, those bright peach eyes were three parts charming, three parts evil, and four parts arrogant and unruly.

I believe that almost no woman in this world can resist that kind of smile.

It wasn't until the dark guard had finished speaking that Emperor Rui asked slowly, "Are you sure you're talking about the prostitute of General Yin's mansion, Yin Xian?"

"I'm sure, that person is Yin Xian, the daughter of the Yin family." The dark guard who was kneeling on the ground replied respectfully without raising his head.

After Emperor Rui heard this, the smile on his face became bigger and bigger.

Looking at the table, I don't know what I thought of, and I laughed softly.

"Hehe... General Yin, you gave birth to a good daughter."

The voice was very low, apart from Emperor Rui and the personal eunuch Gong Qing, almost no third person heard it.

Even the hidden guard who was kneeling not far away didn't hear it, which shows how low Emperor Rui's voice is.

"Okay, let's go down, any actions at the Taifu Hall must be reported in detail."

At this moment, Emperor Rui had foreseen how lively the harem would be after these women entered the palace.


Hearing Emperor Rui's words, the hidden guard disappeared into the room in a flash.

That skill, as well as the movements of coming and going without a trace, it can be seen that this is a master.

It wasn't until the hidden guard retreated that Emperor Rui looked at Gong Qing behind him.

"Gongqing, you said that the daughter of the Yin family has been silent for so many years, and suddenly she changed into this appearance. The woman who entered the palace today is a fake?"

When Emperor Rui looked at Gong Qing, his slender peach-blossom raccoon eyes were raised slightly.

He glanced at the other party seemingly casually, and even the smile on his lips deepened slightly.

It's just that kind of playful smile, I don't know who it is for.

When Gong Qing heard Emperor Rui's words, she was also puzzled.

When the empress dowager asked the emperor to choose a concubine, they already knew that the empress dowager was becoming restless, and they even knew what her plan was.

The emperor has already thought of a countermeasure, as long as he doesn't touch the women in the harem.

After all, one thing is true, that is, the emperor really did not move.

But the emperor never cared about this matter, because he was ruthless, loveless, and even cold-blooded.

Asking him to touch a woman he has never met before is like red rain.

Didn't hear Gong Qing's answer, Emperor Rui didn't care, his deep eyes looked towards a certain part of the room.

Opening her thin lips lightly, the charming voice with a hook sounded.

"Gongqing, I seem to be a little interested in that woman. This woman may make the boring days in the harem more lively."

This time Gong Qing replied to Emperor Rui's words, "Master, do you want to send someone to investigate this daughter of the Yin family again?"

Emperor Rui showed an extremely charming smile when he heard the words, and shook his head with a smile, "No need, it's only two days before people will enter the palace, and it will take a long time, so don't be in a hurry."

After hearing this, Gong Qing stood behind the man and began to wonder if the daughter of the Yin family would pose any threat to Emperor Rui if she entered the palace.

And Emperor Rui was stunned for a while, then walked into the side hall of the imperial study, wanting to rest for a while.

Since ascending the throne, there has never been the joy of conquest on the battlefield.

Now that this harem is about to enter a group of women, he would not have focused on those people.

But there happened to be a special case, which had to arouse his attention.

Emperor Rui was in this mood, but he was looking forward to it.


Here, Su Yun and Fu Ling left, stepped out of the palace gate, got into the carriage of the General's Mansion, and went straight to the General's Mansion.

Fu Ling also sat in the car with Su Yun.

Su Yun looked at Fu Ling's horrible face, she turned her hands behind her and took out a bottle of ointment from the storage space.

"Wipe your face, I believe it will be better after tomorrow."

Fu Ling had been sitting in the carriage in fear, after all, she had never encountered such a thing in the General's Mansion.

She even slapped the people around the queen mother, and at this time her heart was also in a state of turmoil.

Seeing the ointment that was suddenly delivered to her eyes, Fu Ling hurriedly said, "Miss, you don't need it, I'll just go back home and find some ointment for wounds."

Su Yun couldn't help but stuff the ointment into Fu Ling's hand.

"Fu Ling, what you have done today will definitely make the Queen Mother follow us. Are you still willing to accompany me into the palace?"

When Fu Ling heard this, she immediately knelt down in the carriage, "Miss, please don't want your servant, this servant has been with you since childhood and never goes anywhere."

Seeing Fuling like this, Su Yunu sighed, "Fuling, do you know that as long as you enter the palace, you will enter the vortex. In a place of right and wrong, a human life will not be regarded by anyone at all."

Fu Ling was stunned when she heard Su Yun's words, but then she became firm, "I swear to stay by your side to the death."

Su Yun saw the serious expression on Fu Ling's face, she said slowly, "You choose the path yourself, as long as you don't regret it, if you enter this palace, things like today will happen again, just remember, we are here The palace is still the people of the general's mansion.

The Empress Dowager and Emperor Rui are not of the same mind at all, the struggle between the two sides will inevitably involve us, the Empress Dowager has been paving the way for the King of Jin, this is a matter of the royal family, as long as we know it, we must not participate in it.

The Empress Dowager has already set her sights on these women who entered the palace. When the time comes, you have to be tough when facing the people in Taifu Palace, just like what I did today. As long as we never touch the boundary of Emperor Rui, he will not let us We had an accident in the palace.

In the palace, although we still have the General’s Mansion behind us, the distant water cannot save the near fire. Emperor Rui is our only life-saving talisman, but he will not touch any woman in the harem, but his eyeliner is everywhere in the palace, you understand ? "

What Su Yun said was just for Fu Ling to let her understand the current situation.

As for Emperor Rui being their life-saving talisman, this is also true.

As long as she didn't do what the original owner did, she must have turned the harem upside down, and this man would keep her safe.

Because the General's Mansion holds half of the military power in the Jinhua Kingdom, Emperor Rui will not let them have trouble just based on this.

Although Su Yun disdains this man's protection, the people around him must recognize the current situation. Only smart people can survive in the harem.

Since she decided to bring Poria into the palace, she must be responsible for it and not let her lose her life in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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