Quick Pass: The President's Guidebook

Chapter 399 Hidden Marriage Bamboo Horse, Tease 1 (28)

Chapter 399 Hidden marriage bamboo horse, tease one (28)
When Gu Munan saw Lei Jie, he pulled Su Yun and walked over him.

"Send the documents that need to be signed during this period to my office. I don't have much time."

Lei Jie followed behind the two of them, and when he heard this, he immediately said, "Okay, I'll send it over right away."

After speaking, Reggie turned and left.

And Gu Munan took Su Yun's hand and walked towards his office.

The office has a large space, and the decoration inside is also very simple and elegant, which suits Gu Munan's style very well. There are almost no other colors except black and white.

Gu Munan pulled Su Yun to the sofa, "Sit here for a while, and after I finish processing the documents, I will take you to eat delicious food."

Su Yun sat on the sofa, Gu Munan still had a gentle smile on his lips.

Looking at the well-behaved little woman, he bent down and approached her.

Seeing that the woman did not dodge, the smile on his face deepened.

He lightly touched Su Yun's forehead with his lips, then touched her head, turned around and walked towards the desk.

It didn't take long for Lei Jie to walk in with a stack of documents.

"It's all accumulated over time."

Lei Jie put those documents on the table, and looked at Gu Munan gloatingly.

Seeing so many documents, the latter looked up at Lei Jie with a very flat gaze.

But when Lei Jie saw this, he couldn't help but want to run away.

Because he knows this man too well, the more ordinary he is, the harder he will be in the future.

As expected.

Gu Munan said with a half-smile, "Are there so many files? It should have been accumulated for several months. Are you sitting too securely in your current position and want to change?"

Lei Jie also had a hard time saying, "Boss, you don't know that in the past month after you left, I was busy every day by myself. In the past, that guy Ruan Sicheng helped me, but now the activation dragon has disappeared At the end, I have tried my best, this month is still the peak season, and Gu's business is more."

When Gu Munan heard Lei Jie mentioning Ruan Sicheng, he couldn't help asking, "What's wrong with Ruan Sicheng?"

When he was in country M, apart from receiving a photo from Ruan Sicheng, he had almost no other communication contacts.

This is too abnormal, that guy is simply a restless master.

If there is no contact for such a long time, there must be something wrong.

When Lei Jie heard Gu Munan's question, he sat down on the chair in front of the desk.

"This guy, it's not like you don't know. He and the Zhou family often have conflicts. I don't know what happened this time. Zhou Bing, who has been clinging to Ruan Sicheng, has disappeared. This makes Ruan Sicheng very anxious. Now His whole person looks like neither human nor ghost, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

The status of the two families is there, and if it becomes a big trouble, it will not be good for their two families.

So when Zhou Bing disappeared, I thought it was a pretty good result, but looking at it now, it was simply killing people.

Zhou Bing's eldest brother seemed to know that his younger brother liked Ruan Sicheng, so he was not as close to the Ruan family as he was with him. Although Ruan Sicheng was still managing the Ruan family's business, he was like a walking dead. "

Until Lei Jie finished speaking, Gu Munan's frowning brows did not loosen.

Su Yun heard the conversation between the two, but did not interrupt.

But she didn't want to listen to the conversation between the two here, so she got up and said to Gu Munan, "I'll go for a walk to get some air."

Seeing that Su Yun stood up, Gu Munan had already made up his mind, so he nodded.

"Do you want me to arrange someone to accompany you?"

Su Yun shook her head when she heard the words, "No, this is the Gu family, what else can happen to me."

After speaking, Su Yun turned around and left the office.

When Lei Jie saw Su Yun turning and leaving, his eyes became serious.

He looked at Gu Munan and said, "You asked me to investigate, and I found out that my sister-in-law did have an accident at school, and the incident was not small."

Gu Munan frowned even more when he heard Lei Jie's words.


When Su Yun walked out of the office, he saw several desks before entering the door.

That's where Gu Munan's secretary sat.

When I entered Gu Munan's office, there were only two people sitting on the three desks.

At this time, she came out again, only to see a well-dressed and good-looking woman sitting on one of the previously vacant seats.

The woman also saw Su Yun's figure walking out, and looked at her with hostility.

Seeing this, Su Yun raised his eyebrows.

She understands this kind of hostility all too well, this is definitely Gu Munan's love affair.

Look at the woman's jealous eyes, and the hostile excitement of the other party.

Seeing the woman's gaze, Su Yun curled the corners of his mouth silently, and responded with a big and bright smile.

The woman was stimulated by Su Yun's smile, she got up and walked towards Su Yun.

"Miss, this is Gu's company, please don't move around, if something happens to the company, you can't afford it."

When Liu Yan went to the tea room earlier, she heard the president personally bring a woman.

And the attitude towards the other party is simply eye-opening, and the cold face that has not changed for thousands of years is also full of smiles.

Liu Yan has been Gu Munan's secretary for many years, and they are classmates. She has been with each other since the establishment of Gu Munan's company not long ago.

Originally thought that with the relationship between them, the other party would be hers sooner or later.

But today's news made her panic.

She had a great crisis for the woman she hadn't met.

She knows Gu Munan very well.

When I was in school, I was cold and kept away from strangers.

I haven't seen any woman beside him for so many years.

The woman who suddenly appeared by his side today can change him, how can this prevent Liu Yan from creating a crisis.

Because in the past few years, whenever Gu Munan went out to socialize, he almost always took her with him.

So in the eyes of a few people, she is already Gu Munan's girlfriend, or the future Mrs. Gu.

Now that a woman is inserted, Liu Yan is already upset.

Just as she was sitting on her seat, trying to find some excuse to enter the office to see what kind of woman she was, when Gu Munan brought her to the company, she heard the door of the office being opened.

Even saw the person she wanted to see.

When seeing the woman who walked out for the first time, the crisis in Liu Yan's heart became even greater.

Just because of the other person's face, delicate and sweet appearance, and his own temperament, he looks superior to others.

That pair of eyes looking at her made her even more ashamed.

When those eyes looked at her, it was as if they could see what was in her heart and all her thoughts about Gu Munan.

It could be seen that she was not afraid, but she couldn't sit still for the other party's provocative smile.

This made her even angrier, so she stood up without thinking, and came to the other party.

As for what she said, she didn't want to think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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